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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Has Freemasonry Become Part Of The New Age Movement

Has Freemasonry Become Part Of The New Age Movement Cover No.

As always, a clear distinction must be made between Freemasonry as a body and its individual members. Fundamental to most accusations against Freemasonry is an inability or unwillingness to accept Freemasonry’s claim that it does not dictate belief to its members but rather encourages them to use their Intellectual and spiritual faculties and draw their own conclusions.

Terms must also be clearly defined. The term, "New Age movement" is a misnomer, generally used by fundamentalists as a catch-all rubric for any idea, belief, activity or group that is not Trinitarian Christian. By their lights, anything that is not Christian is by definition actively and willfully anti-Christian. The implication is that these independent and sometimes contradictory schools of philosophy and belief are all part of a monolithic whole. This is logically and empirically false, and rationally simplistic.

Freemasonry is not party to the New Age Movement. Although freemasons, such as Westcott, Gardner, Hall, and Case were instrumental in the growth of various ideas or societies that are identified with what is now termed the New Age movement, their involvement was personal and not part of their association with Freemasonry.

Many freemasons and non-masons have used their Understanding or Interpretation of Freemasonry as a starting point for further research into religions, philosophies and other esoteric studies. Freemasonry encourages its members to study and enlarge their knowledge. Freemasonry encourages its members to use their intellectual and spiritual faculties to arrive at their own personal beliefs and opinions. Freemasonry as a body has declared itself unwilling and unqualified to hold opinions or to pass judgement on these questions of religious belief.

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