Sunday (The Sun)The energy of Sunday is male. Sunday is the best day of the week to work with issues connecting fathers and other order figures. Sunday's are firm fro working on questions of imperative, money, prosperity and power. They are excessively good for focusing on your health, vitaility and eventMonday (The Moon) The energy of Monday is associated with the moon and is female. This is a firm day to work with moon energy so you constrain equally to do forecast. This is excessively a good time to sincere on issues connecting mothers, crop growing, fruitfulness and levitate. Monday is a good time to work for intensity, beauty or help with women's issues.Tuesday (Mars)Tuesday is full of the male energy of Mars. This energy is one of fortitude, knock and lust/ This is a good time to include concentration to issues problem with manipulation, counterpart, tussle and leftover. Tuesday's are excessively good for questions of money, staying power and imperativeWednesday (Mercury)Wednesday is named for Mercury, a humanity with male energy. This is a firm day fro working with communications, pondering, self verbal communication, wisdom and the arts. The energy of Mercury life-force excessively aid magic having to do with issues of addiction and psychology. Wednesday's are excessively good to do forecast.Thursday (Jupiter)The male energy of Jupiter prevails on Thursday's. This energy is conductive to work with levitate and start, inflexible, prosperity, pit, knock and health. Thursday's are excessively firm get older to sincere your magic on the big trade in your life.Friday (Venus)Friday is associated with Venus and has female energy. This day is firm fro plant having to do with love, beauty and romance. The Venus energy of Friday's life-force excessively aid magic and connecting healing, protection, courtesy, reliability, accountability and wonams issues.Saturday (Saturn)The Saturn energy is female. This is a good day to work with forecast and psychic abilities. Saturn energies life-force aid magic headed for the deep-rooted, shut down, death and end of life issues. Saturday is excessively good to do binding spells and to conception with constrictions, precincts or faithlessness in your life.