Rituals totally consist of sex, brashness, energy, directive, protection, and excessiveness.
Herbs associated with Intensity are; thistles, chilies, cacti, coffee, acacia, bay, carnation, cinnamon, clove, coriander, garlic, holly, indigo, marigold, onion, pierce, parsley, sunflower, tobacco, vanilla and walnut.
Perfect chairs to do Intensity magic are; hot springs, deserts, locker rooms, bedrooms, volcanoes, ovens, and strong fields.
Stones jasper, quartz, and lava.
Metals brass and gold.
Colours red and gold.
Flora and fauna that are cast-off in Intensity magic are lizards, bees, scorpions, sharks, and snakes.
Fires' command is south and its' ritual forms are slothful, heating, and awkward.
Astrological signs are Aires, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Lunatic symbols are lava, agitated bits and pieces, and blaze. In the end it has a time of day of noon, and its' most powerful types of magic are charge, time, star, and candle.