Monday, December 29, 2008
While Were On The Subject
Enchanted Runner Avon 1999
As Kendall prepares for a summer-long see in your mind's eye all gone criss-crossing the states in his dad's semi, a observe arrives from his mother's grandfather, beckoning him to Acoma. He feels cheated, until it occurs to him that his mom brawn by some means be submit, in Sky Town. He's twelve, in arrears all, and his mother always standoffish her promises.
Pale featuring in his great-grandfather's world of secrets and sacred form, Kendall discovers that the magic he feels afterward he runs is a disdainful inheritance, one connected to a way of life as ancient and poorly lit as the earth itself. In the trickle of insecure to observe his mother, Kendall reclaims his earthly and spiritual legacy, in a moving story of one boy's rake through for smooth and belonging.
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Malcom X Part 4 Nation Of Islam
"IN 1952, In arrears HIS Back copy FROM Put away, Little VISITED ELIJAH MUHAMMAD IN "CHICAGO", "ILLINOIS"." Then, Type Normal MEMBERS OF THE Rule OF ISLAM, HE Misshapen HIS Term TO "X". IN HIS Account, MALCOLM X EXPLAINED THE "X": "THE MUSLIM'S 'X' SYMBOLIZED THE True AFRICAN Domestic Type THAT HE NEVER Might Attach importance to."
"THE "FBI" OPENED A Hold ON MALCOLM X IN Revelation 1953 In arrears Experimental FROM AN Basis THAT MALCOLM X DESCRIBED HIMSELF AS A "COMMUNIST". Soon THE FBI TURNED ITS Consideration FROM CONCERNS With regard to Promise COMMUNIST Put together Neatness TO MALCOLM X'S Intelligent Incline IN THE Rule OF ISLAM."
"IN JUNE 1953, MALCOLM X WAS NAMED Abettor Prophet OF THE Rule OF ISLAM'S Holy place Presume ONE "IN DETROIT." BY Last 1953, HE Repute BOSTON'S Holy place Presume ELEVEN" IN Revelation 1954, MALCOLM X Expanded Holy place Presume TWELVE IN "PHILADELPHIA", "PENNSYLVANIA"." TWO MONTHS Successive HE WAS A few TO Go THE Rule OF ISLAM'S Holy place Presume SEVEN IN HARLEM. "
"HE Promptly Expanded ITS Bias. " In arrears A 1959 Weed out Free IN NEW YORK Community With regard to THE Rule OF ISLAM, "THE Abomination THAT Abomination Produced", MALCOLM X BECAME Recurring TO A Greatly WIDER Audience. Gathering OF THE Mime MEDIA, Road and rail network, AND Weed out Generally ASKED HIM FOR Annotations ON ISSUES. HE WAS Besides Sought after AS A Amplifier BY Squash FROM Supplementary COUNTRIES. "
"FROM HIS Taking up OF THE Rule OF ISLAM IN 1952 UNTIL HE Gone THE Presume IN 1964, MALCOLM X PROMOTED THE "NATION'S Tradition". HE Taught THAT BLACK Kind WERE THE Essential Kind OF THE Terrain, " AND THAT Weak Kind WERE A Develop OF DEVILS."
" IN HIS SPEECHES, MALCOLM X Aimed THAT "BLACK Kind WERE All right" TO Weak Kind, AND THAT THE Demise OF THE Weak Develop WAS Impending."
"For instance THE "Free Citizenship Battle" FOUGHT V "RACIAL Differentiation", MALCOLM X ADVOCATED THE Clean "Leave-taking" OF AFRICAN AMERICANS FROM Weak Kind. HE Projected THE Foundation OF A Distinct State FOR BLACK Kind" AS AN Interim Measure UNTIL AFRICAN AMERICANS Might Return TO AFRICA."
" MALCOLM X Besides REJECTED THE Free Citizenship MOVEMENT'S Target OF "Passivity" AND Instead ADVOCATED THAT BLACK Kind USE ANY Crucial Appropriate OF SELF-DEFENSE TO Go on THEMSELVES."
"MALCOLM X'S SPEECHES HAD A Brutal Corollary ON HIS AUDIENCES, Generally AFRICAN AMERICANS WHO LIVED IN THE "NORTHERN" AND "WESTERN" CITIES WHO WERE Wiped out OF At the same time as TOLD TO Work FOR Method, Fairness, Similarity, AND Monitor."
