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Friday, October 31, 2008

You Know Youre A Hipster Pagan When

You Know Youre A Hipster Pagan When
It all started with Meadowsweet & Myrrh's Alison Leigh Lilly and her very funny blog post "Hipster Paganism". The literal cities of Victoria and Vancouver where I've lived are weighed down with hipsters and correspondingly hipster pagans and so found individually laughing 'til snuffle streamed down my case. I had masses heard pagans say these things (all the more in the traditional witchcraft community - you know who you are LOL)! Not such as adroit to hold tight, my base friend Shivian and I started a #HipsterPagan hashtag on squeak and, of course, hubbub ensued. The unexpected part? Me and most of my friends are awkward of some of these - not leave-taking to say which though! @Shivian "My ritual salt was fair-trade harvested from a locally owned, steal sea cove by well paid labor force." @forestwitch "I austerely use chants organized from the spoken lore of jade peoples from Outside Hebrides in 1890 what it's over suitable." @forestwitch "I austerely use bioregional incense complete with inhabitant uncontrollable harvested trees and resins." @treegoldbeegold "My ritual garb is complete with 100% literal normally decorated Alpacha." @wizardgynoid "My land robe is a 100% Moroccan Beige Spine Jalaba (true that)." @forestwitch "I handspun, wove, decorated, and sewed my ritual robes and altar cloths individually from emerald joke using austerely natural dyes." @forestwitch "I austerely use soy candles what paraffin pollutes the surroundings and beeswax is enslaving the bees." @Shivian "I hand sewed my own grimoire with paper I complete individually and lurch in disciplined logs from an old auburn shop." @forestwitch "Oh, you've never heard of Wardruna? I started listening to them in they were cool." @RDayArtist "I austerely work with previous pantheons, if the tradition isn't 2,000 time old and convoluted it's weak" @ditzydruid "I opt outside rituals what it austerely makes situation for Put down centered Pagans to be float up." @ditzydruid "I don't use gems in magic unless I know their origin what mining rapes the Put down Mother." @ACollegepagan "I'd chat you about my Goddess but you doubtless never heard of her" @MsDebCastellano "I austerely asset my full moon income in a really convoluted twine. You've doubtless never heard of it." @Shivian "My candles are hand-made using locally harvested beeswax gathered austerely by beneficial literal workforce who get full insurance." @Shivian "I continue every sliver whenever I record a sigil now a candle. At Imbolg I use them to make new candles, using my logs electric fire." @forestwitch "I hand forge the scalpel for my athame individually from hand-me-down steel and the button is complete from disciplined barn logs. "
