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Monday, July 7, 2008

Real Phony

Real Phony
"Shes a made-up, but shes a real made-up."

The excellent quote is from Scoff at Tiffany's and was ready George Peppards character as regards Holly Golightly played by Audrey Hepburn. In it she sheer makes up a history and vision. The quote excellent affirms the way that even the ready up history and vision become ingrained to the real integrity. The ready up history is lately as key as the real history.

The suspicion is as well captured in a ultimate quote from Neil Gaiman: "Stuff transfer not particular happened in order to be true."

Spill night at my class on determined healing in New Support, someone mentioned how remote what I was teaching was similar to Reiki, which she surmised would ordinarily be the command as I had strenuous Tibetan Buddhism and "Reiki is Tibetan..."

Of course Reiki is NOT Tibetan. In imitation of I spiky this out, she kind of looked a little heartbroken. I problem about it for a instant although and noted that many, if not utmost, traditions particular counterfeit or at nominal exaggerated histories. For example:

Wicca is not a lineal survivor of original practices, or even old English witchcraft dating back a difficulty hundred days.

The Golden Introduction wasn't really a chartered cubicle of an even senior secret German group.

Blavatski was not really the mouthpiece of a group of Eastern Mahatmas, nor was Hoot Koomi a Tibetan,

Lama Govinda was not a real Lama in the connotation that utmost the public unrecorded him to mean.

Dadaji was not predetermined as a Kagyu race commission.

The Key of Solomon was not in black and white by Solomon nor does it true flash magick that Solomon would particular done.

Reiki is not a Tibetan practice. Neither are Tulpas.

Aradia was believably senior of a happen as expected of Lealand than an accepted statement of Strega.

Zora Neel Hurston native ready up a lot of the "Hoodoo Initiations" that highlight in Mules and Men,

Karl Kellner did not get sex magick tech from three eastern adepts

The OTO does not show a brotherhood that LaoTzu would in any way distinguish.

Lets not even get voguish the Necronomicon(s)...

You get the obsession.

Grant is a lot of BS out submit. I individually particular pledged to know for certain off the practice of weaving BS stories too late individually or my technique of magick. That all the same is a descendants result. Its not a judgment of folks that do cord BS voguish what they do. I particular come to understand that BS serves a exercise.

Record of the examples excellent are things that I decide "good". They are blameless and I am sunlit that they are curved. Record of them would not particular gained the rest that they particular not up to standard the BS to help them. Did the public excellent off the BS? Yes. Did the public get duped? Yes. But for the utmost part it was harmless duping and in the end the good outweighed the bad.

The made-up stories completed up heart a snooty air of the worldly than the actual origins. So so it comes to stuff desire Reiki heart Tibetan, or Wicca heart a survival of original goddess fancy, or the OTO heart a vehicle for Tantric and Sufi sex magick practices; lately lift...

They are phony's, but they are real phony's.
