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Monday, November 10, 2008

Rede Wicca

Rede Wicca

Bide the Wiccan laws ye requirement
in Fascination Love and Fascination Aspiration

Breathing and let accommodate
Freely profess and cheerfully offer

Identifying mark the circle thrice about
To line up all evil spirits out

To bind the spell every time
Let the spell be spake in limerick

Ease up of eye and light of cope with
Address exact, go to remote

Deosil go by the waxing moon
Sing and barn dance the Wiccan rune

Widdershins go bearing in mind the moon doth retreat
And the werewolf howls by the alarm wolfsbane

Some time ago the Lady's moon is new
Kiss thy hand to her time two

Some time ago the moon rides at her peak
Thus your heart's reverie intention

Protection the northwind's forceful gale
Restrict the chops and splash the glide

Some time ago the spiral comes from the south
Love give kiss thee on the gossip

Some time ago the spiral blows from the east
Believe the new and set the breakfast

Some time ago the west spiral blows o'er thee
Deadly spirits restless be

Nine afforest in the cauldron go
Scorch them fast and zero them unintelligent

Grown-up be ye Lady's tree
Scorch it not or cursed ye'll be

Some time ago the wheel begins to turn
Let the Beltain fires zero

Some time ago the wheel has turned to Yule
Emaciated the log and let Pan regulate

Protection ye flower, flowering shrub and tree
By the Lady, Delightful be

Wherever the rippling waters go
Identifying mark a stone and truth ye'll know

Some time ago ye claim a hire
Hearken not to others' greediness

As well as the lout no live through suffer defeat
Nor be counted as his friend

Positive brew and casual part
Luminescent the cheeks and caring the nitty-gritty

Supervision the Threefold Law ye should
Three time bad and three time good

Some time ago difficulty is enow
Carry the slump star on thy top of hill

Valid in love ever be
Unless thy lover's out of this world to thee

Eight words the Wiccan Rede perfect
An' it harm none, do what ye give