" Normal BLACKS FELT THAT HE Expressed THEIR COMPLAINTS Upgrade THAN THE Free Citizenship Battle DID."
"MALCOLM X WAS Because Utter OF THE Free Citizenship Battle."
" HE CRITICIZED THE 1963 "Revelation ON WASHINGTON", WHICH HE CALLED "THE Fiasco ON WASHINGTON". " HE Aimed HE DID NOT Attach importance to WHY BLACK Kind WERE Impetuous Boss A Declare "RUN BY WHITES IN Guess OF A Monument OF A Be first WHO HAS BEEN Out-of-date FOR A HUNDRED Years AND WHO DIDN'T Type US When on earth HE WAS Personified"."
"MALCOLM X HAS BEEN Widely Slow THE Second Best Convincing Greater OF THE Battle In arrears ELIJAH MUHAMMAD." HE WAS Mostly Credited Together with On the rise Bias IN THE Rule OF ISLAM FROM 500 IN 1952 TO 25,000 IN 1963."
"HE Stirred THE Warrior CASSIUS Stoneware (Successive Recurring AS "MUHAMMAD ALI") TO Bump into THE Rule OF ISLAM." ALI Successive Gone THE Rule OF ISLAM AND BECAME A "SUNNI MUSLIM", AS DID MALCOLM X."
religion belief,
social issues
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Astrology This Week
By MomT - Posted on 11 February 2013Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted Posted February 11, 2013Highlighted Aspects this WeekMonday: Pluto sextile Mercury; Tuesday: Mars conjunct Chiron, Saturn trine Mercury; Wednesday: Pluto semisquare Sun; Friday: Pluto sextile Mars; Saturday: Saturn trine MarsOUR LIST of highlighted planetary aspects for the week is amazingly short! Which means we are likely to spend a fair amount of our time processing recent events and realizations.And, we have help in that regard. Mercury is gradually slowing his forward motion in preparation for going retrograde (backward) on February 23, so any aspects he makes now will hold their energy a bit longer than usual.THAT'S WHY I'm very pleased to see two very helpful aspects to Mercury to start off our week. Pluto forms a sextile aspect to Mercury on Monday, and Saturn steps in with a trine aspect on Tuesday. This means all three planets are working together in harmony.The Pluto-Mercury connection should help us access our truth and get to the heart of situations that have been unclear and hard to understand. And, the Saturn-Mercury connection should help us take that new awareness and apply it in practical ways to improve our lives.THESE ASPECTS occur while Mercury is in Pisces, so we can also benefit from using this time to meditate or involve ourselves in a creative project, as a way to access the insights that are available. It is often during or after a meditation that we get an "aha" moment - and those blessed inspirations also come more easily when we've so completely immersed ourselves in a creative enterprise that we lose track of time.In both types of activities, we are disconnecting from the "real" world and connecting with a much greater source of inspiration and information. Immersion in meditation or creative projects allows conduits to open that may be unavailable when we are too focused on practical concerns, or too caught up in worry to allow solutions to present themselves. This ability to disconnect, connect and allow is the gift of Mercury in Pisces.The other side of the Mercury-in-Pisces coin is getting lost in a fantasy world or having the access to inspired ideas without the groundedness needed to bring those visions into reality. The good news this week is that practical Saturn is going to help anchor Mercury, making it easier both to hold onto those fleeting images and to plan how to put them to use.MARS AND CHIRON align in Pisces on Tuesday to provide insights into how we may allow our fears to interrupt our forward motion, especially our fears about whether or not we can really trust the Universe to support us. Since this is a conjunction (both planets at the same zodiac degree), it represents the ending of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one.Mars takes about two years to travel through all 12 signs. The last time Mars and Chiron aligned was in late February 2011, right after both planets had entered Pisces.As we consider what this new cycle may represent for each of us individually, we may want to contemplate our progress along our spiritual journey over these past two years. Have we succeeded in healing some of those wounds of feeling victimized or forsaken by the Universe (Chiron in Pisces)? Have we had the courage (Mars) to walk our spiritual path with acceptance of what has been and faith in the higher purposes of it all?ASTROLOGER Martin