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Friday, December 30, 2005

What Are The Golden Fleece Roman Eagle Star And Garter

What Are The Golden Fleece Roman Eagle Star And Garter Cover The Order of the Golden Fleece was founded by Philip, Duke of Burgundy, in 1429. The Roman Eagle was Rome's symbol and ensign of power and might a hundred years before Christ. The Order of the Star was created by John II of France in the middle of the Fourteenth Century. The Order of the Garter was founded by Edward III of England in 1349 for himself and twenty-five Knights of the Garter.

That the use of the apron as a badge is more ancient than these is a provable fact. In averring that it is more honorable, the premise "when worthily worn" is understood. The apron is "more honorable than the Star and Garter" when all that it teaches is exemplified in the life of the wearer.

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Aleister Crowley - The Star And The Garter
Helene Adeline Guerber - Myths Of The Norsemen From The Eddas And Sagas

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Picatrix In Spanish

Picatrix In Spanish Cover

Book: Picatrix In Spanish by Maslama Al Majriti

This is spanish translation of The Picatrix "The Goal of the Sage” is a Grimoire of uncertain origins, probably written circa 1256 CE. No author has been identified. The originally text was written in Arabic, with a Latin translation appearing approximately 1256 during the court of Alphonso X of Castile.

The work is divided into four Books. Book I contains a preface, information about the author and a summary of the material found in the four books. The chapters of Book I, delves into occult philosophy and astrology which is its main occult theme.

Book II continues, but in more dept with the mysteries of astrology, the talismanic art, the planets and the method of invocation of the spirits.

Book III continues with a discussion on the magical tools, inks, incense, perfumes, robes and metals, which are related to the planets. From a magical perspective this is an extremely important Book, as it also covers prayers and invocations of the seven planets and the gifts that can be gained from each, the ceremonies related to each planet, and the talismans of the planets themselves.

Editions appeared in German, being translated from Arabic by Ritter and Plessner (1962). There is also a Latin version by David Pingree, (1986). Ouroboros Press have published Books I and II in English (2002), but as far as we can tell there is no full English edition is available, although we believe that one is being prepared.

Download Maslama Al Majriti's eBook: Picatrix In Spanish

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Anonymous - A Picatrix Miscellany
Hellmut Ritter - Picatrix In German
Maslama Al Majriti - Picatrix In Spanish