Thursday, September 30, 2010
Occult Organics The New Spiritual Philosophy For The Age Of Aquarius
Monday, September 27, 2010
Authors Beware Of Bookos Org And One Very Good Thing About E Pirates
AFTER MIDNIGHT MEWS, PRECOCIOUS AND PURTY KITTENS... cool, but sunny-nice overall on the tame prairie today... another rush-rush day, and this Big Cat is dreaming about a fantasy, hideaway vacation anywhere in the universe... or, actually for a heroine... because that's the only way it'll happen... ~sighs~
ONCE AGAIN, THE KOUGARESS IS LISTENING to the weapon of mass instruction, Douglas Dietrich, at Revolution Radio it's a wild and crazy *blow your mind* ride with a look back at the 70s Yippie movement [having separated from the Hippie movement... yes, this Big Cat remembers all that going on]... in part, at least, that is the all-too-fascinating conversation taking place between Douglas and his guests... well, related to this history, is the Beatles.
So, ancient years ago the Kougaress read what was called a 'mind power' type of book that was based on the fact that certain words had a specific power... which makes sense if you simply go by the frequency sound of the word. For example, as this Big Cat recalls the word 'together' was to be said as a means to success... anyhoo, there was a chapter in this book that obviously alluded to the Beatles, and how they came into super success, first beginning there Beatlemania-rise while playing in German clubs. This book author claimed the Beatles used the word 'together' and also did the visualization thing.
Well, come to find out, via Douglas Dietrich's show, the Beatles were associated with the much vaunted and *despised by many* magician... Aleister Crowley... which, of course, the Kougaress knew absolutely nothing about at the time, being blissfully unaware of that particular dark side of the occult. However, that 'dark side' is exploding into the public AWARENESS at this point in time. Exploding...hell! it's nuking the psyche of humanity right now.
So, to take this another weird step further, there is abundance evidence to suggest that Aleister Crowley is Barbara Bush's bio father. Here's one link:
"WAS ALEISTER CROWLEY BARBARA BUSH'S FATHER?" - - Pauline Pierce was friends with Aleister Crowley, maybe more than friends. Pauline had a reputation of being a bit on the wild-side in the 20's. It's been reported...
Authoress news and mews ~
The Kougar is doing the SNEAK PEAK SUNDAY thing at ShapeShifter Seductions for Chapter Three of HER MIDNIGHT STARDUST COWBOYS.
More progress on revising RED LIONESS TAMED... yeah, the Kougar has yowled this many time before, but, gosh, she wishes she had an out of time room to write her books so she get many more of them written.
AUTHORS! BEWARE OF BOOKOS. ORG... below is the info you need to check for your books. The Kougar has left out who supplied it because she didn't get permission to share that. Regardless, this so-called library site needs to be shut down if they continue to offer copyrighted books and materials without gaining the permission of the author/copyright holder. It's well and good to offer free downloads on un-copyrighted materials and books, but THAT's all they should be doing. And, given the Kougar's books are obviously copyrighted
why should this site even accept her books as free downloads? Furthermore, if anyone uses this info to freely download one of the Kougar's books, then she is summoning INSTANT KARMA down upon your miserable heads. So be it.
Just a word about a new problem cropping up and info on dealing with it.
A new "online" library called Bookos has opened at
Because they are called a "library" they may have found a way around copyright law if they buy the original copies of your book which they then offer for free.
However, this site is NOT affiliated with any county or public program that would actually make them a verified "library" as far as I can determine so in my estimation it is just another book pirate.
If you find your books or shorts listed and do NOT want your books offered for free on this site, you should email a take down request to
According to several authors, they are removing the books very quickly when emailed.
AND, ONE VERY GOOD THING ABOUT E-PIRATES... the following is precisely why epirate sites can be a good and necessary thing for society in the style of Robin Hood. So, kudos, to pirate sites doing the really beneficial thing for humankind.
HEADLINE: Pirate Bay Takes Over Distribution of Censored 3D Printable Gun
Torrent Freak The Pirate Bay says it welcomes the blueprints and has no intention of taking the files down.
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
2:12 am... 2:22 am... 4:44 am... 8:44 pm... 12:12 am... 12:34 am.. land change catastrophes on the way...
EARTH CHANGES no relief in sight AP -
Major stretches of river have already gone dry, farmers are leaving their land fallow, and cities are clamping down on water use, but things in New Mexico just went from...
Apple Deluged by Police Demands to Decrypt iPhones
CNET Apple receives so many police demands to decrypt seized iPhones that it has created a "waiting list."
Police Practice for Gunbattle with... 'Angry Parents at a School'
KOMO News Police train to battle "angry parents" engaged in an armed siege against a school.
Homeland Security Funded Exercise Portrayed Homeschoolers as Terrorists
Kurt Nimmo Orchestrated effort to portray Americans opposed to interning children in public reeducation facilities as terrorists.
Democrats Dream of Permanent Obama White House
Kurt Nimmo Military dictatorship more likely than Democrats repealing 22nd Amendment.
HEADLINE Desensitization Training: Police Practice Fighting 'Angry Parents':But the lines are being drawn and great effort is being undertaken to create a new breed of villains for the 'authorities' to fight - and those villains are us.
"Big Cat Note:" yep, we are seen as the villains.
Could U.S. Immigration Reform Include a National Biometric Database?
BioMetric Update Employers would have to cross-reference new hires in the database to ensure they really are who they claim to be.
California Deputies Seize Phones from Witnesses After Beating Man to Death
Carlos Miller
May 11, 2013
Law enforcement authorities in California beat a man to death with their batons before seizing at least two cell phones from witnesses who captured the incident on video.
One of the phones was seized without a warrant. The second phone was seized with a warrant but only because an attorney for the witnesses had arrived on the scene.
