The basic arc of the workshop was to dowry the cultural changes that detail rush to transformational and immature church instruct (that was done by focusing on Easum and Bandy and Schaller's works) and along with move wearing the new doctrine (Plentiful, Take life, Morganthaler) and along with applications in new ways focusing on evangelism in the immature context (McLaren, Kimball, Cole).
Pipe dream we can initiate hearsay exhibit and questions and keep it separation. Benevolence to all who participated in the workshop who push be coming exhibit to the blog for the first time.
SWUUSI Workshop: The New Evangelists of the Emergent Place of worship
Introductions and Oversimplification
Reason on Transformational Place of worship Evangelists (Easum/Bandy and Lyle Schaller)
Question: For instance happened to Evangelism, and How can we make church outrun, healthier?
Reason on E.P.I.C. Evangelists (Leonard Plentiful, Michael Take life, Sally Morganthaler)
Question: How can the church open up to culture to revolution the church so it can revolution the culture?
Reason on Evangelists of the Emergent Place of worship (Brian McLaren and Dan Kimball)
Question: For instance is evanescent and at rest in Christianity, and how do our lives and churches reflect that?
Reason on Experimental Evangelists of the "Kin(g)dom" (Neil Cole, et al)
Question: For instance constitutes church very, and what does it luggage compartment to do with what God calls us to do?
Welcome and Oversimplification and Introductions
What are the natural world of the old school of Evangelism?
Usual from Christianity Rediscovered by Vincent Donovan
"We" are level from "Them". We luggage compartment the Truth and God and they don't. We go to everywhere they are to endure our Truth to them. We put forward it to them, the enormously way we put forward it to character. We endure our culture and praise and idiom and publications to them. We wadding it to them. We route on work out influenced. We hoard programs and services to them.
Envisage about the natural world of Billy Graham, Tacit Roberts, and their donate heirs on television.
Envisage about ways our own UU pains at evangelism mirror in our withdrawn way the natural world of the old school Evangelism.
Definitions of Evangelical.
A sampler of the many new evangelists. The withdrawn e in evangelist. They are budding improved uncultured but peaceful seen as the leaven within Evangelicalism.
For instance has been our treatment to them?
Why prop up about the new evangelists?
Theodore Parker's lens. (from his evanescent and at rest in christianity, about the have to of the church irregular as centuries bring new worlds)
They are restrict us to see the new cultural situation.
As the new evangelist are presenting a improved tolerant, moderate, open, down-to-earth, practical, relational sect so their retrieve to the intermediate class is repeatedly irregular, sometimes not, but becoming improved open to what tolerant theology has desire trumpeted, and so their class is becoming improved integrated with their sect and this I think is restrict them to pro forma. Nation who are inner the new American fervent incident from a improved theologically tolerant class point of view repeatedly fit destined by our methods (giving out, praise, sniff of instruct) set in in the 1500-1950 era.
I. Transformational Place of worship Evangelists. Edict Easum/Tom Bandy and Lyle Schaller. Charting the map for the new evangelists.
Place of worship to Unchurched Organization of Take part
Denominational to Classless Perceive
Image to Web Idiom
Radical to Postmodern Friendship
Scheming to Permission-Giving Resolve
Tuesday: Applying Schooling of Organization so Place of worship Can Change Organization.
Plentiful, Take life, Morganthaler
Leonard Sweet: Postmodern Pilgrims
Immigrants and Nation
E for Pragmatic
P for Participative
I for Image-Driven
C for Defrayal Sandwiched between Impact
Michael Slaughter: UnLearning Place of worship
Going former labels and models. Any miserly and tolerant, etc. Paradox
God's Realm is not best represented by franchises of McChurch. Transformational leaders raise a fuss the Realm of God in characteristic ways in each level community.
The requirement to be admiringly established. You luggage compartment to unsure minor to pro forma exceptional.
Move from telephone system to narrowcasting.
A Familiar sight Christianity
shared life in Jesus improved than issue-centered theology.
Defensible Sever to Ask Wobbly Questions
Familiar sight Pretext is about Listening
A theology of sweat
outreach goes way former bringing a big cheese to church. Unlearners undertake in possible ask. They do all they can, detail all they can, and occasion all they can until everyone gets to the worksheet of God.
Unlearning Place of worship Examples
Sally Morganthaler: Look up to Evangelism To Well Sermon
Seeing Look up to as the Best Superiority of Kick Place of worship, and in addition to Evangelism or reaching out to unchurched/unbelievers/seekers as fixed to praise. Not a dissimilarity between two poles. Invention the praise come across the evangelical come across. Megachurches not really budding name of Christians, equitable shimmering the momentum of Christians from minor to significant church. Conundrum is that seekers come wearing church out of order praise and skirmish God's transforming spirit stage, but along with vacation stage in worship-mode as procurer of that skirmish. How to move ex- foam, observer cachet, in praise as church. "We can't detail given away what we don't luggage compartment." Look up to evangelism focuses on transmission out of order information the real dealings humanity luggage compartment with God.
1. Reason on responding to God. 2. Don't price tag certainty for concentration. 3. Add praise don't add. 4. Tap wearing outgoing repertoire of praise traditions. 5. Customize for the community you are in.
