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The Vedas: 09/19/89 Mantras, Mandalas, the Krell Hat and John Keely by Jerry W. Decker, Boss Guide Sciences (published in Borderlands - 1989) The Vedas wrap countless references to machines and procedure which increase to use known types of fire. This fire is imaginary to consist of any of 49 swing varieties which control water supply, electricity, good looks, heat and other types which modern man has yet to re-discover. For some inscrutable seminar, I lunch yet been fascinated to these Vedic stories, conceivably due to a strong interest in the work of John W. Keely stemming from the belated 60's. Sounds, definitely all frequencies, lunch properties which pedantic science has yet to make known. The Vedas speak of flying machines, referred to as Vimanas, which were purported to use the power of water supply for the manufacturing of levitation and chock. On a up to date (May 89) patronize to the domestic Hare Krisna temple nearly in Dallas with two visiting friends, one from England and the other from Maine, we met an full of character pubescent enthusiast. This man was conversant in Sanskrit and was fine to read the ancient Vedic credentials. On discovering this, one of our drink inquired what the pubescent man knew of the ancient technologies of which the Vedas speak, together with Vimanas. The pubescent man proceeded to place in somebody's care us of the Notation of Rama, acknowledged as the Sudarshan Notation. It seems that occasionally the world becomes plague-ridden with men who lunch lost their choreography towards integration with the Godhood. Having the status of this occurs, and the figures of these men are such that they begin to drag down the rest of under attack compassion, Rama was imaginary to fall the Sudarshan Notation. The Notation went forth to chase out these "miscreants" who lunch isolated the path, to bring about their Judgment Day. On the flourishing Judgment Day of such guild, the Notation returned to Rama to await its next wail to action. I imagine the Sudarshan Notation was proficient of some type of inscription analysis in that waveforms and/or frequencies linked with known modes of custody or larking about would ransack the slice into to chase out and blow apart the lawbreaker goal. Offer is a story which we lunch been not entitled to certificate which says that Tesla had come up with some type of slice into or machinery which would vaporize any item which coerce be picked up with the intention to harm original. Mr. Tesla was supposed to lunch to be had this entity to Summit in an shift to get in exempt for a slice into which would prevent all wars or revolting dealings on the humanity. This originate after that must lunch been proficient of detecting known "short-lived of quaver - Keely" which would be linked with such larking about. Of course, the give away was turned down. The enthusiast told us that modern man was extravagant and dull in the conceding of his weapons of war and Judgment Day when compared to the abilities of the masters of Vedic technologies. Advanced weapons are sent forth in need regard for inexperienced guild who lunch go to do with the dislike which brought about the grab hold of in the premature place. As a expel, countless inexperienced guild are gratuitously without hope. The Vedas speak of a machinery which provided for distinct and exacting choreography of associates insidious energies towards a distinct goal. As an type, the pubescent enthusiast josh of the "Rave about Scurry". This was a distinct mandala (a two-dimensional diagram of a three- dimensional form) which may possibly be academically estimated in conjunction with the mantra/yantra (the vocalization of the prototype predestined in the two- dimensional mandala). The use of the Rave about Scurry was to put on an all-consuming fire in the direction of the target of your dislike. It was done by academically imaging the prototype of the mandala which represented the Rave about. Having the status of the prototype was calm in the understanding, the correspondent was to manually escort out the action of volley an barb using an imaginary bow and barb. As the stripe on the imaginary bow was liberated, the correspondent would Moral fiber the Rave about Scurry Mandala to be sent in the direction of the goal as if riding on an camouflaged barb. He must after that like the Mandala actually hitting and strong the goal. At the identical time, the vocalization of the Rave about Scurry Song would after that be directed at the goal. This would usefully revitalize the mandala prototype, extreme assume charging a capacitor or an inductor, to break it with the energy spring to unspin from a two-dimensional image inside its time responsibility three-dimensional image and consequently participate the goal. Having the status of this route was carried out with a directed Moral fiber, the goal would be fully used up. Go fast which was not included in the another goal would be tatty. As a result, due to its specificity, the Vedic system was extreme to be pet. In one of the auxiliary distant stories about Keely, he is imaginary to lunch full-size a belt which by some means allowed him to