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Tuesday, December 9, 2008


1.) PERCHTEN, plural of Perchta, are the accompanying pagan spirits of the Germanic goddess Holda, a.k.a. Perchta.

APPEARANCE: With the Perchten are horned devils, equivalence to satyrs, witches, the spirits of unbaptized children and the souls of infants who preference shortly be inherent.

LORE: Perchten travel with Holda/Perchta and perform her preference. Perchten overall punish smoldering or bad league. Perchten unravel part in the blustery seek with Holda/Perchta and act to thump up league and/or their souls.

2.) PERCHTEN is further the name of the masks banal all the rage mid-Winter time which are used to bring in the Perchten. The masks are overall either horned to bring in the devils or satyrs or are in the form of old hags to bring in witches. From time to time other frightening communication are represented, such as the Crucial Reaper. Exceedingly sometimes the striking form of Holda/Perchta is portrayed. Such masks and costumes are banal in processions called "Perchten runs". The custom of such is to neat the community of evil and help to banish the demons of Chill.


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