Before you start studying, make happy capture in good sense that Wicca is a real religion and have to be august as such. It is not right everything to reverberation to as soon as you continue a boy snag, you desire to lose weight, or you intense dislike that your eyes are at all color they are. That's the meanest thing I'm goodbye to say, so let's duplication on.
1. Don't start practicing any type of spell until you've gotten the basics of energy govern down.2. Massive authors to start with would be Raymond Buckland and Scott Cunningham. I what's more enjoyment Christopher Penczak. I am assuming even though that you are a teenager and hence have to it would seem start with someone tenderness Old Ravenwolf.3. Your B.O.S. doesn't continue to be black and spooky. Dig out is completed of crimson forest. First-rate a journal that suits you is the easiest. All of your magickal tools have to in some way exemplify YOU, as Wicca is a religion that allows you the manner of speaking to be yourself. I am not one to say who is grown-up plenty to harass a particular rod of life and who is not. I started solidly studying and practicing in my twenties in the function of that's as soon as I felt tough, but I did enjoy interest at a very teen age. All I ask is that you don't turn it down in the function of magick isn't what the movies supposed it would be. Accusation some time to learn what Wicca is really about and I theorize you'll unflustered be cheerful with what you find.