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Friday, July 20, 2007

Freemasonry And Sabaeanism

Freemasonry And Sabaeanism Cover The doctrine of the Sabians, termed Sabaeanism or Sabianism, is a form of idolatry which consists in worshiping the sun, moon, and stars, in other words, heliolatry. Although the rituals of Freemasonry refer to the sun, moon, and stars, and their images are incorporated on masonic regalia, this is symbolism, not a form of worship.

As has been stressed throughout this FAQ, Freemasonry is not a religion... in any form. There is no part of worship in the rituals of Freemasonry, although a careless reading might suggest otherwise. Within Freemasonry, metaphor, simile, allegory and symbolism are the tools used to teach certain lessons. They are not instructions in worship, Sabaean or otherwise.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Freemasons What They Are What They Do What They Are Aiming At

The Freemasons What They Are What They Do What They Are Aiming At Cover

Book: The Freemasons What They Are What They Do What They Are Aiming At by Louis Gaston De Segur

It is important to remember that this book was written in France in the year 1869. The author, Louis Gaston de Segur (1820-1881) was a French Bishop and French apologist. He dedicated himself to the evangelization of the people in Paris; the children, the poor, the imprisoned soldiers to whom he was the volunteer and gratuitous chaplain. Besides his apostleship and ministry he was also engaged in writing. Some of his writings were destined to make known or defend Catholic ideas concerning questions which occupied public attention; others to extend or to confirm his apostolate of preaching. The author intended his apologetic books for the people and for all who ignored religion. They were mostly brief pamphlets vigilant, full of vivacity and spirit, written with a frankness wholly French in a popular style, sprinkled with caustic irony. His zeal was crowned with success, his little books attained numerous editions. This book is a spirited, caustic, and very frank look at Freemasonry in 1869.


The Name Freemason ---- There is Freemason and Freemason ---- What is the Secret of the Customary Recruiting of Freemasonry? ---- With what Ceremonies one is made a Freemason ---- First and Terrible Trial of the Apprentice Mason ---- The Three Journeys; a Second Trial of the Apprentice Mason ---- The Final Trials ---- The Oath ---- Of the Degree of Companion, the Second Masonic Degree ---- Of the Third Degree, the Degree of Master Mason ---- Of the High Degrees of Freemasonry ---- Of the High Degree of Judge-Philosopher-Grand-Commander-Unknown ---- Of the High Degree Knight Kadosch ---- Of the High Degree of Rosicrucian ---- Of True Freemasonry, which is Occult, and all Secret ---- Horrible Excesses Practiced by the Masons of the Back Lodges ---- What the Brothers of the Back Lodges Think and Say of, and Expect to do with, their Dear Brothers of the Exterior Lodges ---- How the Masons of the Back Lodges make use of, and Manage the Princes and Noblemen who Join Freemasonry ---- Does Masonry Love the Poor as it would have us Believe? ---- That Freemasonry is, in spite of its Sayings, Essentially Impious, Anti-Christian and Atheist ---- About Adoption by Freemasonry, otherwise Female Freemasonry ---- How Masonry Finds its Happiness in the worship of the Sun ---- The Masonic Press ---- That Freemasonry is Beginning to lay Hold on Youth by Means of Instruction and Education...

Buy Louis Gaston De Segur's book: The Freemasons What They Are What They Do What They Are Aiming At

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Does Freemasonry Promote Ecumenism Or Syncreticism

Does Freemasonry Promote Ecumenism Or Syncreticism Cover No.

Ecumenism is defined as a Perspective representing the whole Christian world or seeking world-wide Christian unity. Syncretism is an attempt to unify or reconcile differing schools of thought or theology.

Freemasonry does not view itself as qualified to hold or promote any opinion on the beliefs of Christianity or any religion. Freemasonry requires its members to respect different religious views, not necessarily to accept them. It makes no attempt to reconcile differences of religion and belief, only to promote an Understanding of similarities.

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John Dee - The Rosie Crucian Secrets
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Monday, July 2, 2007

Freemasons For Dummies

Freemasons For Dummies Cover

Book: Freemasons For Dummies by Christopher Hodapp

Freemasons for Dummies is an excellent introduction to the mysteries of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. If you know nothing about Masonry and are perhaps curious about this ancient fraternity, Freemasons for Dummies will answer most of your questions. Even if you were made a Mason long ago and have many years of experience in the Craft, you will still likely find a thing or two of interest in the pages of this book.

Freemasons For Dummies is the internationally best-selling introduction to the Masons, the oldest and largest "secret society" in the world. This balanced, eye-opening guide demystifies Freemasonry, explaining everything from its elaborate rituals and cryptic rites, to its curious symbols and their meanings. Find out what goes on in a Masonic meeting. You'll understand the true purposes of Masonic "secrecy" and philosophy, meet famous Masons throughout history, and discover related organizations like the Knights Templar, the Scottish Rite, Order of the Eastern Star, and the Shriners. Explore the controversies and conspiracy theories that swirl around this organization at the center of Dan Brown's novel The Lost Symbol, and discover the changes coming to the Craft.

Freemasons for Dummies is written by Chris Hodapp, a Past Master of Masonic Lodges in Indiana, and a member of the Royal Arch Masons, Cryptic Masons, and the Knights Templar, along with many other accomplishments in Masonry. Chris Hodapp is certainly well qualified and knowledgeable about Masonry, and shares this knowledge in an enjoyable, easy to read writing style, that makes Freemasons for Dummies both informative and fun to read.

The book is divided into six major sections:

1. What Is Freemasonry ~ a history of Masonry, along with its philosophy and a discussion of some of ceremonies.
2. The Mechanics Of Freemasonry ~ explaining how Freemasons are organized, more about ceremonies, and the symbols of Freemasonry, along with a discussion of the myths and misconceptions surrounding the Masons.
3. Knights, Swords, Fezzes, And Dresses ~ discussing the appendant bodies of Freemasonry, such as the York and Scottish Rites, the Mystic Shrine, and the extended Masonic family.
4. Freemasons Today And Tomorrow ~ Is Masonry still relevant today? What is the future of the Masons? And... how to become a Mason yourself - 2B1Ask1.
5. The Part Of Ten ~ This section discusses 10 groups of famous Masons, 10 anti-Mason hoaxes and conspiracies, and 10 places of Masonic excellence: including the Freemason's Hall in Philadelphia, the Templar Church in London, and Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland.
6. Appendixes ~ Here we find the "Regius Manuscript", Anderson's Constitutions, and a list of the Grand Lodges throughout the United States and Canada.

While there are certainly much grander tomes written about the Craft of Freemasonry and its mysteries, Freemasons for Dummies should not be discounted as a serious reference. Freemasons for Dummies is well-written, informative, and highly recommended for anyone interested in the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons.

I wouldn't have thought the subject matter would fit the "For Dummies" format very well, but it does. Although the book is encyclopedic in its coverage, it's always clear and lively, and it never takes itself too seriously. It's a fun and informative read, as well as a reference to return to. I recommend it as the best introduction to Freemasonry I've found.

Buy Christopher Hodapp's book: Freemasons For Dummies

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