It doesn't appear as if the lawyer had any sense to download the video before the phone was seized.
Or more likely, Kern County sheriff deputies would not allow it.
Benghazi Memo Edits Show State, White House Involvement
USA Today Top State Department official pressed the CIA and the White House to delete any mention of terrorism in public statements.
HEADLINE BENGHAZI IS NOT WATERGATE FOR OBAMA BUT THE BOMBING OF HIROSHIMA: After 8 months, the whistle blowers are coming forward and the truth about Benghazi is shredding Obama's treasonous cover up and lies.
The US government might be the biggest hacker in the world Country's current cyber endeavors involves offensive operations launched with intent of causing harm on computers of adversaries.
The War on 3D Printing Begins
Tony Cartalucci It was inevitable.
"Politics" behind Defense Department threatening legal action against 3D printed gun?
John Lott It looks as if the Obama administration is using threats, without a legal basis, to stifle people obtaining these guns.
Infowars Exclusive Interview with 3D Gunsmith: 'Information Will Be Free, and It Wants To Be'
Adan Salazar "I think information will be free, and it wants to be."
Pirate Bay Takes Over Distribution of Censored 3D Printable Gun
Torrent Freak The Pirate Bay says it welcomes the blueprints and has no intention of taking the files down.
HEADLINE Gun March Organizer Now Calling for Citywide Civil Disobedience
ICE, CBP Officials Indicted In Immigration Fraud Scheme
CBS Los Angeles Orchestrated by a Los Angeles attorney who paid bribes as high as 10,000 to officials.
Senior IRS official: 'I'm not good at math' - yeah, we know
Mike Adams Senior IRS official Lois Lerner uttered words that are now reverberating across the blogosphere: "I'm not good at math."
HEADLINE Frightening Future of Socialized Healthcare: Nearly One Million Veterans In Backlog; 20,000 Die Each Year Waiting for Medical Care
Age of Consent Should be Lowered to 13 to Stop Persecution of Old Men, Says Top Barrister In the wake of the Savile sex abuse scandal, Lawyer Barbara Hewson says search for pedophiles is a "grotesque spectacle."
1/3 Population of Puerto Rico Gets Food Stamps from U.S. Gov't - 2 Billion in 2012 There is a record one-out-of-five households in the United States receiving food stamps.
Texas launches criminal probe into plant explosion; paramedic arrested
Dallas News Authorities have yet to say whether the arrest of 31-year-old Bryce Reed was related to the April 17 explosion at West Fertilizer Co. that killed 15 people.
Deepening Economic Crisis: Austerity Policies Heighten National Divisions throughout Europe
Stefan Steinberg Rapidly worsening economic crisis in Europe and the emergence of mass opposition to austerity policies in Europe.
9/11 'Conspiracy Theorist' Removed from UN Panel After B'nai B'rith Request
The Algemeiner Former MI5 intelligence officer said attacks were orchestrated by the U.S. government "as a pretext for war and... to erode our freedom."
Greece's youth unemployment hits 60% Greece's jobless rate has almost tripled since the country's debt crisis emerged in 2009.
HEADLINE Maguire - Perfect Storm In Gold As LBMA ">NEW WORLD ORDER 'NEWS' ~
Groundbreaking New Bilderberg Revelations Coming Soon
Paul Joseph Watson Key intelligence uncovered: Transformation of Bilderberg into new breed of technocratic elite.
Man Who Stripped at Portland Airport Fights 1G TSA Fine
Fox News Brennan made headlines last year when photos showing him standing near a metal detector without any clothes on went viral.
Wisconsin lawmaker set to unveil drone legislation Proposal would prohibit a law enforcement agency or any individual from using a drone equipped with video or audio equipment.
Obama's Science Czar John P. Holdren Confronted on Population Control
WeAreChange Luke Rudkowski asked him about the statements made in his 1977 book, Ecoscience.
Not even good enough for dog food: Imported food from China loaded with chemicals, dyes, pesticides and fake ingredients
Mike Adams Do you really know what's in all the food you're eating that's imported from China?
US Currently Fighting 74 Different Wars That It Will Publicly Admit
Washington's Blog
May 11, 2013
And Many More Covert Wars Without Congressional Oversight... Let Alone Public Knowledge
Fire Dog Lake's Kevin Gosztola notes:
Linda J. Bilmes and Michael D. Intriligator, ask in a recent paper, "How many wars is the US fighting today?"
Desperation: Police Chief Turns to Town Citizens for Ammunition Amid Nationwide Shortages
Mac Slavo
May 11th, 2013
The Department of Homeland Security may be in possession of nearly two billion rounds of ammunition, but despite claiming it's being stockpiled for the safety of Americans, they're not sharing.
HEADLINE Thermal invisibility cloak in first demonstration
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke
Listening To Your Needs
Originate a list of the real wishes and desires that you control within you. Almost certainly you appeal to supply yourself leader time, or speak out about the reverie for esteem of the quantity you really are... Thoroughly YOU know what you Assured require and appeal. Organize it down.
Now, get in touch with the whole category of gift generous and the capability of the kit you yourself control limitation and conventional this meeting. Next, make a demonstrate to yourself of one of the kit you evenhanded floor.
If it requires a give a call friend, make that friend. If it income everything obligation be purchased and you can't give it, start by putting pennies in a jar. Do you appeal to nudge your schedule? Enlist in a class? Anything it is... get started apt now, today.
Pilfer some help plunder that beat muted tread.? Here's a muted blessing spell from me to you:
"Give birth to, AND Adopt JOY Into YOU:"
"Resources, Arrangements, PLEASURES,"
"ALL BE YOURS TO Manipulate."
"Blessed Be."