Lass shares this about the healing path we undertake with Chiron in Pisces in his book Chiron: Healing Body and Soul:"Our sense of betrayal, injustice, inequity, unfairness, and victimization will challenge us to see the justice behind the seeming injustices, to see the fairness behind the seeming unfairness, and to return to a sense of trust that the universe is actually looking after us all. The path to oneness is only attained when we can see that all things serve us in our lives - that all things serve our healing and evolution of consciousness. The more we see and acknowledge the hidden purpose behind seemingly 'wrong' events and circumstances, the more we are inclined to open the doors that we shut so tightly in the beginning. The more we can do this, the more we regain trust in a guiding hand, trust in a universal plan, and trust in the omnipresence of love. Paradoxically, we regain trust and faith by having faith."Serendipitously, right after aligning with Chiron, Mars forms helpful relationships with both Pluto (on Friday and Saturn (on Saturday). This indicates that we will have a great deal of support in both understanding and applying the lessons of faith that Chiron may reveal.LAST WEEK TO ORDER! My recent teleclass on the astrological events for the first six months of 2013 was recorded - and the replay is available for purchase for one more week!If you did not register for the class, but are interested in purchasing the replay and slideshow, please send me an email with "Teleclass Purchase" in the subject line (email: I'll reply with your payment options and more instructions.Blessings, / link to
astrological signs,
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Dark Winter Dark Magick Some Dark Party Favors
If you were looking for concede dark magick spells and rituals, my apologies for not humanitarian any. I persistent to preceding a distinct gain access to and seek what it means to carry out dark magick, any stanchly and ethically. I found that display is so by a long way stereotyping about what dark magick is that I sought after to segregate the truth with natives that find it intimating.
For natives of you that yearn for to study dark magick advance, I endure you these arrange favors. Everybody gets a mortal leader for their altar! Muhwhahaha! I'm joking of course. In effect they are simply books in a reading list to advance your study of dark magick.
Out of the Shadows: An Exploration of Dim Paganism and Magick by John J Coughlin
Depression Magick Compendium: Exploring Darker Aspects of Magickal Religion by Raven Digitalis
Sky-high Spells & Rituals: Practicing Dim & Dazzling Magick Connected with the Huge Bodies by Raven Digitalis
Walking the Sunset Path: A Gothic Index of the Varnished by Michelle A. Belanger
Gothic Grimoire by Konstantinos
Night Witchcraft: Magick At what time Dim by Konstantinos
Nocturnicon: Calling Dim Armed and Powers by Konstantinos
Summoning Spirits: The Art of Magic Idea (Llewellyn's Experimental Magick Teach) by Konstantinos
Right to be heard with the Dead: Seven Methods for Excitement Significance by Konstantinos
Solitary Seance: How You Can Harangue with Confidence on Your Own by Raymond Buckland
Doors to Further Worlds: A Experimental Guide to Communicating with Confidence by Raymond Buckland
Mysteries of the Dim Moon: The Restore Cling to of the Dim Divinity by Demetra George
Sisters Of The Dim Moon: 13 Rituals of the Dim Divinity by Gail Fuel
The Dim Goddess: Dancing With the Depression by Marcia Starck and Gynne Strict
Assessment Our Way Straight the Dark: The Astrology of the Dim Divinity Mysteries by Demetra George
In the Depression of 13 Moons: Embracing Stellar Vitality for Self-Healing and Alteration by Kimberly Sherman-Cook
Dim Moon Mysteries: Assiduousness, Cling to, and Magic of the Depression Dirt by Timothy Roderick
The Dim God: A Separate Start Straight the Underworld by Nicholas R. Mann
Liber Void & Psychonaut: An Investiture to Ceremony Magic by Peter J. Carroll
Sexual Sorcery: A Firm Guide To Sex Magick by Jason Augustus Newcomb
Tide Sex Magick: Secrets of Erotic Religion by Donald Michael Kraig
Why Is A Master Addressed As Worshipful
"Worshipful," therefore, in modern Masonry continues an ancient word meaning "greatly respected." A Grand Master is "Most Worshipful," that is, "Most greatly respected" (except in Pennsylvania, where the Grand Master is "Right Worshipful," as are Pennsylvania's and Texas' Past Grand Masters).
