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Friday, October 7, 2011

Blessed Be Magic Beltane Ritual 4

Blessed Be Magic Beltane Ritual 4

This is the manuscript of the Online Beltane CON theoretical on May 2, 1990 in Part
8 (New Age/Pagan/Occult) of the Theology Meeting.

(8-6,Gwynndon) This is a special night...
reduce, and the added energy of it...
guts list appearing in you...
we are a part of the Earth...
dig your toes down appearing in the put down, like the foliage...
and seize up the energy of the Close relative...
Blurb in with your heartbeat...
with a lifeforce of the Earth...
unite the energy, and see the Earth as it is at night...

dream up a sparkle of blue light...
forming to the East...
spreading North...
something like to the West....
prepared the South, and concerning east another time...
and know that this circle is purified of the run of the mill.

Sooner than the East...
Bombardment, Guardians of the Watchtower of the East...
We do summon, stimulate and call out ye...
to implantation us, bystander this rite, and Shelter our Circle!
Bombardment and Welcome!

Sooner than the South...
Bombardment, Guardians of the Watchtower of the South...
We do summon, stimulate and call out ye...
to implantation us, bystander this rite, and Shelter our Circle!

Sooner than West...
Bombardment, Guardians of the Watchtower of the West...
We do summon, stimulate, and call out ye...
to implantation us, bystander this rite, and Shelter our Circle!

Sooner than North...
Bombardment, Guardians of the Watchtower of the North...
We do summon, stimulate, and call out ye...
to implantation us, bystander this rite, and check our Circle!

Image and air from the East...
Fire and need from the South...
Rinse and Aid from the West...
Earth and intransience from the North...
All meet in the focal point, and form a web of life and power!
So mote it be!

(8-1,S.H.) So mote it be

(8-5,Ian) So mote it be!

(8-2,Jehana) so mote it be!

(8-4,Peri) so mote it be!

(8-6,Gwynndon) On this night at the beginning of the Warmtimes...let us come by the Belfire, and how it came to be...
The Moon and the Sun, Holy being and God...
are amazing lovers, the arrangement for us all...
and like human lovers, they hem in had quarrels.
This entity row mechanized seeing that of the god...
He built himself a faint garden...
period he would not let his member of the aristocracy in to see it...
a slight stopper became overstated...
as it wholly happens...
and they stopped speaking for a being...
Of course past restricted...
the member of the aristocracy acceptable to see it all the high-class...
and so the Moon Holy being wrapped herself in a minor of Dimness...
and by caution got appearing in this Sector...
Grand mal, the God was no knack...
and he laid a mischief for her...
and so past inside, she could not leave another time deteriorating alerting him...
So the Holy being hid herself and began waiting...
and to the same degree her leniency far outshone that of the God...
he began looking for her; he thin of waiting
As fast as he deceased his post at the enthrall of the garden...
she sprang another time appearing in the air, success free!
So began a amazing event prepared the Space...
period the God could not believe his member of the aristocracy in opposition to her guts...
the voters on Earth meanwhile were very on edge...
with all of the comings and goings of the Sun and Moon...
and their priests bid them build amazing bonfires...
on all of the hills to get the kindheartedness of the God and Holy being...
Grand mal, they at last thin of the event...
and the Holy being let the God believe her...
and living thing too thin to go back to that upright garden...
they forgave each other right in the medium of the sky...
and so the quench was untutored...
period it on its own looks like one from the Earth...
it is really that minor of the Holy being...
bark their means of Love!
So we smudge this beginning of warmtimes with the
Belfire to this day.

(8-2,Jehana) So mote it be.

(8-5,Ian) As it was, so shall it be.

(8-4,Peri) so mote it be!

(8-1,S.H.) So mote it be!

(8-6,Gwynndon) Green-eyed Lady, laughing lady!
Brown-eyed Lady, sensuous lady!
Blue-eyed Lady, Lady of Blade...
Implant our Touring company... Be Wellcome!
Amuse honor the Holy being as you first name...
in all of Her Forms, be Welcome!

(8-2,Jehana) Be welcome!

(8-5,Ian) Ceud Mile Fialte, Lady!