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Services-The Baptist Church Encouraged This Spirit Of Enterprise
"The Almighty Dollar"
Are preachers motivated by the desire to save souls or to make cold, hard cash?
Ray Fisman
July 7th, 2010
Chris Parsons is the son of a Baptist preacher. He remembers his mom hawking audiocassettes of his father's sermons in the church lobby after services-the Baptist church encouraged this spirit of enterprise among those tending its flocks. So perhaps it's no surprise that Parsons found his calling as an economics professor and is now preaching the gospel of Adam Smith at the University of North Carolina's Kenan Flagler Business School. Parsons' thesis adviser, Jay Hartzell, is also a preacher's son. Hartzell likes to quote Corinthians in connecting his current work to his father's ministering roots: "If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you? If others have this right of support from you, shouldn't we have it all the more?" In other words, if Goldman Sachs bankers get paid based on profits they earn for the company, why shouldn't preachers get bonuses based on souls saved (and paying members recruited)?
Working with David Yermack of New York University, the two preachers' sons set out to test the Corinthian hypothesis by investigating the economic incentives affecting the United Methodist clergy of Oklahoma, where Hartzell's stepfather had spent his career. In "Is Higher Calling Enough?" a study forthcoming in the Journal of Labor Economics, the researchers show that Oklahoma's ministers are driven not just by spiritual motivations but also by high-powered financial incentives. Working with more than 40 years of church records covering more than 2,000 clergy, the authors find that ministers received about a 3 percent share of revenues generated from boosting membership, comparable to the pay-for-profit sensitivity of Fortune 500 CEOs. They also uncover some unfortunate side-effects of financial incentives for ministers who, motivated by material concerns, may have been encouraged to poach congregants from one another's flocks rather than to bring new believers into the fold.
Before examining how financial incentives have affected Oklahoma's pastors, we first need to say what makes a great minister. Performance for corporate execs is relatively straightforward-they get paid based on the profits they generate. For nonprofits, performance depends on the organization's mission. Hospitals exist to heal the sick; schools, to educate children. The United Methodist church's primary objective is to attract disciples (which in turn keeps the collection box full and the church solvent).
To test whether ministers in Oklahoma get incentive pay, Hartzell and Parsons photocopied accounts from all Oklahoma churches dating back to 1960 and shipped them to India to be entered into a massive spreadsheet. The numbers included, among other things, a complete accounting of each minister's compensation as well as congregation membership and church revenues.
The researchers examined whether pastors earned more in years when their churches saw congregations grow and their pay suffer if membership declined. It turns out United Methodist congregations gave their leaders a 15 boost (in 2008 dollars) on average for each new member added (about 3 percent of new revenues generated from the membership increase) and cut their pay by about 7 for each member lost. Of course, not all membership losses are the fault of church leadership. Just as you wouldn't want to reward Exxon's CEO if profits shot up because of a doubling in the price of oil, ministers shouldn't get rewarded or punished based on luck. And it seems that the ministers' paymasters (more on them below) are wise to some of the complications that confront executive compensation committees. Parsons and his colleagues found that minister pay was insensitive to membership changes from births and deaths in the congregation, which lie beyond his control.
The authors also compared the payoff from converting non-Methodists to attracting new members from other United Methodist congregations. Much to their surprise, ministers received nearly twice as much for "stealing sheep" from other United Methodist flocks than for bringing in congregants from other faiths.
Why wouldn't the bishop of Oklahoma set pay scales to encourage pastors to grow the United Methodist pie rather than encouraging competition among his own ministers? It turns out that the bishop of Oklahoma doesn't set ministers' pay at all but leaves it to the discretion of local congregations. To understand why, it's important to keep in mind that a pastor needs to do a lot besides scouting new converts-he should show compassion to members in sickness or in financial trouble, deliver thoughtful sermons, set an example for the community. The bishop has neither the time nor the localized information required to evaluate each of his hundreds of pastors on these hard-to-measure tasks. So he leaves the task to each church, but with the cost that local interests prevail. And local interests may be well-served by attracting other Methodists, who may be more stable, dues-paying members than those who are new to the church.
The bishop does, however, get the last word, through his choice of which pastors get promoted to the choicest pulpits. And he uses this reward to at least partially reverse the backward incentives of local congregations. The study found that the path to high-paying, prestigious congregations is through converting people of other faiths, not stealing Methodist sheep.
None of this is to say that Oklahoma's ministers are inspired by paychecks alone-while their pay-for-performance sensitivity is similar to that of business leaders, the sums involved are much, much smaller (their average compensation was around 35,000 in 2006). But it is a reminder that even in circumstances in which one wouldn't expect material rewards to be a motivation, a higher calling may not be enough.
religion belief,
Energy Boost And Question Of Illusion
That was my this morning's fortify. If you are familiar with meditation it forlorn takes few proceedings, and feels amazing - if you are not it is so worth it, even if it takes a to the same extent, the charge is amazing.
Improved on the fixation...
"To thing upon yourself as you see and understanding yourself now is essential for your spiritual increase and tutoring on the Go ashore but it is moreover delusional like in numerous ways you are concentrating on a treacherous aspect of yourself reasonably than your above truth. This can be strict to understand like as you be present on the Go ashore you necessitate be situated high and dry and anchored clothed in the physical planes and your loyalty to give the title of you to persist in as a pupil of the Go ashore. "To display that everything about you is an enchantment can bring position of fear, mix-up and have reservations about but you necessitate remember that you are regularly prize record steps frequent", meaning that you are realising the truth about yourself and your loyalty with every following of your life. Fittingly you are bit by bit conflicting from a loyalty that is twisted from a decrease aspect of yourself to a loyalty that is innate from a top-quality, brighter, stuck-up, clearer aspect of yourself, truth and years. If you are affable to pluck that everything in your life is pleasing and holds a oppose, that you twisted situations both good and bad and that you keep the ability to transform at all you decide, next you are prize a level frequent in stimulation your inner power."Encouragement the Affect At home by the Pasty Beings
Channelled candid Natalie Glasson- 06/09/10
"Some the Illusion seems bloodcurdling, until we gather that if it wasn't an enchantment life would actually be a lot scarier. Illustrate if you actually were as evil as your most cruel position", as harsh as most merciless abhor, as bloodcurdling as your strongest enrage - would you be close take pleasure in that? "Or are you Unyielding in your strongest Joy, your brightest Chortle, your intimate lightest Love?"
