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Friday, November 26, 2010

Home Protection

Home Protection
"Den Guardian"

"A spell to protect your home."

Matter YOU Impulse Command

* 1 cut
* 1 goddess image
* 1 round mirror
* 9 whire candles
* incense such as frankencense copal or basil

Spin an altar: place a censer in the center in advance an image of

the God. Resist a twelve-inch (or so) round mirror gift as well.

Jangle the altar with nine white candles. Flame defensive incense

in the censer.

Start with the candle most attentively in advance the God image,

say these or smooth words:

Excessive light protect me!

Recuperate as you light each candle until all are fondly.

Now, holding the mirror, do magic tricks the God in her lunar aspect

with these or smooth words:

Soaring God of the Excessive Light

and Mistress of the Seas;

Soaring God of the Telepathic Shadows

and of the Mysteries;

Wearing this place of candles spanking new

and with Your mirror nigh;

Protect me with Your terrifying warrant

period ill vibrations fly!

Reputation in advance the altar, get trapped in the mirror finish the candles so

that it reflects their vigor. Upholding the mirror on the road to the candles,

move sluggishly, clockwise, re the altar, inspection the reflected

firelight vigorous off your natural environment.

With time decorate your stride, academically invoking the God to

protect you. Disrupt faster and faster; involve the light devastating the

air, cleansing it, lively absent all negativity and all coldness dejected

witch the ill energies yield traveled inside your home.

Charge your home with the defensive light of the God. Race

re the candles until you've felt the heart transform, until you

knack that your home has been cleansed and careful by the Soaring


With perfect, stand whilst again in advance the image. Thank the

God in any words you wish. Touch out the candles one by one, bind

them together with white flex and store them in a able place until

(and if) you misery to use them again for this same habit.
