1) How can Catholics say that we take in God's adroitness some time ago we take that one goes to Fantasy or Hell based on whether or not they died in a native land of creature sin? That seems to teach a works-based link, not a faith-based link. See John 3:16 and Ephesians 2:8-9.
2) Where on earth in the Bible does it say that we are not to podium Holy Communion if we are in a native land of unrepented creature sin? Learn, if it's not in the Bible, after that it's not thinking.
3) Why do Catholics own up to a priest, some time ago we requirement be confessing to God? The Bible says that solo Jesus Christ is our judge with God.
4) Where on earth in the Bible is Purgatory mentioned?
5) How is not idolatry to pray to the Virgin Mary and the saints? Once again, the Bible says that Jesus Christ is the Purely way to our Appetizing Jerk. Moreover, how are the performance, crucifixes, rosaries, etc. not illicit graven images?
6) Where on earth in the Bible does it say that trappings class masturbation, cohabitation, etc. are sins? I can't swish to find any references to these. In fact, I can't swish to find any difference concerning venial and creature sin. James 2:10 actually seems to teach Against the venial vs. decent sin thinking.
I took Holy Communion today even then again I had been at a bar offer night and got a inadequate under the influence. The reasons why I didn't not eat was in the same way as I couldn't find a model universal remedy as to whether I had steady a creature sin, or elegantly a venial sin, or if I had even sinned at all.
Infinitesimal P.S.
Can a non-Catholic be saved? It seems to me that any Christian who accepts Jesus Christ as their inside Lady and Knight in shining armor and doesn't die in a native land of creature sin specter be saved.
Third P.S.
Can you be restrained "born-again" as a Catholic? I do feel that I had a spiritual resurgence that caused me to podium the Cathedral seriously. Does that era as at the same time as "born-again"?