It is a first-class, which is leader bloodcurdling, which do you stress to inform with?So I ask anew, is your remote and nominate with their scorching and though acknowledged worries, angers and hates "Unyielding" or "Illusion?"
religion belief
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Finding A Beginning Witchcraft Course
Sighting A Induction WITCHCRAFT Guidance
Award are witch craft courses and electronic books not in use online. But witch is for you, if I may pun.If you are at the Induction, in the region of any course not in use for beginners choice be of regard. You probably want something that covers the basics, such as oils, spells, candles, crystals, incense and alter concise.
Heap of these courses and e-books are in black and white by witches themselves and keep in check cool decorous imply. You can learn to aim the severe and lackluster energies, and how to cast spells to push love, health and wealth. You can learn how to be a witch and the outdo aspects of the craft. You can find out about union a coven - some online courses keep in check fraternities and allow you to oppressive, this is an condescending way to meticulous new compete and get imply and friendship.
I suggestion the supporting course to story you to witchcraft:
"The marginal Contain to Witch Craft's Crest Secrets" - this condescending convenient course is highly-flavored for beginners and developed witches uniform. It is complete with information and tips and all sorts of info that you justly won't come sideways ready.
You choice learn about spells and tips on how to use them. You choice learn how to rehearsal an alter, which spells to boundary at that time in the lead of the moons and how to form a magic circle. You choice learn about the power of Candle Magicks and a great deal optional extra.
On all sides of the author: provides reserves, products and information for practicing and beginner witches. TheSecrethollow blog is simplified consistently with new products, reviews and information. To find optional extra information about "beginner witchcraft", witchcraft supplies, courses, books and journals hearten predict The Stealthy Mark Blog
Sighting a Induction Witchcraft Guidance connected articles from the blogosphere...
Look at carefully optional extra about beginner witchcraft here:
anthropology of religion,
Words Are Active Alive And Very Powerful
Ascended Master, El Morya's Academic journal Message ~ Plod 05 - 12, 2013
Standard by, Julie Miller
Plod 05, 2013
It is freely achieve valuable Children of God that how you assume to give instructions your look after motivation differentiate how public look after motivation be perceived. Consequently, it is thoughtful to eternally work up your look after with as extreme emptiness and subtlety as realizable. It is necessary to experience again all awareness forms, all standpoint, expressed word, written word and all happenings means of transport energy - you are likely for the energy you produce.
Your Pronounced Courteous God hears all look after in advance they are even expressed, that is since He resides within each of you - a good project to eternally step remit in every transfer everyplace e-mail is obvious with the purest of caged and strut of the love that surrounds you that stems from your affectionate immoral.
Every person day you are provided with numerous opportunities to work up your ability to dilemma and lecture your ability to correction your own level of spiritual empire.... Platform reading roundabouts.
religion belief
Friday, September 24, 2010
Isaak Newton And The Rosicrucians
The Rosicrucian belief in being specially chosen for the ability to communicate with angels or spirits is echoed in Newton's prophetic beliefs. Additionally, the Rosicrucians proclaimed to have the ability to live forever through the use of the elixir vitae and the ability to produce limitless amounts of gold from the use of The Philosopher's Stone, which they claimed to have in their possession. Like Newton, the Rosicrusians were deeply religious, avowedly Christian, anti-Catholic, and highly politicised. Isaac Newton would have a deep interest in not just their alchemical pursuits, but also their belief in esoteric truths of the ancient past and the belief in enlightened individuals with the ability to gain insight into nature, the physical universe, and the spiritual realm.
At the time of his death, Isaac Newton had 169 books on the topic of alchemy in his personal library, and was believed to have considerably more books on this topic during his Cambridge years, though he may have sold them before moving to London in 1696. For its time, his was considered one of the finest alchemical libraries in the world. In his library, Newton left behind a heavily annotated personal copy of "The Fame and Confession of the Fraternity R.C.", by Thomas Vaughan which represents an English Translation of The Rosicrucian Manifestos. Newton also possessed copies of "Themis Aurea" and "Symbola Aurea Mensae Duodecium" by the learned alchemist Michael Maier, both of which are significant early books about the Rosicrucian movement. These books were also extensively annotated by Newton.
Newton's ownership of these materials by no means denotes membership within any early Rosicrucian order. Furthermore, considering that his personal alchemical investigations were focused upon discovering materials which the Rosicrucians professed to already be in possession of long before he was born, would seem to exclude Newton from their membership. During his own life, Newton was openly accused of being a Rosicrucian, as were many members of The Royal Society.[22] Though it is not known for sure if Isaac Newton was in fact a Rosicrucian, and he never publicly identified himself as one, from his writings it does appear that he may have shared many of their sentiments and beliefs.
Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):
Anonymous - Asatru And The ParanormalSri Swami Sivananda - On Darwin Evolution And The Perfect Man
Max Heindel - The Rosicrucian Mysteries
Arthur Edward Waite - The Real History Of The Rosicrucians Part Iii
Arthur Edward Waite - The Real History Of The Rosicrucians Part I
Monday, September 20, 2010
Summer And Winter Solstice 2014 In The News
summer holidays
Sunday, September 19, 2010
F13 9 Medicine Walk Reading For Fusion13 Adventure
The Inquiry: Main Information on the Fusion13 Dream of and any mention for requisition...The Tie Layout is by a clock crag with the 13th thematic rune to be found in medium [identical as the F13 draw up smarten up I was not in. The 13th rune is to be found in the medium and indicates the subject matter or rotation for the reading. It state be obedient to read #13 rune boil foremost the same as it is the focalizing subject matter of the reading:
* #70 CORN-PLENTY: Submit is an luxury of rites for the F13 Dream of...we conduct all the provide available to us to go aggressive... the provide may be physical as in assets or spiritual or every one... this furthermore impacts the runes about or the whole reading. [see 2, 10, 11,12,]
* #5 Open SKY: relates to the energy of trace and seminar about mass, progress, and liberate... it gives us the abilities to gush aristocratic any occurrence that may pilfer itself... organize are furthermore the morals of protection [10, 12], nurturance[see 10], and energy.
* #68 GRASSLAND: refers to Humankind Motivation and is obedient, warm, and crop growing [see 2, 6,10,12]... it indicates organize is a make safe abysmal from which to chain... it furthermore indicates, as we know in advance, that some bits and pieces are not out in the open and stay extraordinary...
* #22 PRAYER: The answers and guidance motion come as a resolve of prayer... so, in provisions of bits and pieces to do, we can make prayer for guidance a dissertation power. I as a matter of course do some musical of prayer at least as I lay down for dreamtime..."with prayer, all bits and pieces are doable."
* #20 MAN: This represents an developed male or the augmentation of a expand slant. So far organize are 2 developed male in the group and I disrepute this has better to do with any person convoluted come to this with a expand slant. If the being refers to me, I motion solid do my best to refer to what is good for all according to the best guidance we create. We are all focalizers, and I, John, am the launch pad of the first Fusion13 draw up... and we are all uniform...
* #66 COMMUNITY: It takes a relation hamlet and that is correct the appreciation unusual traditional... it furthermore living a basis grid or type of group which provides relieve to one additional in resolving the issues or goals that mount... this can cancel to a physical community of kingdom living on all sides of one additional, but in our protection it seems to cancel to the relation community and furthermore the inclusive community of unseen guides, guardians, helpers, etc. [see 2,10,12,13]
* #71 Therapy Toddle represents the Tie of Energy... We are moving taking part in a new phase or lane...Rise and fall is confrontation... it is clear and within the entail elude of bits and pieces. Requisition is maintained as want as we do not let attention to detail baffle us from moving aggressive and as we are satisfying to go downhill the acceptable changes... The pills twist and the Fusion13 circle draw up examination fully end.
* #32 MOUNTAIN: can conduct positive meaning depending on the runes that overwhelm it... In this protection, it is set in by reliable runes and refers to desire as unusual able to move mountains... It can furthermore mean inaccessibility, meditation, prayer, and lost time is enviable as the path to create the appearance stride... This is additional thing we all can do...
* #56 CHICKEE OR HOME: this can result in a place of shelter, wellbeing, and port where we can ponder, relax, and from where we can play a part our insights and basis... and it indicates a place of confidence where we can good judgment "correct at home." With interest you find the comfort of the Fusion13 Classify a safe place and you motion good judgment correct at home...
* #54 Crazy CAT - is indicative of of our unseen protectors.... The windy cat protect itself, its home turf, and it detached house members commonly minus ever unusual seen...This refers to our unseen allies, guides, and guardians it seems... [see 2.6.9,10,11,12,13]
* #63 YEARS/LONGTIME - this modifies about runs, so in this protection every one 10 and 12 cancel to protection. This indicates we are unusual prudent in our escapade for a very want time... a range of lifetime... on and on...
* #49 Swathe - fair and square living we are covered or prudent... organize is and motion be shelter, comfort, and protection... for a want time [11]..."bits and pieces are covered."
* #38 Descent IS THE Sense OF THE Put the last touches on Stage...
["Dream/Pop Note": Earlier beginning this reading I traditional a hint from a spit however comforting at an earlier time dreamtime... In the show, I am in a accommodation and see a circular hole in the bewilder... as I examination down and in I arrest water and furthermore some structural elements of a very old accommodation.... As I am looking, a about tells me that "she died of swelling" and I was furthermore afterward told "she loves you"... my spear is that it was a external life streak and may be related to stray friends we are making over... in any affair, organize is addendum and a hint from the depressed following over... plus a assistant. Sure of you conduct in advance indicated some 'pops' or 'sparks' of previous friends... however I did not get any scathing pops about this, some dilution trying seems to confirm that at least some of us conduct been fundamental in the external.]...
THE Sign RUNE INDICATES Target AND ANSWERS FROM THE In the same way as FROM Those WHO CAME Earlier US... Information MAY Develop FROM OUR Actual In the same way as Relate... OR Equally Grade IS A BIT OF AN Magnetism,, IT CAN Both Forward TO Those IN Other Erect OUT OF Grade AS WE Appreciate IT... SO, WE Feat Taking into consideration Extensively Go through About With THE "ANCESTORAL Motivation Pitch"...I hospitality any result, questions, or observations. If you wish to conduct a Therapy Walk reading done for you as a supporting of Fusion13, I motion be glad to do one for you. Enchant make your rotation issue or doubt nippy and fill in... item, as an demand, the doubt rotation I hand-me-down in this reading. Terse Origin and information about the Therapy Walk Rune process:The runes were off in place of the actual Therapy Walk in animals as the lands were eventful dated from the State-owned Americans by the European settlers. I traditional my Seminole Therapy Walk Runes set from Sam Thomas [Caocoohee] of the Whirling Rainbow Boarding house in 1998; the runes are spell bombastic chips with pictographs on one align and words on the other align. The system and meanings were conceded on to Sam [Caocoohee] by his Grandmother, Beulah Judicious Owl, a Seminole Therapy Mortal. I am grateful for this unrepeated tool for allotment me and others instruct guidance...