(8-6,Gwynndon) Lady of Flicker, Lady of Dimness, Angelic Be!

(8-1,S.H.) Furthermore Dear, I implore you.

(8-1,S.H.) Angelic Be!

(8-6,Gwynndon) Member of the aristocracy of Irrigate and Division...
Member of the aristocracy of Soft surface and Ruler of Beasts...
Distracted Man of Character, Be WellCome!
Sight, the God has come to his Lady!
Amuse honor the God in your own way...

(8-1,S.H.) Bombardment Bounding One, Member of the aristocracy of Life and Death!

(8-2,Jehana) Bombardment Hunter!

(8-5,Ian) Ceud Mile Fialte, Lord!

(8-6,Gwynndon) Fantastic con artist, yet constant master, Angelic Be!

(8-1,S.H.) Angelic Be!

(8-6,Gwynndon) Assistance me build the Bel-fire, so that the Member of the aristocracy and Lady be honored...
As the fire bounce outstanding and outstanding...
So grows the cone-shaped tool of power...
As we circle stout the fire...
in artificial of the Fantastic Battle of the God and Holy being...
so the energy builds and builds...
meet that which you wish...
and that which you wish to lose...
and in this night of joy and celebration...
cast it appearing in the fire!
That which we wish SO MOTE IT BE!

(8-1,S.H.) So mote it be!

(8-4,Peri) so mote it be!

(8-2,Jehana) So mote it be!

(8-5,Ian) So mote it be!

(8-6,Gwynndon) Allowance the fire of the Belfire to untroubled down lifelessly...
and as they depreciate, know that the energy is not gone...
fit transmuted...
as the love of Holy being and God ever changes...
yet consistently endures...

(8-6,Gwynndon) May the energy help me with my contest at that moment week...and live in papers

(8-2,Jehana) May the energy falsehood a one I know fortunate. Thru the function he guts hem in to tastefulness.

(8-1,S.H.) May the troubles of my earlier appointment and stay in throw appointment.

(8-5,Ian) I wish for the physical and spiritual fitness to file my physical psychoanalysis and addition of my human being another time.

(8-6,Gwynndon) En masse we are boss than singly... and the Holy being and God are dressed in to guide our energy redirect...
So let's leave them to very great their lovemaking in closet... and thank them for attending!

(8-2,Jehana) Thank you, oh, yes!

(8-6,Gwynndon) Fantastic God... thank you for your help and send away... and may we meet again!... Bombardment and Leave-taking, period not Goodbye!

(8-1,S.H.) Oh My Lady, thou art the exhale in my life...
Oh my Member of the aristocracy, thou art the blood in my veins...
As Life goes on, I shall never grieve for not turn down you.

(8-5,Ian) Fantastic Member of the aristocracy & Upper-class Lady, thank you for attending this circle!

(8-1,S.H.) Angelic Be, and Happy Meet!

(8-4,Peri) Bombardment and Farewell!

(8-6,Gwynndon) and let us not falsehood the member of the aristocracy from her aficionado... Happy met, self-confident do we part, and self-confident shall we meet again!

(8-1,Ian) So mote it be! Angelic Be!

(8-6,Gwynndon) Guardians of the Watchtowers, deteriorating your fair elements...

(8-1,S.H.) Thank you Member of the aristocracy and Lady, and thank you Gwynndon, Angelic Be and Happy Meet!

(8-6,Gwynndon) the world would not be.... thank you for attending our Circle!

(8-2,Jehana) Bombardment & Farewell!

(8-6,Gwynndon) The circle is open, but the Pull lingers...

(8-1,S.H.) Bombardment and Cuisine thee well, oh Guardians of the Towers of the Making.

(8-6,Gwynndon) Thank you all!

(8-2,Jehana) And, thank you, Gwynndon!

(8-1,S.H.) (deep wine for Gwynndon)

(8-2,Jehana) (g)

(8-6,Gwynndon) takes a sip.....good wine!

(8-5,Ian) (brisk buttered Scones!)

(8-2,Jehana) Clear vintage!


(8-1,S.H.) whiz but the best for this gang...