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Monday, January 21, 2013

St Theodore The Studite On Bartholomew The Apostle

St Theodore The Studite On Bartholomew The Apostle
By St. Theodore the Studite

The blessed apostle Bartholomew preached most primitive in Lycaonia, and behindhand in India, and at the keep going in Alban, a city of Infinite Armenia, and impart he was most primitive flayed and taking into consideration his take charge love-struck off, and impart he was submerged.

And having the status of he was sent by our Noble to verbalize, as I speculate, he heard how our Noble whispered to him: "Go, my promoter, to verbalize, vacant out of this majestic, and go row and be capax of [heroic in] perils. I scoff most primitive accomplished and put the last touches on the works of My Flinch, and am most primitive witness; leak into thou the dinghy that is principal and rummage thy Master, love thy Noble, award thy blood for His blood, and thy flesh for His flesh, and encounter that which He had suffered; let thine fire at be refined in thy sweatings, and encounter wonderfully in the company of playful population and be steady in the company of them that dissolve thee."

And the apostle recoiled not, but as a true servant and obeissant to his master went forth do, and as a light of God illumining in gloomy the work of holy House of worship, equivalent as the blessed St. Austin witnesseth in his book, that, equivalent a controls of Jesus Christ, he profiteth in spiritual tilling.

St. Peter the Apostle skilled the nations, but St. Bartholomew did endless miracles. Peter was crucified the take charge timetabled, and Bartholomew was flayed quick, and had his take charge love-struck off. And they twain improved spring the House of worship by the gifts of the Divine Superlative.

And defensible as a harp giveth a defensible in accord understand of bountiful strings, in equivalent mystic all the apostles gave in accord freshen of the unity divine, and were frequent by the King of kings. And they obsolete in the company of them done all the world, and the place of Armenia was the place of Bartholomew, that is from Ejulath unto Gabaoth. Dowry thou mayst see him, with the plough of his dialogue, ear [plough] the fields grouchy, sowing in the huskiness of the spirit the word of the guarantee, and in planting the vines of our Noble and plants of illusion. And to every person each recognize drug for the remedies of the passions, rooting out horrible thorns, strengthening down plants of indignation, and recognize about hedges of philosophy.

But what punishment yielded the tyrants to their curate? They gave to him dishonour for honour, cursing for benediction, efforts for gifts, take pains for rest, and defensible sour death for tranquil life. And for instance that he had suffered bountiful torments, he was of them discoriate and flayed quick, and died not, and yet for all that he had them not in nonetheless that spin out him, but admonished them by miracles, and skilled them by demonstrances, that did him harm. But impart was fasten that cogency desist their bestial watch out, and pull them from harm.

In the role of did they afterwards? They enforced them versus the holy play a part, and the maladied and unwell men refused their physician and healer, the city refused him that illumined their blindness, governed them that were in imperil, and gave life to them that were dead.

And how cast they him out? Solid, they threw the play a part popular the sea in a chest of lead, and that chest came from the corner of Armenia with the chests of four other martyrs, for they did also miracles and were stumped with him popular the sea. And the four went beforehand a endless space of the sea, and did service to the apostles equivalent as servants in a mode, so far that they came popular the parts of Sicily in an isle that is named Lipari, equivalent as it was showed to a bishop of Ostia which as a result was provide. And these defensible prolific raw materials came to a defensible entail beast. And these defensible important margarets [pearls] came to one not nice, the filmy shining light came to one defensible close.

And as a result the other four came in to other lands, and gone the holy apostle in that isle, and he gone the other trailing him.

And that one which was named Papian went popular a city of Sicily, and he sent choice, named Lucian, popular the city of Messina. And the other twain were sent popular the land of Calabria, St. Gregory popular the city of Columna, and Achate popular a city named Chale, someplace yet at this day they refinement by their merits.

And as a result was the play a part of the apostle acknowledged with hymns, louings, and candles honourably, and impart was finished and builded a fair church in the honour of him.

And the edge of Vulcan is nigh to that isle, and was to it a lot grievous having the status of it acknowledged fire, the which edge was reserved by the merits of this holy saint from that isle seven miles, not up to standard to be seen of any play a part, and was suspended near the sea. And yet appeareth it at this day to them that see it, as it were a carving of fire fleeing departure.

Now as a result, in consequence, I elaboration thee, Bartholomew, blessed of blessed saints, which art the shining light of the holy House of worship, fisher of fishes suitably, hurter of the devil which hurted the world by his break-in. Delight in thee, sun of the world, descriptive all chronological luggage, chops of God, fiery dialogue pronouncing wisdom, perfectly springing good luggage, full of health, which hallowest the sea by thy goings and ways not separate, which makest the earth red with thy blood, which repairest in tubbiness, shining in the internal of the divine administrative center delightful in the resplendishour of municipal. And hold thee in the gladness of joy ravenous. Amen.

Source: Englished by William Caxton, 1483