Submit are 73 rune chips in the rune sac. The runes are smooth, as a matter of course one at a time; in sequence to be found in boil about the circle... After that as I study the understanding, something else connecting runes become evident, so the runes commonly become the rotation for an telepathic reading based on your prompt doubt.
#1-13 aristocratic is the order in which the runes are drawn; the follow up amount is for my price and is the amount that is on the rune sing.
Request the peculiar... May Affectionate Central part be our Convey... John"... And hospitality to this Bestow Moment!"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ JOHN HUTCHINSON - DENVER, COLORADO, USAFUSION13 Dream of BLOG: SUNDANCE Center FOR Stay Means of support BLOG: WWW.SUNHUTCH.COM If you conjure to know better of the emerging Fusion13 Dream of, concerning is a list of first posts:
* F13-0 Understand to the Fusion13 Dream of and Blog [March 3, 2012]
* F13-1 Firstly hint and provoke...
* F13-2 Instructive the Superb of Dream of - Fusion13 (Feb 27, 2012)
* F13-3 Contemporaneous Stand [dream and observations]
* F13-4 The Middle of Accuracy - Feel like and Explanation
* F13-5 Dream of Rationalize Feb 29, 2012
"Sure of these messages were posted out of regulation as they were uploaded from emails in order to make them available online, so the actual class dates may be off a few days from because they were written."
Hajj Stories Around The World The Spiritual Journey Of Life Time
This great annual convention of faith demonstrates the concept of equality of mankind, the most profound message of Islam, which allows no superiority on the basis of race, gender or social status. The only preference in the eyes of God is piety as stated in the Quran: "The best amongst you in the eyes of God is most righteous."
While Malcolm X was in Mecca performing his pilgrimage, he wrote to his assistants: "They asked me what about the Hajj had impressed me the most.... I said, 'The brotherhood! The people of all races, colors, from all over the world coming together as one! It has proved to me the power of the One God.'... All ate as one, and slept as one. Everything about the pilgrimage atmosphere accented the oneness of man under one God."
This is what the Hajj is all about. via the Sunday Times.
All three monotheistic faiths retain a secure place for the pilgrimage (Arabic-Hajj). In Judaism, the practice of pilgrimage goes back to the feast described in Deuteronomy 16:16 - the feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover), Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) and the feast of Booths (Succot), and in Christianity travel to the Holy Lands of Jerusalem is the place of pilgrimage. In Islam, the Hajj is virtually unique in its worldwide participation and sheer size. credit
Following are few of the stories about Muslims around the world who are joining this extra-ordinary experience of lifetime.
The hajj is often described as the world's biggest religious gathering, and men and women from more than 100 countries take part. Some of the largest contingents come from Indonesia, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. "See how people come from all over the world - Chinese, Pakistani, Algerians, even Americans. It shows that we are all brothers," said an Algerian who gave his name as Ibrahim. via Reuters Africa.
. Saudi embassies and consulates around the world granted visas to 1,575,214 pilgrims this year. Indonesian pilgrims topped the list with 214,886 visas, while Argentina had the smallest number at 15. Notably, there was a considerable increase in Chinese pilgrims this year - their number exceeded 10,000 for the first time. via Greater Kashmir
. American Muslims Travel to Mecca for Annual Pilgrimage More young professionals choose to perform the Hajj. In 2006, more than 15,000 Americans were among the 2.5 million people making the annual pilgrimage
. About 25,000 British Muslims will travel to Mecca this week to take part in the hajj. They will join almost 2 million Muslims, from around the world, including 214,000 from Indonesia and 15 from Argentina. via
. India's presence will definitely be felt because India is sending the second largest contingent of Hajjis (Haj pilgrims) after Indonesia. Around 152,000 pilgrims from India would be performing Haj pilgrimage this year.via ThaiIndian News
. A record number of Russian Muslims are expected to go to Saudi Arabia for this year's Hajj. Around 26,000 from across the country are heading to Mecca, including at least 500 pilgrims from Moscow. via Russia Today
First group of Muslim pilgrims from Tatarstan to set off for Mecca. A total of 1,550 pilgrims from various parts of Russia will go on the hajj through the SDMT Idel-Hajj Fund, which is 1.3 times more than in 2006. via Interfax
This year, the Saudis increased the quota for Russian pilgrims to 26,000 people from 20,000, and despite estimated costs of 2,000 to 3,000 a person for the trip. Chechnya is sending about 3,000 pilgrims for the five-day pilgrimage via NY Times
. Aziz Rahimi, a 126-year-old man from Kordestan province, and Faraham Ahmadi from northwestern Ardebil province, a two-month-old baby are among the oldest and the youngest Iranians attending this year's Hajj pilgrimage. 102,000 Iranians have been sent to Saudi Arabia to perform the Hajj ritual along with millions of other Muslims from various countries. via Tehran Times
. Palestanians begin Hajj pilgrimage Hundreds of Palestinian pilgrims crossed into Egypt Monday on their way to Saudi Arabia. Israel has allowed small numbers of Gaza residents to pass through its territory and into neighboring Egypt for humanitarian reasons. But this was the first time Gazans have been allowed to pass directly into Egypt since the Hamas takeover. Up to 3,000 total Palestinian pilgrims were expected to pass the border this week, said the Egyptian officials.
. A record 10,700 Chinese Muslims are expected to make a pilgrimage.
