Currently is a Christian local holiday less important from the old pagan Autumn Equinox feasts. This Christian saint, Prince of All Angels, is a dragon-slaying cherub who was the bigger of the army of God arrived the Lucifer civil disobedience, casting Satan out of Heaven. He is one of innocently two angels named in the Bible, the other creature Gabriel, who shares his local holiday day.
Michael is take credit with the globe Mercury. Muslims, Christians and Jews all idiom devotion to him, and near are writings about him in all three religions. Considered the armor angel of Israel, Michael's name road in Hebrew, 'Who is like God?'.
His name was the war-cry of the good angels in the fight fought in heaven versus the rival and his associates. Deserted four time is his name to be found in Christian Scripture...
Categories: saint, calendar-customs, christianity... Associations of Wilson's List, request go to see