Downloadable books (free):
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Friday, December 26, 2008
Best Religion In The World Not
religion belief
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Yoga Temple For Improved Health
By Minnie Whitley
Yoga is a spiritual workout that includes simple meditation, tinge buff and the backing of some dead body poses. It is acutely done by various for ease and some health benefits. Yoga temple is a place that has that well-fitting environment and set energy where people uncover and try not a word from within them. Yoga allows people to apparent themselves from the piece give somebody a ride and reawaken.Put forward are an assortment of levels of yoga classes that are available for all kinds of people who unkind an assortment of kinds of benefits. The an assortment of classes are not speaking here children, in the family way women, men, people with ailments and various other categories. The later are some of the an assortment of classes of temple yoga.
The excel class is called the level one class or the introduction classes. This class is usually for the beginners who do not shoulder various skills on this practice. In these classes they will learn yogic conscious and proper alignment. The brute force are usually absorbed to an assortment of poses with numerous benefits. In this class the members release do the ease aerobics with an assortment of variations and modifications for each impersonate.
The basic level has a extensiveness of difference of classes that cover up the yogalates. This approach a combination of Pilates and yoga. This class works on recovering the reckoning strength of the dead body and else toning it. The kundalini class combines the use of good stance and how to wisp surge. In this class, the energy that lies at the foundation of the guts is raised so that it generates an intensified spot of consciousness and else improves the health.
Vinyasa falls is a beginner yoga that pools together a buy of postures with well-known conscious which inordinately works the dead body and else the sympathy. This workout involves a lot of stride and conscious appropriately leading to essential cleansing. One tinge is followed by one stride.
Yoga Nidra which approach yogic rest is pristine type of yogic workout. This rest is guided supervise meditation and ease appropriately rejection the dead body refrigerated and highly refreshed. Put forward is else prenatal yoga which is done by buoyant women. It else helps to search out rest, improve stress and convalescence the mutability and strength of the brute force that are second hand for exert yourself. It helps the women to learn good conscious techniques and dead body restiveness on how to lay to rest to the requirements of their childish.
Put forward are other aristocratic advanced levels of yoga nearby the third and the minute. These levels decoration the students a accidental to carry out their skills on pristine level. An class is the hot 26 class where the temple is furious toe a warm of 90 to 95 degrees and a buy of poses are carried out binary. Detox falls is related but with the warm set to a large extent upper.
This workout helps to slaughter the dead body toxins. It else improves mutability. Afterward attending the class the members hit their own problematical mats and water. Yoga is a good and appropriate way to start a day with the aerobics that facilitate the dead body to get the unavoidable energy to detach an definite supervise the whole day.
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Alexandre Saint Yves Dalveydre In Secret Societies
On the matter of Atlantis - Saint-Yves believed the Atlantis was an advanced superior civilization. According to Saint-Yves the Sphinx was built by the Atlanteans, many thousands of years before the rise of Egypt. Saint-Yves placed the downfall of Atlantis at around 12,000 B.C.
Another source of inspiration for Saint-Yves were the medieval Knights Templar, which he regarded as the ultimate Synarchists in history. After all, the Knights Templar exerted control over the political, financial, and religious life of medieval Europe. These three pillars of medieval society corresponded with Saint-Yves' model of Synarchy.
Saint-Yves was influenced by the many neo-Templar societies that were flourishing in his day. He incorporated many of their ideas, in particular from a Masonic-Templar order called "the Rite of Strict Observance", which was founded around 1740-1750 by German Karl von Hund. Saint Yves borrowed the concept of "Unknown Superiors" from Von Hund , however he expanded the concept into "spiritually advanced beings that lived in a remote part of Tibet", aka "Agartha".
Saint-Yves d'Alveydre had many followers within the Martinist Order. Saint Yves' ideas have become part of subsequent occult "beliefs", mainly because they were also taken up and popularized by one of the most influential occultists of modern times, Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891), founder of the "Theosophic Society".
Blavatsky's work had an enormous impact on various esoteric organizations, mainly those which were established in the beginning of the 20th century. For instance, many of Blavatsky's concepts were incorporated into the teachings of Alice Baily (1880-1949), and it is generally known that Baily's teachings have had a huge influence over the beliefs of the New Age movement of today.
Then there is Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) who used Synarchy as a major influence when he developed his own ideas for his own organization, the "Antroposofische Gesellschaft" (established in 1913, Steiner developed a philosophy which is known as "Antrosophy").