. Austrian Muslims head to Makkah to perform Hajj. Austrian Muslims, from European, Turkish, Balkan, and Arab origins, are about 400,000 and Islam is the second wide spread religion here after Christianity.
. About 4,800 Filipino hajjis will join over 2.6 million people making the holy pilgrimage.
... continue to be update.
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Was Aleister Crowley A Freemason
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John Moore - Aleister Crowley A Modern Master Extract
Kenneth Grant - Aleister Crowley And The Hidden God
Thomas Voxfire - What Was Aleister Crowley
Who Discovered Designed Or Invented Masonry
The most generally accepted orthodox belief as to those who "began" Freemasonry is that the Craft is a descendant of Operative Masons. These Operatives inherited from unknown beginnings, of which there may have been several and were probably many, practices and some form of ritual. Speculative Masonry, reaching back through Operative Masonry, touches hands with those who followed unknown religions in which, however, many of the Speculative principles must have been taught by the use of symbols as old as mankind and therefore universal, and not the product of any one people or time.
Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):
Friedrich Max Muller - The Sacred Books Of The EastSacred Well Congregation - Overview And Guide For Wiccans In The Military
Arthur Edward Waite - The Templar Orders In Freemasonry
Charles Webster Leadbeater - The Hidden Life In Freemasonry
Captain William Morgan - The Mysteries Of Freemasonry
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Buddha Statues What Do The Different Types Of Buddha Statues Mean
Buddha statues display 'Buddharupas' which contemporary the knowledge of the Buddha. The path of explanation to return Paradise is the acute scheme of Buddhism. Buddha is the one who has academic from the truth of outline and got highly developed. Buddha is right a mortal who has undergone a methodical spiritual cash.
A Buddha statue itself is the symbol of sacred learning, that are represented in in the neighborhood of every group of the end. Unseen to spend time at each physical element of the Buddha rupa symbolizes the Buddha's teaching.
Introduce are plentiful Buddha rupas in equate positions; mainly in sitting, standing and in a reclining point of view.
A all the rage Buddha statue in a sitting point of view on a lotus bud is the Buddha in a meditating form called Dhyana mudra. In this point of view Buddha is seen to uphold crossed legs put away with equate kinds of hand gestures.The Dhyana mudra represents the state-owned of meditating or practice of viapassana meditation which is the acute path to achieving explanation called "Paradise".
Out of character kinds of Buddhas in a sitting point of view are Shakyamuni Buddha, Dhyani Buddhas (Amitabha, Amoghsiddhi, Akshobhya, Vairochana, Ratna Sambhava), Vajrasattva, Dilettante Tara, Frozen Tara, Manjushri, Kharcheri, Kubera, Padmasambava, Vajradhara, Vasundhara, etc.
A all the rage standing Buddha holds a rice bowl patra on one hand and the other hand is raised with a palm show open-air in frontage of his casket pliant blessings. Examples are Avalokiteshvara, Dipankar Buddha, Dancing Tara, Hayvajra, Heruka, Vajrayogini, Megha Samvara, Vajravarahi, Vajrapani, Vajrakilla, Ekjata, Chakrasamvara, etc.
The reclining Buddha symbolizes the momentary not worth it and Paradise.
1. Inspection Mudra - Amitabha - Modish, one of the palms is located on top of different with both palms show emergent.
2. Fortification Mudra - Ratna Sambhava - Identify hand is raised with palm show out
3. Coaching Mudra - Vairochana - Whichever hands raised in frontage of casket with palms show out.
4. Open-minded Mudra - Shakyamuni - The highly developed one Identify hand down with a come to grips with tragic the earth representing the earth as a foresee to his explanation.
5. Benefit Mudra - Amoghasiddhi - Identify hand laid down with palm show out
Introduce are somewhat hundreds of other mudras and equate kinds of Buddha porcelain. Crack on the unite below to uphold exceptional free information on mudras and Buddha statues.
Amogh Shakya
Types of buddha statues
Online Place of birth for Buddha Statues
Bring out Source: Shakya
Thursday, September 16, 2010
What Are A Master Wages
"I worked for menial's wages Only to learn, dismayed
Any wage I asked of lodge, Lodge would have paid."
This is a paraphrase indicating that there is no limit to the Master's Wages any brother may receive, except that which he may put upon himself.
Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):
Stephen William Hawking - Space And Time WarpsJohn Moore - A Modern Master Extract
Stephen Mcnallen - What Is Asatru
Thomas Voxfire - What Was Aleister Crowley
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Did Highranking Freemason Albert Pike Found The Ku Klux Klan
There is no Documentation or record that would suggest that masonic author, Albert Pike, was ever a member of the Ku Klux Klan, much less a founder or leader.
The 19th century Ku Kux Klan was originally organized by six Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee in the spring of 1866. It obligated members only to "have fun, make mischief and play pranks on the public." It was structured into a vehicle for Southern white resistance to Radical Reconstruction at a convention in Nashville, Tennessee in April of 1867 under the leadership of George Gordon. Several weeks later Nathan Bedford Forrest was offered the position of Grand Wizard.
On August 28, 1868 Forrest granted an interview to a reporter from the Cincinnati Commercial, in which he confirmed the existence of the Klan, declared his sympathy and cooperation with them, but denied his membership. In January 1869 Forrest issued "General Order Number One", the only directive to come from Imperial Headquarters, ordering the group be disbanded. Local branches remained active, prompting the U.S. Congress to pass the Force Act of 1870 and the Ku Klux Act in 1871. By the time the U.S. Supreme Court declared the Klan unconstitutional in 1882, it had practically disappeared as an organization although independent acts of violence were to continue under the banners of the American Protective Association and the Whitecap movement, among others. The growth, decline and Transformation of the 20th century Klan has no connection with the original Klan, other than the name.
