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Thursday, December 30, 2010

And Now We Pass Into The Waning Moon Phase

And Now We Pass Into The Waning Moon Phase
"I'm one with the Holy being

and open to the Holy being."

18th Day of the 9th Solar Function

Ruled by Demeter

Solar Tree Function ~ Muin/Vine

Moon Phase: failing Gibbous moon

Moon sets: 8:52AM EDST

Moon rises: 7:19PM EDST

Moon in Aries v/c 1:46AM EDST

Moon enters the Fixed Earth

Stain of Taurus at 12:37PM EDST

Rhiannon's Function of the Moon

Solar Meditation: The grail of

your cast a line.

Sun in Libra

Sunrise: 7:20AM EDST

Sunset: 6:56PM EDST

Solar Investigate for the Day: "Seeing that

needs to be whole or accomoplished

equalize now?

Lughnasadh (Gwyl Awst) Estate

of the Year

October 5th, 2009

Duration of the Week:

All and sundry day of the week has its own energies and influences. In the Produce we work with these to enlarge our magick: Monday is for dreams, magnificence and divination; Tuesday for con of dispute and for defence; Wednesday for travel, job, knowledge and exams; Thursday for wealth, trance and career; Friday for friendship, romance, and self-respect; Saturday for binding and banishing; Sunday for energy, virtue and have a row.

Give are tons other traditional attributions. An old couplet gives attributes for children natural on each day of the week: "Monday's child is fair of exterior, Tuesday's child is full of weakness, Wednesday's child is full or woe, Thursday's child has far to go, Friday's child is friendly and part, Saturday's child works resonance for its living. But the child that is natural on the Sabbath day is radiance and bonny, happy and gay. In New England each day is seized to bring its own attributes: Monday for health, Tuesday for wealth, Wednesday the best of all, Thursday for losses, Friday for crosses, and Saturday no luck at all."

Sunday and Monday are named at the back of the Sun and Moon, with Saturday original named at the back of all the God and thye globe Saturn. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are named at the back of the Norse deities Wodin, Thor, and Freya. Tuesday after that has a Norse ransack, from the God Tyr, whose name in Old English became Tiw.

[From: "The Actual Witches' Year" by Kate West]