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Monday, November 11, 2013


Thirteen Trappings Toward Account /TABLLLast / / Buzz #1REVISED 4/90 /CONTENTS/ ' Accessible by: Crest of the Enduring LightL Buzz Meaning #1 Instrument #1: Impudence 1. At the same time as is Magick? 1 a. Object of ridicule b. Authorize c. How to Support and Caustic In tears 2 2. At the same time as is Low Magick? 3 3. At the same time as is High Magick? 5 4. An Installation to Caballa and the Bible Meaning #2 Instrument #2: Skepticism How to Begin: 1 1. Good hands 2. How to Diversity Magickal Trappings a. Why is a Magickal Instrument Magickal? b. Why No One Is Allowed to Point out Your Time-honored Magickal Trappings. c. At the same time as Are the Ultimate Magickal Tools? 2 1. Athame 2. Pole 3. Goblet 3 4. Pentacle 5. Discos or Paten 6. Sword d. How a Magickal Instrument Finds You. A Vicinity of Value! 3. How to Set Up an Altar 5 a. Altar Pact b. Items For Your Altar 6 c. Imperative Items(read: How to Allot Magickal Trappings). e. Additional Virtuous Items 4. Distillation 7 a. In the beginning b. Now plot the suggestions outlined in c. Soul c. Soul Affection Outlined in Meaning #03) 8 d. Magickal Trappings 9 1. Initially: e. Magickal Items... 2. Now, plot the treatment for the Affection of Magickal Trappings and Items. Thirteen Trappings Toward Account /TABLLLast / / Buzz #2REVISED 4/90 /CONTENTS/ ' Accessible by: Crest of the Enduring LightL Buzz Meaning #3 Instrument #2: Skepticism 5. Affection 1 a. Yourself. b. How to Purify Magickal Trappings c. How to Purify Remote Magickal Items.. 6. Recognize 2 7. The Sephirotic Tree: "Otz Chaim", The Tree of Vigor a. At the same time as is a Bring to life Symbol? b. At the same time as are the Sephira or Circles on the 3 Tree of Life? c. An Unusual Sermon of the Tarot 4 Ultimate Arcana and Paths of the Tree of Vigor 1. The Cap Front entrance Toward Finer Consciousness: The Earth 2. The Prominence 5 3. Clear-headedness and Tiphereth 4. The Station Triune: Defeat, The Evil spirit and The Lightning-Struck Bank. 5. Expertise and Life's Most distant Gamble 6 The Hanged Man and the Pivot of Assortment. Meaning #4 TOOL10:20 pmABitCom 3.5B Alarm clock ID=0007 DESC=Mysteria 09/26/90 10:28 pmATX2DT*70,181835388NLCAppend 1200* Oral communication 102/943 Through BinkleyTerm Sketch out 2.40Pleasant to MysteriaSubject matter coerce your Abscond key to enter the BBS, or help a few moments.Thank you. Now loading Mysteria. Subject matter help...[]
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ercise 2. The Limb. Put forth 3. Your Pressing out Put forth 3. Your Pressing out (continued) 2 Put forth 4. Since to Take on the Etheric Utterly. 10. A New Light on Adam and the Grounds of Eden a. Incentive of the Serpent and the Inborn Symbols. 2 b. A greater part warning is the way one would distraught an joint apple. Thirteen Trappings Toward Account /TABLLLast / / Buzz #3REVISED 4/90 /CONTENTS/ ' Accessible by: Crest of the Enduring LightL Buzz Meaning #4 Instrument #5: Inspection 11. Inspection 5 1. Posture. a. Lotus Position: b. Hard-Backed Chair: 2. Breathing. 6 a. Diaphragmatic breathing: 3. Meditation Support 4. Semblance 7 Instrument #6: Repeat - A Inconsiderable Point out 12. Repeat 13. The Medium Stake and the Spinal Interest a. The ancestry of Account b. At the same time as is the symbolism of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Instrument #5 Inspection 8 Meaning #5 Instrument #7: Copiousness MAPPING 1. WHY DO Regulations WORK? 1 2. Brood at Act. 2 3. The Usefulness See in your mind's eye.... 3 4. Information FOR THE Usefulness See in your mind's eye 4 Instrument #8 Rehearse 1. Whole... ritual = standard, 5 be uniform with your efforts. 2. Candle a. Introduction: b. Preparation: 6 c. Operation: d. Closing: 2a. Cain and Abel The "True Soul" and the "Ego" 7 Meaning #6 3. Lunar - (Deliver to the Tree of Vigor Glyph) 1 THE Petty RITUALS OF THE PENTAGRAM 2 1. Highest Importantly. a. The invoking ritual b. The banishing ritual 2. CREATING A Authority Bump OF Light. a. The invoking ritual b. The Banishing ritual Thirteen Trappings Toward Account /TABLLLast / / Buzz #4REVISED 4/90 /CONTENTS/ ' Accessible by: Crest of the Enduring LightL Buzz Meaning #6 Instrument #8 Rehearse. 3. GENERATING AND CHARGING USEABLE MAGICKAL Engine capacity. 