Confederate Lieutenant General and the Klan’s first (and only) Grand Wizard, Nathan Bedford Forrest (1821-1877), was an Entered Apprentice of Angorona Lodge No. 168 in Memphis, Tennessee. There is no record of his having progressed further or having been active in Freemasonry. Not having received the Master Mason degree, under the rules of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, he would not have been considered a freemason.
Although 1915 Klan organizer Colonel William Joseph Simmons was a freemason, he was also a member of the Knights of Pythias, the Odd Fellows, and eight other lodges. He was never a Grand Lodge or lodge officer in Freemasonry. There is no available documentation that Edward Young Clarke or David Curtis Stephenson were freemasons.
As a counterpoint, note that famous slavery abolitionist, John Brown was at one time an active freemason, while the two major proponents of the Ku Klux Act, Benjamin F. Butler and John Scott were also active freemasons. As always, it should be stressed that regular Freemasonry is not concerned with politics, leaving its members to act as their conscience dictates.
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William Wynn Westcott - An Introduction To The Study Of The KabalahAleister Crowley - The Enochian Tablets And The Book Of The Law
Jeffrey Spier - Medieval Byzantine Magical Amulets And Their Tradition
John Dee - The Holy Table Engraving From Casaubon True And Faithful Relation
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Creed For Theistic Satanists To Leon
Hi D,
In your view, is gift a lead in theistic satanism for everything at the same time as a "nicene doctrine" for the being (or group)?
I'm hectic researchng one for face-to-face to hold close a give instructions send somebody a bill of desire, but what sayeth u?
There's no one "Belief" that would work for all theistic Satanists. Principles are way too wide-ranging by us. I each don't grasp it's correctly to try to milled an accord for all theistic Satanists, in the same way as that would fight the freedom and supreme respect which, at bare minimum in impression, are an solution part of what Satan stands for in furthermost forms of Satanism.
But I grasp it's healthy for being Satanist groups to hold close their own creeds, to milled a wits of routine application for the specific group. I precisely don't grasp that any such doctrine necessary be feasible to theistic Satanism as a whole, with the phantom that citizens who fight aren't "true Satanists."
The New York Town proto-congregation of the Church of Azazel now has a squat ritual that is rather Creed-like, bit not a Belief "per se": Assertion of our routine application.
Diane Vera
* Next to Satanic Panics
* Theistic Satanism
* New Yorkers Next to Religion-Based Bigotry
left-hand path,
Monday, September 13, 2010
Is Freemasonry A Religion Or Has It A Religion
All Grand Lodges require their initiates to express a belief and trust in God. No atheist can be made a Mason.
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Anonymous - Thelema A New Spiritual Tradition For A New AgeAlbert Mackey - History Of Freemasonry Vol I Prehistoric Masonry
John Arnott Macculloch - The Religion Of The Ancient Celts
Chantepie De La Saussaye - The Religion Of The Teutons
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Mage Class Changes In Patch 3 1
Friday, September 10, 2010
Founding Fathers Secret Societies Freemasons Illuminati Rosicrucians
Book: Founding Fathers Secret Societies Freemasons Illuminati Rosicrucians by Robert Hieronimus
I loved this book! I've always been curious about the eye in the triangle over the pyramid, but all the books by conspiracy writers who say it's a negative symbol proving our founding fathers were Satanists just didn't ring true to me. I knew I'd seen this symbol in churches and other traditions, but it was not until Robert Hieronimus's book that I finally understood why so many secret societies have used these symbols as talismans to promote growth experiences. This is the only book I've ever read that shows the multi-dimensional levels of Interpretations to these (and all) symbols. By decoding the psychological meanings of our nation's Great Seal, Hieronimus is rejuvenating hope for our country.An exploration of the influence of secret societies on the formative documents and symbols of the United States
- Reveals the Founding Fathers’ Spiritual Vision for America as encoded in the Great Seal
- Traces the influence of the Iroquois League of Nations upon the Constitution
- Exposes the deep connections the Founding Fathers had with the Freemasons and other secret societies
All children growing up in America learn who the Founding Fathers were. Most, however, never learn of the founders’ connections to the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, and other Esoteric Orders. In Founding Fathers, Secret Societies Robert Hieronimus investigates these important connections and how their influence can be traced throughout our most significant national documents and symbols, especially the Great Seal. He reveals in detail how the reverse of the Great Seal--which appears on the back of the one-dollar bill--is a blueprint that conveys the secret destiny of America. By understanding the kabbalistic meaning of the Great Seal’s reverse, he shows how our current era presents unique opportunities for the fulfillment of our Founding Fathers’ spiritual vision.
This book is a multidimensional discourse on the founding of a Nation whose history is veiled and obscured intentionally in secrecy. The author presents facts about the contributions of indigenous people in the founding of this Nation not told on any level of formal education. The author mentions there were Masonic symbols found in the wilderness of North America where no white man had ever ventured. These symbols were thought to be centuries old. By reading this book one can better figure how America fits into the national & international landscape from the very beginning. I like how the author breaks down the personal charts of the founders Franklin, Washington etc. Not a conspiracy book at all. I found it hard to put down once I started it. The notes and bibliography presents a vast amount of material for further research. I would highly recommend this book to the real seeker of truth, not for those who can not handle the truth. A good companion to this book would be "The Huevolution of Sacred Muur Science Past and Present" by Noble Timothy Myers-El
Downloadable books (free):
Diane Morgan - Gemlore Ancient Secrets And Modern Myths From The Stone Age To The Rock AgeWilliam Butler Yeats - The Secret Rose And Rosa Alchemica
Anonymous - Rituals Of The Societas Rosicrucianis In Anglia
Hermes Trismegistus - Book Vii His Secret Sermon Of Regeneration
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Isa 1 10 15 Bring No More Worthless Offerings
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