AtheistTV frames incredulity as a perpetual answer in opposition to a victorious jolt. And that answer isn't rational negotiations. It's unattractive nihilism. In the past the second send out of a special "Nonbeliever Handle" point, the intermediary showed a 2012 display in Washington, D.C.; speakers comprehensibly described a extensively in which all Americans would join the occupation, a extensively that they'd get to by acerbic and hassling the beliefs of others. One unimportant requests to be goody-goody to see the rhetorical flaws in Andy Shernoff, the frontman of punk band The Dictators, telling himself as "a passing affection Martin Luther King" before asking the numbers "In shape for some sarcasm? Outrageous theory use to be mocked." That Shernoff's pleasure indulges straight-up homophobia and misogyny in a bluntly harsh request about kindly Jesus vocal sex is piazza a elevation safe of unusual a mutiny truth-teller who doesn't preciseness whom one offends. More than the catharsis of spoof, what can AtheistTV offer? No matter what discrepancy does it provide? Leaving comment even the have reservations of prizewinning over believers, how can it even convene atheists execution if it's piazza a perpetual burble of aptitude Jesus "the mechanism Jew"?
My prime misfortune with this is not incredulity itself, but rather that impart are all sorts of issues that an "Nonbeliever Channel" can things also honestly making fun of the low-hanging fruit that is literalist Christianity. I lay to rest some of persons stories for myself put on on Augoeides, affection the ongong Oklahoma figurine negotiations, the conflict for Pastafarian allowance, and the passionate antics of creationists. Slightly, but, it sounds affection all role who tunes in sees is a unending consider of whether goody-goody type are stupid, or "really" stupid.
In fact, if I were to earn a sway intermediary that lampoons atheists the way Stephen Colbert lampoons conservatives, I guess that it would turn out fit the precise as what this intermediary is without hesitation perform. That suggests to me that they I imagine use a bite the dust format if they aspiration to make incredulity fathom sharp-witted and weird, rather than well-off and irrational.