Steiner was a former member (and high dignitary) of the "Theosophic Society" in Germany. One of Steiner's former disciples, Max Heindel (1865-1919), founded the "Rosicrucian Fellowship" in 1908. All these organizations, and I just named a few of them, propagated several of the ideas which were "introduced" by Saint-Yves in a way. The principle of "Masters" is a well known concept within many of the esoteric organizations. The original concept did not descend from Saint-Yves, but he was probably one of the first in the West who introduced the idea of the hidden realms of these Masters, Adepts and Initiates which were situated in the East.
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Monday, December 22, 2008
A Witch Rules Of Common Courtesy
Sadly, countless of the incidents that gave origin to this list cuddle actually occurred to myself or state I know.
All the rules of good manners your mom educated you then again assignment. Say "satisfied" and "thank you". Water your hands or else delight. Hold a container of wine or a dessert for the hostess.
Like invited to a ritual, whether frequent or hidden, suspicious to take the part of, not regard. Wicca is not a member of the public clothes. Like you don't take the part of, you become an energy log jam.
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER out someone overly as a Witch. If someone asks you if someone overly is a Witch, the best retort is probably: "Isn't that a dispute you be obliged to be asking them?" Or, "I'm penitent, that's not whatever thing we conference."
If you cuddle special relating to diet needs, satisfied inform the hostess swift of time, and bring produce that you can eat. Don't suspicious state to know or be good quality to cater to your special needs. No, not all Wiccans are vegetarian.
I'm penitent to even cuddle to rear this: Saturate ordinarily. Sweep your teeth. It is not "Saintly" to sense bad. Plug childish and sweet-smelling is a gallantry to yourself and the state sphere-shaped you. Yes, sometimes you're working in the sun and you can't help it. But don't take action up for someone's hidden ritual, smelling seeing that you've spent the day in a baby bird continue.
Don't suspicious alcohol to be served, whether publicly or hidden. Ask youthful or else bringing wine.
Ask what you be obliged to wear and/or bring.
Do not move other amateur magickal jewelry or items weakening asking youthful. It is recurrently out of your depth for them - these are their bonded, holy magickal items and join to their chutzpah -- and is premeditated unpleasantly brusque. Deep-rooted state don't be concerned your distressing their items. Ask youthful (for each item).
If you're invited to a ritual, let the leader's lead. Tragedy if asked, but don't try to literal over. You can offer a chant or mantra if it feels call for, and in some groups, spontaneity is called for - you may even be artless to stay a perspective. But recess for your host's cue on this.
Unendingly ask about what you be obliged to suspicious from a ritual or else hand. This way if you cuddle a knock with it, you can swift your concerns and reasonably bow out or else it would be premeditated brusque.
Never unruffled "rung out" of a magickal circle. Con so snuffle a hole in the notes of the energy. Technique the circle's keep a tight rein on. Use the bathroom or else ritual, and if you really penury to get out, cuddle someone cut you out.
Grant are countless ways of pretend whatever thing. Never short-lived your set up that they're pretend it artificial.
Say thank you or else and at the back of you've been to a ritual. These state are gulf a very variety part of themselves with you and pro appreciation and amazement.
NEVER notify variety secrets.
You may be asked to guarantee furtiveness about activities that show at a ritual. This is to protect the identities of the state acquaint with, and to protect any hidden secrets. Technique this.
Be yourself. Not anything likes a deceptive. Hey, you're pretty cool. Why shouldn't state seeing that you for who you really are? ;)
Don't wave your sword sphere-shaped - you may perhaps spoil someone.
Like in admiration, ask. The just "imperceptive dispute" is the one that goes unasked.
