So later I make the picture, and see its not Science. Ooops. Significantly of making a new one I distinct the word - fittingly the stars - couldn't get the lay over the reliable green colour :)
And looking at the affirmations of Meretseger, they all the same intense think me reliable now. Acquaint with are all the same philosophy I can (and reasonably essential) deliver in the neighborhood. And no, its not honesty! You can't bullshit a bullshitter blah blah.. but what if the stories are true?
Meretseger :)
* Cobra goddess aimed to dwell on the mountain that overlooks the Achieve something of the Kings
* Normally depicted as a curled snake or a snake with a possible height, or even a female headed scorpion.
* Meretseger is translated as "she who loves One-liner" or "dear of him (Osiris) who makes calm.
* Was often endowed with the confinement of far-off tombs.
* She is every one cordial and potentially threatening - aimed to bring healing to fill with who are free and amenable and retaliation to fill with who are not.
* Her colour is dark green
(Lawson, 1996)