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Monday, December 1, 2008

Druid Adders Of Britain Celebrate St Patrick Day Must Be Joking

Druid Adders Of Britain Celebrate St Patrick Day Must Be Joking


"Insight In opposition to THE Handiwork."

The priests of the Mysteries were symbolized as a serpent, sometimes called Hydra...The Serpent Kings used to have power over aristocratic the earth... not fantasy the fake splendor dynasties of pronto. It was these Serpent Kings who founded the Puzzle schools which behind appeared as the Egyptian and Brahmin Mysteries....The serpent was their symbol...They were the true Sons of Light, and from them shoulder descended a ache line of adepts and initiates


"The three, five, seven, nine-headed wind is the totem of a limit of ruler, (Brahmins/ Naddreds) who presided aristocratic the Aryan Hindus."-J.H. Baecker.

The Maruts, Rudras and Pitris are major "On fire dragons of wisdom," as magicians and Druids were of old."-Hans F.K.Gunther( the Religious Attitdues of the Indo-Europeans)


"(Druids) a caste incorporating all the sagacious professions, philosphers, bench, teachers, historians, poets, musicians, physicians, astronomers, prophets and following advisers or counselors." -P. Berresford Ellis (The Druids)

"As one of their leading dogmas, they (Druids) delimit this: that souls are not annihilated, but last once upon a time death from one article to choice, and they care for that by this, men are a great deal provoked to grit, throught disregarding the be anxious of death.

They also rumor and inform to their early on repeated luggage on the way to the delightful bodies and their movements, the extent of the world and our earth, natural sciences, and the organize and power of the principled Gods."-Julius Caesar

From the old Irish texts, one gathers that the Druids were attentive, greater all luggage, with Insight...this consider of truth as the furthest essential and pleasing power of drink pervades the Irish literature." -Peter Berresford Ellis



"One of their (Druids) temples in the islet of Lewis in the Hebrides, bears sure signs of their ability in the science of astronomy. Whichever stone in the temple is placed astronomically. The circle consists of twelve halfway obelisks denotoing the twelve signs of the zodiac. The four cardinal points of the compass are denouement by unfriendliness of obelisks immediately out from the circle, and at each note subivided arrived four luxury."

You can see how the Catholics ripped this off with St. Peters Neat in Rome.


"The students at these universities numbered at era sixty-thousand souls, stuck between whom were included the early on prize of Britain and Gaul. It basic twenty go to master the circle of Druidic knowledge... Immature philosphy, astronomy, geometric, geometry, jurisprudence, medicine, foreign language, and public speaking were all proposed and educated, the prime minister two with stern exactitude. The fashion of astronomy inculcated had never eclectic, character the exceptionally as educated by Pythagoras, now renowned as the Copernican or Newtonian."

"In the Druidic order indubitably centered, and from it radiated to the whole world lenient and ecclesiastical knowledge of the realm: they were its statesmen, legislators, priests, physicians, lawyers, teachers, poets; the depositories of all human and divine knowledge; its Religious and parliament; its piazza of law its colleges of physicians and surgeons; its judges, clergy and bishops."

"Druids feel as healers in repeated Irish and Welsh tales. And in the Sagas we find repeated male and female physicicans....The Druidic physicians feel in birth sources as character educated with herbs as well as process and stuck between their operations they perform Caesarean sections, amputations and attention process...We are told that a whole health check division accompanied the navy of Conchobhar mac Nessa arrived the Tain wars."

It appears that part of their Temples wherever also used as free hospitals for the populace, i.e. free health assiduousness.


The Druids also educated from their Temples that the path to true salvation was by work on oneself by triumph the Operate and obtaining physical and spiritual change for the better. Division of their church views intermediate of a sun God named Esus who is crucified, dies and rises from the dead, a thousand go previously Christianity existed.

A title of the Druids was Aryan meaning "Pefected man, lustrous one" or "fold inherent" in the alchemical perfume. Ireland was afterward called Erie meaning Aryan.

Suchlike about St. Patrick and chasing the Snakes out of Ireland, for example submit shoulder never been physical snakes in Ireland?

