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Thursday, September 26, 2013

St John Wine

St John Wine
In the Christian calendar the third day of Christmas is unconditional quiet to St. John, the love fan. Because of Germany and Austria, it is nevertheless organized to feature the priest bless the wine on this day. The resulting "St John's wine" is premeditated very lucky and is rumored to feature healing properties. It is conserved here and there in the appointment, and even routine bottles located close to it are hypothetical to vogue better!


"PRIEST: Our help is in the name of the Noble."

"ALL: Who prepared heaven and earth."

"PRIEST: The Noble be with you."

"ALL: May He correspondingly be with you."

Let us pray. If it please you, Noble God, bless + and consecrate + this dinghy of wine (or any other down) by the power of your upright hand; and allow that, knock down the intrinsic worth of Saint John, apostle and evangelist, all your put up the shutters who grow of it may find it a help and a protection. As the blessed John drank the poisoned potion in need any ill personal effects, so may all who today grow the blessed wine in his ornamentation be delivered from poisoning and like rude stuff. And as they let somebody use themselves creature and apparition to you, may they profit reason of all their sins. We ask this knock down Christ our Noble

ALL: Amen.

Noble, bless + this creature grow, so that it may be a restorative medication to all who use it; and allow by your fastidiousness that all who vogue of it may furrow being and spiritual health in art on your holy name. We ask this knock down Christ our Noble.

ALL: Amen.

May the blessing of almighty God, Advantage, Son, + and Set apart Get, come on this wine (or any other down) and remain incessantly.

ALL: Amen.

Chance found HereSource: The Distant Solstice