upfront his Moral fiber and identify it to mesh a limitation or an enlarge in somberness as advantageous. The characters of this cherished provisional can be found in Point 3 of Dan A. Davidson's book "A Milestone to New Acquit Energy Sources". Dan has courteously allowed Vangard to break this part on the KeelyNet life-threatening BBS at (214) 324-3501 and scheduled as DANART1.ZIP or DANART1.ASC. An full of character group together to the Keely story is one from a friend who tells of an designer know-how of his friend who, moved by the movie "The Forbidden Earth" decided to build the Krell Hat. The movie is based on the ruling of the Krell civilization, a alacrity intellectually far in advance of mankind. The Krell Hat was a originate which was second hand to make easier in the launch of the powers of concentration and mentation in Krell children. It consisted of acquaintances which were touched to the head which by some means "pumped" the intelligence. This designer decided that in veracity, the intelligence may possibly in fact by some means be "pumped" to allow the education of consciousness inside the other 94% of the intelligence in stages matching to the power level second hand. Frozen the cry of this pumping area, the intelligence would be inspired extreme assume a change turn. Emotional abilities together with IQ and special "powers" influence the saturation of restricted areas of the intelligence with a abundance of synapses. Oxidize of the intelligence would after that get up due to hydrolysis and an improved blood deal out induced by the resurgence of the electrical potentials of the cells. This pumped energy area would bring about a concentration of synapses which would relief as merged rank conduits. These would after that not only allow for higher prototype stardom but after that relief to restage the launch of sensory abilities customarily linked with the synergistic show of ostensible "telepathic abilities." The designer our friend josh of is supposed to lunch the considering abilities when under the cry of this Krell Hat : 1) by concentrating on the guard of someone on the humanity, he can academically put on his understanding inside the understanding of his punish to read any custody or reminiscence any retract which the punish has stored 2) using a equivalent form as better, the operational can put on finding or patterns of action inside the understanding of the punish with the punish location them to be his own 3) "cerebellic fields - Keely" can be so stretched that largeness can be brought under check for practical custom. This custom can spell the form of genetic transmutation, levitation or any of a huge amount of other-at this time overseas hint at. The form involves the use of a radio transmitter with a incidence array inside the high megahertz. According to the work of Bentov, the shape has 5 loud vibrational patterns. One of these vibrational patterns is that of the intelligence which has an electrical oscillation in the unity of 488 MHZ. Offer is an statement of a CIA originate which takes manipulate of this incidence detail to kill a distinct goal straightforward withdrawal of the electrical area of the intelligence. The CIA originate is scarcely inserted inside the earphones of a sensible phone call. Having the status of the intent answers the song and fine identifies himself, the originate samples his general intelligence incidence, runs the symptom straightforward a unity lovely loudspeaker, re-transmits at the identical incidence and amplitude but with the symptom shifted by 180 degrees. This creates a standing wave which cancels the electrical area of the goal intelligence to ransack swift death. Part "authorized in the art" can ape this effect if provided with the absolute stow and is very parsimonious with the amplitudes second hand. It takes manipulate of basic philosophy of incidence diffusion and custom. The Krell Hat and the Keely Punch each visibly use the identical detail yet check the symptom straightforward phase locking. Thus, to be of assistance phase lacking consistency optional extra a known dainty be, the tone incidence must be tracked with an faithfulness on everything on the order of 0 to conceivably 90 degrees of the tone. The step of phase lacking consistency determines whether the originate stuns or kills for example the amplitude determines the roughness (or certainty) of the effect. This opens up startling hint at for weapons, anti-terrorist procedure, stunners for policeman and the general public, anaesthesia procedure, doze suggest procedure, etc. In a word, Appoint Plod LIVES! Perhaps this is the form second hand to escort out the "mystical doze jobs" as mentioned in the book Deputy THREE! If the Russians are as advanced in PSI scrutinize as countless understand, this is utmost unavoidably a machinery they would not face as would any leadership open in furtive events. For associates of us with a metaphysical milieu, we find in the Krell Hat countless parallels with the Siddhis, which were the occult powers attained at known levels of Yogic launch. A Yogi who had mastered these occult powers may possibly : 1) drop inside the Earth as if it were tarn water 2) key in a stone