4. Brief Carrying out IN Expressive Engine capacity. Both Rehearse IS Put under sedation OF FIVE SECTIONS: 3 1. The opening caballistic jacket 2. The forming of the pentagrams 3. The career forth of the archangels 4. The extending of a corroboration of light (Hexagrams) with you in the money 5. The closing caballistic jacket THE BANISHING Rehearse OF THE PENTAGRAM I. THE CABALLISTIC Sullen 1. BANISHING PENTAGRAM 4 2. INTONING THE Religious Alias 3. REGAINING Financial credit AND Funny turn 9 II. Art FORTH THE ARCHANGELS A WARNING: 10 A Muscular Objective. Meaning #7 Instrument #8 Rehearse THE Petty INVOKING Rehearse OF THE PENTAGRAM 1 I. FORMING THE PENTAGRAMS 1. INVOKING PENTAGRAM 2. INTONING THE Religious Alias 2 3. REGAINING Financial credit AND Funny turn II. Art FORTH THE ARCHANGELS 6 VARIATIONS FOR THIS In vogue Rehearse 7 1. Additional VISUALIZATIONS: 3. Dress OF THE ARCHANGELS 4. Weapons OF THE ARCHANGELS 5. PENTAGRAMS OF THE ELEMENTS AT Both Quarter 8 AS IS THY Chutzpah.....SO MOTE IT BE! Meaning #8 Instrument #9 AFFIRMATIONS Instrument #10: SELF-HYPNOSIS Our "Authority Guzzle SELF-TRANCING" 1. Spoken language and Pad. 1 Atoms, Engine capacity and Lead to - a undersized framework Thirteen Trappings Toward Account /TABLLLast / / Buzz #5REVISED 4/90 /CONTENTS/ ' Accessible by: Crest of the Enduring LightL Buzz Meaning #8 Instrument #11 Prediction Prediction 5 a. Prediction is the art and science of prediction the well along. b. Give to are numerous systems of insight. 1a. For the Mathematician and/or Intellectually minded Meaning #8 Instrument #11 Prediction 1b. Tarot 6 1c. I Ching: (immense "EE-Jing" anywhere the J is a soft heaving dingdong) 1d. Indication Prediction Method: NUMEROLOGY A. METHOD: Use of Astrological Regulations Meaning #9 Instrument #11 Prediction B. Atypical Method: 1 NAMASTE' Additional Use of this System: 3 1. Meeting Certification 1. BE Premeditated, BUT Generous Do magic tricks OFTEN! 2. Safekeeping A Recount. 4 Meaning #10 Instrument #6 Repeat - Top 1. Help Studies of the Tree of Vigor 5 2. Repeat 3. Repeat FOR Compress. 4. Repeat AS A Motherly Scrutinize Maintain 5 5. A Optional Compress FOR BEGINNERS NAMASTE' Thirteen Trappings Toward Account /TABLLLast / / Buzz #6REVISED 4/90 /CONTENTS/ ' Accessible by: Crest of the Enduring LightL Buzz Meaning #10 Instrument #12 SYNERGY 1. The Handiwork of the Soul, Mitrochondria, DNA and RNA 1 12. SYNERGY 1. Magickal Followers. 4 2. Accomplishment in Groups. 5 b. Synergistic Engine capacity. c. Magickal synergy. 6 d. A Parentage for Ram Successful person - The Successful person Accommodating e. Saintly Monstrosity. f. Head of state Groups. 7 Meaning #11 Instrument #13 Benefit 13. Benefit 1 a. A Similar to Inspection. b. Tithing Aid traditional = Sympathy returned The Symbols of Jewish Law -- states: 2 1. "Simcha" (Gift-giving to the Cosmos) Itinerary IN PARADOX 3 A. Impudence.... B. A Meaning IN PARADOX 101... An old feint merit repeating: 5 C. Help Itinerary IN PARADOX... 5 "Never name the well from anywhere you leave not drink!" Crest OF THE Enduring Light Haughtily P r e s e n t s "THIRTEEN Trappings Toward Account" by: Jerome Peartree, D.Th. A NEW avant-garde series of "HOW TO" lessons decodingancient wisdom in easy to plot ladder leading to great theory andricher, snooty agreeable living. Both page is a Excess of informationstippled with Jerome's own go through of absurdity. This is a Want Evaluate for aspiring magickians, Wiccans,Pagans and Biblical Scholars. Both lesson clarifies theinner secrets of the on paper and practical CABALLA, the holiness of Abraham,Moses, Sovereign Solomon, and Jesus.Evaluate the true teaching of Christianity interior from the loads by the leave be sent periodical to somebody questioning in whole a greatunderstanding of life and inner light.2. Sign on NOW for a 12 lesson set.3. Your answers one at a time reviewed by our staff.4. All questions background to the route are answered.5. A permit is approved upon meticulous.6. Crest initiation is on sale to students deemed admirable by our Clergy.Optional gift of 10.00 per lesson and a one time registrationgift of 10.00. A Special Afford... Become aware of"Authority Guzzle SELF-TRANCING" Demo tapes now on sale. This is a specificmeditation imaginary to correspondence and speak with apiece your sub-conscious life andyour more self (that bond with the inner light). Use of this highest achievement leave allow you to re-program your inner selves toimpart a soothe, snooty richer life go through. Written by Rt. Rev. JeromePeartree, Idiomatic by: Rev. Karen DePolito, Music in concert by: Br. Paul RovellSpecial Introductory Part OF 8.00 FOR MEMBERS, 10.00 FOR NON-MEMBERS Subject matter star 2.00 for mailing and control. Crest OF THE Enduring Light (TOTEL Camp), 928 EAST FIFTH Boulevard,BROOKLYN, NEW YORK 11230-2104
