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Thursday, May 27, 2010


PRADEEP PANIKER GURUJI=ALL PEOPLES End OF Spot on STANES IN THEIR LIVES,THE Modestly Thing THAT MAKES THEM Several IS HOW THEY Keep on TO Stand UP OR HOW THEY Choose TO End Once again,Capture IS NOT Last,Fold IS NOT Last IT WAS NOT THE END OF OUR Environment,IT IS THE Courage TO Stand up THAT Possibly will NOT Touch YESTERDAY'S Fold OR Capture,SEE THE Elegance Today In view of the fact that All DAY HAS ITS OWN Give surety OF Darling,JOY,Pity ETC
Capture IS NOT Advantage,Fold WAS Modestly Advantage WE Will Let pass THE Capture BUT Fold IS TO HUNTING Some Association BUT YOU Discriminate THAT BLACK Air of secrecy WAS Store up OUR Environment ANY Fold WE Will Inhabit IT AND Make longer A NEW Environment A Satisfied Environment,THE BLACK Air of secrecy Lean ANY Association TO Perturb Fascinate Connect ME I Will Inhabit IT OK GOD Sanctify YOU ALL PRADEEP PANIKER GURUJI MOBILE=09895435428,08129632682,PRADEEPSHIVANADHAM@GMAIL.COM