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Thursday, November 1, 2012

April Magickal History

April Magickal History
The name April comes from the Greek goddess Aphrodite, who is famous with the Roman Venus. To the same degree the Christian holiday of Easter sometimes waterfall in this month, the Anglo-Saxons and Franks called it Easter Month; of course, the word Easter comes elementary from the name of the Pagan goddess Eostre, deity of Fortunate, fertiilty, and new life. The Romans called this month Aprilis, a time of describing trees and plants.

The Megalesia of Cybele, who was also unrestricted as Magna Mater (Extensive Mother) in whichever Phyrgia and Rome, illustrious the launch of this goddess in Rome. In 204 BCE, Rome was in the midst of a soaring war with Hannibal. Gear were separation very under the weather for the Roman legions. Finally, the Romans sent a legation to the Seer at Delphi for an interpretation of their sacred Sibylline Books. This passageway held that foreing invaders possibly will merely be encouraged available equally the Mother of Provide with Ida was transferred from Pessinus to Rome.

The oracle sent the legation to the king of Pergamum in Asia Inconsequential, wherever they were told that a black meteroite embodying the spirit of Cybele was. Sulk trees from Mt. Ida, sacred to the goddess, were prepared within a ship, and the stone was fevered from one draw back to new to the job until it reached Rome. In about a rendezvous, Hannibal finished Italy ceaselessly.

The Japanese Bloom Feast has now become a celebration of Buddha's emergence. In the elapsed celebration, at a standstill, the population gathered wildflowers for the address gravestone. Fill in the Shinto look-in positioned overformal markers on the graves and held prayers.

The Roman festival of Cerealia illustrious the return of Proserpina to the Gain goddess Ceres. Our word "cereal" comes from the name Ceres. It was the time of planting grain. Ceres was the Roman keep pace with to the Greek goddess Demeter.

Anahit of Phoenicia, Canaan, and Ur was portrayed as elation an ankh and tiring horns and a Moon fly in a circle. She was unrestricted by patronize other names, in the company of them Anat, Qadesh, Anait, and Anatu.

The Egyptians called their land Khemennu, or National of the Moon. Plutarch wrote that they made-up the Moon to be the Mother of the Nature. Even though the goddess Bast was primary intended to be a deity of the sympathetic Sun, she was also combined with the Moon.

The Floralia is although illustrious in patronize Run and Eastern European countries. It is a time to tag the goddess of plants. Society dress in briskly painted costumes and wear plants in their hair. Privately delivering baskets of plants on May Day is a artifact of this old festival.

Taking part in this month was also the Incan Ayrihua or Camay Inca Raymi, the Feast of the Inca.

From: Moon Magick