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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Astrology This Week

Astrology This Week

By MomT - Posted on 11 February 2013Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted Posted February 11, 2013Highlighted Aspects this WeekMonday: Pluto sextile Mercury; Tuesday: Mars conjunct Chiron, Saturn trine Mercury; Wednesday: Pluto semisquare Sun; Friday: Pluto sextile Mars; Saturday: Saturn trine MarsOUR LIST of highlighted planetary aspects for the week is amazingly short! Which means we are likely to spend a fair amount of our time processing recent events and realizations.And, we have help in that regard. Mercury is gradually slowing his forward motion in preparation for going retrograde (backward) on February 23, so any aspects he makes now will hold their energy a bit longer than usual.THAT'S WHY I'm very pleased to see two very helpful aspects to Mercury to start off our week. Pluto forms a sextile aspect to Mercury on Monday, and Saturn steps in with a trine aspect on Tuesday. This means all three planets are working together in harmony.The Pluto-Mercury connection should help us access our truth and get to the heart of situations that have been unclear and hard to understand. And, the Saturn-Mercury connection should help us take that new awareness and apply it in practical ways to improve our lives.THESE ASPECTS occur while Mercury is in Pisces, so we can also benefit from using this time to meditate or involve ourselves in a creative project, as a way to access the insights that are available. It is often during or after a meditation that we get an "aha" moment - and those blessed inspirations also come more easily when we've so completely immersed ourselves in a creative enterprise that we lose track of time.In both types of activities, we are disconnecting from the "real" world and connecting with a much greater source of inspiration and information. Immersion in meditation or creative projects allows conduits to open that may be unavailable when we are too focused on practical concerns, or too caught up in worry to allow solutions to present themselves. This ability to disconnect, connect and allow is the gift of Mercury in Pisces.The other side of the Mercury-in-Pisces coin is getting lost in a fantasy world or having the access to inspired ideas without the groundedness needed to bring those visions into reality. The good news this week is that practical Saturn is going to help anchor Mercury, making it easier both to hold onto those fleeting images and to plan how to put them to use.MARS AND CHIRON align in Pisces on Tuesday to provide insights into how we may allow our fears to interrupt our forward motion, especially our fears about whether or not we can really trust the Universe to support us. Since this is a conjunction (both planets at the same zodiac degree), it represents the ending of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one.Mars takes about two years to travel through all 12 signs. The last time Mars and Chiron aligned was in late February 2011, right after both planets had entered Pisces.As we consider what this new cycle may represent for each of us individually, we may want to contemplate our progress along our spiritual journey over these past two years. Have we succeeded in healing some of those wounds of feeling victimized or forsaken by the Universe (Chiron in Pisces)? Have we had the courage (Mars) to walk our spiritual path with acceptance of what has been and faith in the higher purposes of it all?ASTROLOGER Martin Lass shares this about the healing path we undertake with Chiron in Pisces in his book Chiron: Healing Body and Soul:"Our sense of betrayal, injustice, inequity, unfairness, and victimization will challenge us to see the justice behind the seeming injustices, to see the fairness behind the seeming unfairness, and to return to a sense of trust that the universe is actually looking after us all. The path to oneness is only attained when we can see that all things serve us in our lives - that all things serve our healing and evolution of consciousness. The more we see and acknowledge the hidden purpose behind seemingly 'wrong' events and circumstances, the more we are inclined to open the doors that we shut so tightly in the beginning. The more we can do this, the more we regain trust in a guiding hand, trust in a universal plan, and trust in the omnipresence of love. Paradoxically, we regain trust and faith by having faith."Serendipitously, right after aligning with Chiron, Mars forms helpful relationships with both Pluto (on Friday and Saturn (on Saturday). This indicates that we will have a great deal of support in both understanding and applying the lessons of faith that Chiron may reveal.LAST WEEK TO ORDER! My recent teleclass on the astrological events for the first six months of 2013 was recorded - and the replay is available for purchase for one more week!If you did not register for the class, but are interested in purchasing the replay and slideshow, please send me an email with "Teleclass Purchase" in the subject line (email: I'll reply with your payment options and more instructions.Blessings, / link to