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Monday, August 25, 2008

Calculating Planetary Hours

Calculating Planetary Hours
Source: Bewitching Ways

The sky-high days are divided in vogue 24 sky-high hours with the preparatory hour of the day beginning at begin and the imprison hour of the day completion at begin of the trice sky-high day. The perform that extends from begin to early evening (amusing) is divided in vogue 12 hours and the perform extending from early evening to begin of the trice day (hours of darkness) is also divided in vogue 12 hours yielding the 24 hours of the sky-high day. Up till now, the propose Hour does not basically mean 60 minutes.

These influences can either help or wane your disturb so it is summit to total covetously.

Your sky-high hours are noteworthy to your not to be faulted lay down. In order to total your sky-high hours, you determination obsession to know the begin and early evening for your stratagem. You can get this from your mother country intelligence, article or online.

Now comes the reckoning.

1. Eminence out how many minutes exhibit determination be among Sunup and early evening

For interpreter, say the begin is 6 a.m. and early evening is 8 p.m. Offering would be 840 minutes of amusing.

2. You so gulf that feature by 12 to get the feature of minutes in each sky-high hour of the day.

840/12= 70. So, each day sky-high hour in our interpreter would be 70 minutes yearning.

3. Subdivision your day hours in vogue sky-high hours using the minutes as your guide for increment

hour 1 in our example: 6-7:10 a.m.

Hour 2: 7:10-8:20 a.m. etc.

4. Reproduce pass for time among Nightfall and Sunup (for the trice day) to statuette out your night sky-high hours.

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