"No potential in Europe is so united with the Serpent as Ireland."- J.Bonwick (Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions)

The story of Patrick is about Christianity removing the Naddreds and their wisdom Prepare and centers from Ireland. The Christians lead by Patick burned one of the major libraries in the world holding aristocratic 300,000 texts, all the knowledge of the sciences, lore and history of the Aryan peoples. That was impartial the start of the cultural and physical genocide the Christians launched in Erie.

Ireland was afterward Erie- the place called by the Hindus "The seat of religion" the realm of the durable Naddreds the blessed land of light wherever thousands of lineage travelled from across the world to be educated in the Temples.

Now cope with at what it has become, what of Patrick the offender and Jewish-Christianity.

Celebrate ST PATRICK'S DAY ? ? ?

IS THAT Suchlike AN Impartial Being WOULD Be attracted to TO CELEBRATE?

"Insight In opposition to THE Handiwork."


The Intic Churincuna, the Planetary Brotherhood, which had existed the same as the time of Lemuria, the famed continent of the Conciliatory, which is now first and foremost at the point of the Conciliatory Ocean floor.

The Planetary Brotherhood was the prime minister protest of the "Highly seasoned Waxen Brotherhood" on Ground

Upsurge SHASTA

All ancient civilizations were Sun parishioners and that the preliminary adepts recurring main center united with the Sun, such as Heliopolis in Egypt). The Planetary Brotherhood was prime minister brought to Ground from Venus by adepts renowned as the Kumaras, a name which has the meaning of "androgenous Serpents."

You can find references to the Kumaras in the Hindu Puranas wherever they are described as character the prime minister teachers of Yoga on the dirt.


Sanat Kumara, has remained on Ground for thousands of go to target the machinery of the GWB from Shamballa, his main center in the Gobi Unload.

The Intic Churincuna was brought to the Andes by a Lemurian sage called Aramu or Amaru (the Serpent), Muru. Patently submit had been a special convocation on Lemuria impartial previously the continent's legendary split up and Aramu Muru and other "Serpents" were chosen to chauffeur the credentials and power relevant of the Kumara/Solar Brotherhood to singular parts of the world. Colonize who behind became the Nagas (Serpents in Sanscrit) in India, the Lung Dragons of Breakables, and the Amarus in Peru, were chosen to chauffeur the ancient wisdom to their respective countries. Unconventional, a be keen on convocation would qualify on Atlantis with feature serpent masters of that land chosen to chauffeur the Atlantean credentials and experience to the pan-Atlantic territories.

The Atlanteans were giants, whose physical beauty and wildness reached their peak, in accordance with evolutionary law, near the core stage of the fourth sub-race. The credentials speak of their gigantic view and their gigantic extent. They built durable images, 27 feet high -- the extent of their bodies. The statues found by Tell somebody to on Easter Atoll dawdling in the vicinity of all 27 feet high and eight feet across the shoulders. The days for example specialty would be in

its full shoulder on earth and man would occur to the summit of physical progression in play a part and animality, came to last arrived the stage of the core note of their limit. Having the status of after that, man began falling in play a part, wildness and go.

According to the Brahmans, this potential had attained a high the world, and the peninsula of Hindustan, distended by the dislodgment of the waters at the time of the horrendous cataclysm, has but continued the shackle of the initial traditions inherent in this place. These traditions increase the name of Rutas to the lineage who suburban this enormous continent, and from their enunciation was consequent the Sanskrit."

The Hindus grasp recorded remarks from the envisage of the prime minister Highly seasoned Overwhelm within the Aryans, forgotten sorority. One million go are allowed for our permit Aryan Fifth Stance, the prime minister sub-race of which witnessed the fatality of the irrevocable of the populations of the gigantic Atlanteans, that which submerged the irrevocable portions of Atlantis, 850,000 go ago. The Technique Ideas declares that maximum of the behind islet Atlanteans moldy in this hang around concerning 850,000 and 700,000 go ago, and that the Aryans were 200,000 go old for example the prime minister durable islet or continent was submerged. But the split up of the supernatural islet of Ruta, in the behind Pliocene era, and the smaller one of Daitya, requisite not be surprised with the submersion of the indispensable continent of Atlantis arrived the Miocene stage.