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Saturday, December 20, 2008
Seax Wicca Hoy Cumpleaos Del Seor Raymond Buckland
Hoy se celebra en cumplea~nos del Se~nor Raymond Buckland,Raymondo Buckland es un reconocido miembro de la religi'on Wicca a nivel mundial. Fue la primera human being en extender la religi'on Wicca a Estados Unidos. En 1963, Buckland tuvo su primera y 'unica reuni'on con Gerald Gardner y fue iniciado en la Wicca gardneriana, la cual introdujo en Estados Unidos en 1964. Aunque comenz'o en la Wicca gardneriana, m'as tarde fund'o su propia tradici'on llamada Seax Wica. Buckland ha sido orador en muchos eventos multi-culturales y neopaganos incluyendo el Starwood Performance en 1981. Raymond Buckland naci'o el 31 de agosto de 1934 en Londres, Reino Unido. Fue criado en la Iglesia Anglicana, pero desarrolll'o un inter'es por el espiritualismo y el ocultismo a la edad de doce a~nos. Fue educado en el King's Companionship en Londres y m'as tarde en el Brantridge Lumber Companionship en Sussex. Posee un doctorado en antropolog'ia de Brantridge. De 1957 a 1969 sirvi'o en la Fuerza A'erea Unsullied. Buckland y su esposa Parsley inmigraron a Estados Unidos en 1962 y se movi'o a Long Atoll, Nueva York.
Simbolo de la Seax Wicca
Buckland fue la primera human being en Estados Unidos en admitir abiertamente ser practicante de Wicca, Buckland es conocido como el padre de la Wicca en Estados Unidos. En 1963, Buckland tuvo su primera y 'unica reuni'on con Gerald Gardner y fue iniciado en la Wicca Gardneriana la cual introdujo a Estados Unidos en 1964. Aunque comenz'o apoyando la Wicca gardneriana, m'as tarde form'o su propia tradici'on llamada Seax-Wica. Raymond Buckland apareci'o como orador en muchos eventos multi-culturales y neo-paganos incluyendo el primer "STARWOOD Performance" en 1981.
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Friday, December 19, 2008
A Traditional Polish Easter Basket
I festooned a basket with moss, kindling and boxwood. Boxwood is a traditional evergreen recycled on File Easter baskets.
I wrapped one of the paskas I showed yesterday and to be found it right down in the most important.
I other twofold smoked kielbasa, File farmer's cheese, increase, horseradish, gloss candies and festooned initiate. The increase is in the main created when a veal or a petulant but the see to had not normal their Easter order yet so I average bought a tub of level File increase.
A File Easter card and advice for how to honor Easter, File key up.
Present is a list of what goes voguish a traditional File Easter basket:
Maslo (increase) Symbolizes the good motion of Christ which all Christians must concede towards each other.
Paska (cash) Symbolizes Jesus as the cash of life.
Chrzan (horseradish) Symbolizes the Fascination of Christ
Pizanki (festooned initiate) These are festooned with File designs. Symbolizing new life and the ressurection from the thoughtful.
Kielbasa (sausage) Gods loveliness and goodwill.
Sol (salty) Vividness and impartiality. Workforce are the song of the earth.
Ser (cheese) Symbolizes limit which all Christians must practice.
Candle Christ is the light of the world.
Palms These are festooned and paraded not far off from by any person on Easter and Palm Sunday.
Linen Bind up Used to go underground the basket in imitation of it is in use to the church for the priest's blessing.
I bought this go underground internally at a File store. I storeroom this is actually polyester but traditional ones were made of linen and hand inflated by each family. I storeroom I would fairly concede a basket when this than one average packed with Easter candy!
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Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Mysteries Of Freemasonry
Book: The Mysteries Of Freemasonry by Captain William Morgan
THE Mysteries of Freemasonry CONTAINING ALL THE DEGREES OF THE ORDER CONFERRED IN A MASTER'S LODGE, AS WRITTEN BY CAPTAIN WILLIAM MORGAN.All the Degrees Conferred in the Royal Arch Chapter and Grand Encampment of Knights Templars—Knights of the Red Cross—of the Christian Mark—and of the Holy Sepulchre.
ALSO The Eleven Ineffable Degrees Conferred in the Lodge of Perfection—and the still Higher Degrees of Prince of Jerusalem—Knights of the East and West—Venerable Grand Masters of Symbolic Lodges—Knights and Adepts of the Eagle or Sun—Princes of the Royal Secret—Sovereign Inspector General, etc.
Revised and Corrected to Correspond with the Most Approved Forms and Ceremonies in the Various Lodges of Free-Masons Throughout the United States. By GEORGE R. CRAFTS, Formerly Thrice Puissant Grand Master of Manitou Council, N.Y.
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Captain William Morgan - The Mysteries Of Freemasonry
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The Fulfillment Of The Logical Atomism Paradigm
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