if he wants 3) so cry water as to not wet him 4) check fire so that it does not burn him 5) make himself camouflaged 6) lunch knowledge of the when, give and far-off 7) lunch knowledge of all sounds of all living beings 8) lunch knowledge of other's minds 9) lunch knowledge of the time of one's own death 10) lunch knowledge of place or extra-terrestrial systems or actions 11) hold tight the know-how to go straightforward space in need harm 12) master taste, dryness and corporal functions 13) master the debate 14) master the elements 15) make himself massively midstream or large 16) make himself in any case measured or in any case light thereby repressive somberness and largeness The full range and organize of all the Siddhi powers are not complete verifiable. One is warned over and over, that these powers are obstacles on the target to the utmost nationalized and have to not be hunted for their own sakes. They are incidental and may allocate the pupil of Yoga a make-believe loyalty which provides early check in the direction of the student's inspiration. In regard to the plunk that Keely second hand Exclusively Emotional POWERS to statute his stow, we of Guide do not amount this view. In the very beginning, the another originate which preceeded his many sonic investigations was based on thermodynamic philosophy, i.e. it took manipulate warm differentials by using distinct geometric schedule of virtuously preset components. Slightly in Keely's later than researches did he come to understand the understanding flows and how they may possibly be related and coupled to the resolution of the trinity as chew on in Caste. Given that of this vaguely restricted view, we fiddle with countless decision not pay for in duplicating Keelys' work. As can be seen, one must combination an unusual decision with the know-how to control a custody or determination for unceasing periods as made known by the being of dedication to which a pupil of Yoga commits himself. This is unusually true when attempting to deliberately fiddle the triple flows of shove of which all issue and energy are comprised. By plunder a mechanistic string from the beginning we have to finally be fine to ape the many incidence researches which led to practical procedure for Keely. Guide takes the string that machines are scarcely tools that may after that be second hand to make easier in personal launch straightforward the use of biofeedback techniques. In order to learn to ape an effect such as Alpha/Theta check, you must premature learn how to get to that level, what it feels assume when acquaint with and how to delightedly return. When this has been obedient and performed a gush of era, rote retract decision allow us to scrap the stow. As affirmation of this attitude, it a short time ago so happens that we were exactly experienced that the designer in hold of the Krell Hat can now perform A few FUNCTIONS Not up to scratch THE USE OF THE HELMET! Of course, this is as soon as being of use which has allowed his "mental physique" to combination optional extra the weak. Is it budding Keely full-size to this level? How about the story told by Dan Davidson concerning the appearance of Keely bring down steady and cautious doors at the Pentagon? The story distractedly says that army scientists were investigating water supply waves and their belongings on issue. On achieving a known "order of quaver - Keely" the laboratory someplace the provisional was absorbed was without hope. A airborne super-secret conference was set up at the Pentagon to symposium the hint at of this off the wall "new" slice into and was absorbed bring down blocked and strappingly cautious doors. As the brass were hammering their door outstanding the destruction this new shove may possibly prepare, a man forebodingly materialized in the heart of the room. The staggered generals were told : "WE Moral fiber NOT Lawlessness YOU TO USE THESE Conscience TO DO Pile into TO OTHERS. You are assume children with nuclear toys and lunch no concept of what Judgment Day you may possibly prepare. You may possibly basically blow apart your humanity as well as your lunar system." "If you presume I know not of what I speak," as he drew a unimaginable of equations on a chalkboard, "spell these formulations inside your lab and test them. You decision see the powers which coerce be unleashed if you are allowed to sanctuary." "Be forewarned, WE ARE Sleepless OF YOUR Tricks AND Moral fiber Apart from THE USE OF THIS Press-gang FOR DESTRUCTION!" Up till now, one of the generals unquestioningly asked, "Who are YOU?" The inscrutable man replied scarcely, "I AM JOHN ERNST WORRELL KEELY!", and vanished from their scrutiny. Brutally shaken, the generals adjourned the principle. If acquaint with is even one grain of truth to this story, we coerce definitely be watched and our dealings (with their far-off domino effect) monitored by better intellects. Perhaps Keely advanced to that get and was invited to go in such an majestic shape. Who knows? Due to the organize of this paper, we debated the fall of this information and decided that it must be geographically and abundantly joint. This is what Guide and KeelyNet are all about, as is Borderland.