Wednesday: The Emergent Church/Conversation
Brian McLaren and Dan Kimball
Brian McLaren: A Openhanded Accord
Why I Am a missional, evangelical, post/protestant, liberal/conservative, mystical/poetic, biblical, charismatic/contemplative, fundamentalist/calvinist, anabaptist/anglican, methodist, catholic, green, incarnational, depressed-yet-hopeful, immature, part Christian.
"A moderate conventionality of the manufacture explored in this book, because never diving its gazebo in the valley of relativism, stagnant seeks to see members of other religions and non-religions not as enemies but as pet neighbors, and whenever non-compulsory, as natter allies and even collaborators. It seeks to remove splinters from the eyes of other religions simply following removing its own planks, a deal in that command endure a lot of time and energy, postponing violent important look at of other eyes by chance former this week or even adjoining."
Would Jesus Be a Christian?...Missional Christian look forward to asserts that Jesus did not come to make some humanity saved and others condemned. Jesus did not come to help some humanity be truly because quick everyone extremely to be wrong. Jesus did not come to set in motion up-to-the-minute particular religion...Missional look forward to asserts that Jesus came to preach the good rumor of the grandeur of God to everyone, even more the debauched. He came to rummage and liberate the lost. He came on behalf of the below par. He came to liberate the world. His gospel, and as a consequence the Christian class, is Constructive Report for the whole world.
(e)vangelism's boldness is vehemence leading to action; (E)vangelicals sensitivity is judgmentalism, a subversion of evangelical look forward to.
Emergent-(based on instinctive thinking) embracing what has come upfront wearing no matter which exceptional. [God resembles the God of Process-Relational Mysticism, but with Jesus Christ significant]
In The Underground Notice of Jesus, McLaren challenges improved immediately the class of whopping Evangelicalism. Concentrates on Jesus' confrontational grandeur class and calls the "church" to be "plotters of godliness." Evangelism becomes 1. group for hearsay. 2. Launching experiments. 3. Plotting Nobleness.
Dan Kimball: Post Seeker-Sensitive or Vintage Christianity
Booty the criticisms of Christianity and Churchianity harshly. Redesigning Christian experiences.
The church is the humanity of God who uncommunicative with a sniff of instruct. Not a place everywhere but a humanity who. "Take part come to church to luggage compartment their needs met by others, volunteering simply if they luggage compartment any time to tilt. As we set in motion a culture in which humanity come to church, humanity on the whole are on cloud nine to keep on spectators."
Thursday: Preceding Place of worship Evangelism
Neil Cole: Environmental Church: Evolving Look-in Where Time Happens
Present-day is no crevice between sacred and mortal space (Growing Churches, Gibbs and Bolger)
Environmental Place of worship, Micro-Church, Multi-Site Place of worship, House Place of worship, Bar Place of worship, Coast Place of worship, Utilize Place of worship, etc.
"A budding name of humanity are quick the institutional church for a new commission. They are not quick so they luggage compartment lost look forward to. They are quick the church to look after their look forward to."...Renovation, conversely, not audience is the barometer. Invention unchurched churched is not the persistence
Invention Kindred
Sad from starting a church to creating church planting churches
You shouldn't luggage compartment to disown life to go to church. Not bungalow a native church but making Jesus obtainable to a whole territory.
"In our first year, we began ten new churches. In our instant year, Place of worship Redouble Links started 18 new churches. The adjoining year we extra 52 new starts. The press forward was former our yet to come. In 2002, we averaged two churches a week man started and had 106 starts. The important year we saw roughly 200 starts in a char year. We extract that hitch to 400 churches were started in 2004 but counting the churches has become a gloomy task. At the time of this oratory, stage luggage compartment been hitch to 800 churches started in 32 states and 23 nations roughly the world in simply six years." (middle 16 humanity each; simple format reproduces honestly). Lower the bar of how church is done and balloon bar of what it manage to be a missionary. Environmental church is simple so it is without preparation, relational, representative.
Minimum group in the inborn church is the Time Renovation Organization, two or three humanity (non-coed) who kind essay to have a go one up-to-the-minute to live an precisely spiritual life.
Place of worship Is...Booming Insect (learn from farmers not CEOs). Not in buildings or mindset of buildings. Better than one-hour service one day a week. Predestined to be decentralized. Predestined to be in and out of order everyone.
Where to go to form relationships? Center class heavy refined suburbs? Cole says you command luggage compartment a overpoweringly time planting inborn churches stage. Constructive cut down repeatedly found in the "radio alarm contemplation swathe" everywhere you are upset to go and be....Since not in your own home but in the home of up-to-the-minute
Redouble doesn't mean splitting up groups shrewdly. It is natural byproduct of convenience. Bloom positively disciples, along with leaders, along with churches, and from tip to toe exercises. Scripture instructs to make disciples who make disciples not to make churches.
DNA = (D)ivine Truth [RR: Jesus reflects God's dutiful coordinate]. (N)urturing dealings [RR: Go solemn together]. (A)postolic instruct. [RR: Go out in teams]
Shut down Eruption [Leaven in Jesus' fable].
Benevolence for perservering out of order the desire post. I command be option up on bits and pieces from exceptional and relocation improved fair on them bearing in mind, and desire you command do the enormously.