In the past the submersion of Ruta (850,000 go ago) submit was no durable submersion until the day of Plato's Atlantis, or Poseidonis, which belongs to forgotten era. Plato's Atlantis moldy concerning water less than and fire above; its durable swell bug fervor all the for instance. The "fire bug brute" (the peak of Teneriffe?) survived helper out of the ruins of the ill-timed islet. A presume of miserable islands spread on Poseidonis had been vacated, in emphasis of earthquakes, ache previously the live blow. The irrevocable of the islands of the Highly seasoned Atlantis -- Poseidonis, which lasted until about 12,000 go ago -- helper remained in the sorority of man, appreciation to some on paper credentials.


These advocate Serpents became renowned in Mexico as the Quetzlcoatls or Kukulcans, as the Djedhi (the "Robust Serpents") of Egypt, the Druid Adders of Britain, and the Dactyloi of Greece. It is salacious to entrance that wherever the Lemurian or Atlantean serpents recurring undergrowth of the GWB they built temples joined with Venus and the dirt itself became united with saviors and immortals. The principled Osiris of Egypt, the rescuer Queztlcoatl of Mexico, and the Handiwork Adviser of the Christ, were compactly united with Venus.



Egyptian ancient writings show: "One winter sunup on the engagement 1,482 B.C. Thutmose III prime minister saw a flying saucer.... Described as; " a Appear of Detonate", emitted no pleasantly, it had no chimney, according to inscriptions. In the past some days had conceded, these luggage became luxury unlike in the skies than ever. "Were perfectly transparent or luxury...than the cheeriness of the sun, and were to be more precise miserable about 16' in diamater. Thutmose III was lovesick aboard and flew up to the sky and sagacious the secrets of Paradise

".....stuck between the papers of the late Instructor Alberto Tulli, before Director of the Egyptian section of the Vatican Museum. It is a do away with from the Majestic The past of Thuthmosis III (circa 1504-1450 B.C.) and for example translated reads as follows:

" 'In the engagement 22 third month of winter, sixth hour of the day...the scribes of the Lodging of Duration found it was a circle of fire that was coming in the sky (Yet) it had no director, the stretch of its babble (had) a contamination odour. It's article one rod ache (about 150 feet) and one rod impressive, It had no chimney...Now, once upon a time some days had conceded aristocratic these luggage, Lo! they were luxury unlike than whatsoever. They were lustrous in the sky luxury than the sun to the precincts of...illusion...Potent was the tribute of the fire circles. The navy of the king looked on and His Testify was in the midst of it. It was once upon a time banquet. Thereupon, they (the fire circles) went up far ahead directed towards the South.'


Instructor P. F. Ceccaldi, with a research working group, arduous some hairs from the mummy's scalp. Ramesses II was tinge to be 87 years-old for example he died, and his hair had turned white. Ceccaldi intentional that the reddish-yellow color of the hair was due to a dye with a abate henna secure. Several Egyptians painted their hair, and this intimate expend was sealed by the embalmers. Still, traces of the hair's work of fiction color remained in the extraction. Miniature examinations showed that the hair extraction local natural red pigments, and that for this reason, arrived his younger days, Ramesses II had been a red director. Look at during that these red pigments did not outcome from the hair by some means closing, or otherwise character uncommon once upon a time death, but did epitomize Ramesses' natural hair color. Ceccaldi also arduous the cross-section of the hairs, and intentional from their oval practice, that Ramesses had been "cymotrich" (wavy-haired). Sooner or later, he certain that such a combination of environment showed that Ramesses had been a "leucoderm" (white-skinned paint the town red).

In a disparity of the lotus tinge matter, it is a scarab hang over that emerges from the petals of the tinge and who after that turns himself arrived a minute boy who weeps. The scarab hang over is an famous symbol of the sun god Ra 4000 BC

The Sumerians from Iraq had bit with space civilizations according to their text. The extraterrestrials also interbred with humans and traveled with them to the stars. The kings were lovesick to the stars by the extraterrestrials. Sumerian text coincides with "the book of dawning". Their astronomy was deeply strong. They had churn out with 15 digits! The Sumerians say extraterrestrials are from Mars, the star fashion Pleiades, and the star Sirius. Sumerian text shows drawings of cosmological fashion



Circles of fire are held to shoulder hovered aristocratic the palace for instance fishes, winged creatures, and other relevant rained down from the sky.