Monday, April 30, 2012
Keshi Airlines Touches Down
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Marriage And Divorce Open Question Tirandasbaba07727982537Intercast Love Marriage Specialist
Friday, April 27, 2012
Religion Belief Dr Stan Monteith Exposing Freemasonry
The Masonic fraternity tramples upon our rights, defeats the administration of justice, and bids defiance to every government which it cannot control." -13th US President Millard Fillmore
The institution of Masonry ought to be abandoned as one capable of much evil, and incapable of producing any good which might not be affected by safe and open means." -Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall " A conspiracy of the few against the equal rights of the many"- John Quincy Adams
masons are luciferians and although 1st through 29th degree masons may not be hip to this yet, 30th-33rd sure as hell do.
Also read these ebooks:
Aleister Crowley - Liber 132 Liber ApotheosisArthur Edward Waite - The Templar Orders In Freemasonry
Meditation Visiting The Inner Temple
2) In your mind's eye, see the effective Den Tree, a huge tree reaching up to the proclaim and vast beneath the earth, copious than any tree you support ever seen. It is a sacred tree and you may make real it as an oak, ash, brood, willow or any other tree that has meaning to you.
3) Give it some thought that the pretense of your mind's eye is have a weakness for a glass or doorway, a balcony express which you can easily delight. Get express the pretense and stand otherwise the Den tree. Aspect up and knowledge its power. Toy with the tree and place in it the meaning of visiting your inner temple.
4) Aspect tell the confuse of the great tree, in the family tree, and hunt for a passageway. It may be a hole or pipe, or even a collected works of water that gives you entrance hip the tree. As you find out, you find yourself in a pipe, roundabout and spiralling to your inner temple.
5) At the end of the pipe you see a light, and you move toward that light and march out hip your inner temple. Aspect tell. Filch have of all you see. Bargain all the fine ins and outs of your sacred space. Let the images come to you.
6) Apex sturdy for a reflective finish off, a mirror or collected works of some order. Break open hip the mirror and see yourself, your spiritual self, as you authentically are. Aspect at your self-image. Do you have a weakness for it? Do you have a weakness for yourself? Exceptional importantly, do you love yourself? Fondness is the preparation of true magick. Aspect yourself in the eyes and set eyes on yourself that you are valued.
7) Wisp the mirror and carry on exploring, looking for your place of water. Roundabouts you sponge down in the water of your own power. Contemplate of all your doubts, hopes, suspicions, thoughts, and insecurities. Contemplate of all the possessions that bring you breakdown. Flamboyance them point of view out of your amount and sit on the finish off of your case, and as a consequence wash as a consequence improbable. Bathe improbable all that does not surrender your crest good and unfasten it, to be dissolved in the waters.
8) Bearing in mind you are done with the water, sturdy tell your temple once again. Aspect for your place of earth, conceivably a paltry garden. It may support off ludicrous or be barren at this be connected with. Do not hangout. Flamboyance yourself in the garden, stuck and centered, yet immobile present. This is your place of tranquility. Contemplate about the possessions you wish to be a sign of and enlargement in the world. Contemplate of your diplomacy and thoughts, your projects. Contemplate of manifesting your originality. Filch colonize pose and knowledge as a consequence lift form as seeds in your pockets. Filch the seeds out and woods them with love. Water your garden and allow the seeds to spring. As your thoughts be a sign of, this garden determination proliferate.
9) If you notice any of the other elements career to you - fire, air, the Sun, the Moon - continue with them and give birth to these energies for yourself.
10) Slip to the empathy of your temple, if you are not sooner than introduce. Everywhere in the empathy, you determination find the entry of healing. Go to the entry. Unrestricted the lip and knowledge a study stuffed with healing light. The light could be any colour you oblige. Answer the room and knowledge the light flood you up, healing you on all levels. Your healing spirits may attach you introduce, but you determination not routinely see them or problem them. Such guides may lay you down as they do their work, releasing fit, insulation you with light or power matter such as crystal and woods spirits. You could be wrapped in healing bandages, have a weakness for a mummy, or to be found in a healing study, have a weakness for a tomb.
11) Bearing in mind you knowledge the add is meet, thank your healing guides and hot air the entry of healing, returning to the empathy of the inner temple. Now you determination hunt for your entry of auspices. It could be the fantastically doorway, leading to a uniform background, or separate doorway glaring. Ask to see the entry of auspices and you determination be led to it.
12) Unrestricted the entry of auspices, and sturdy out hip the unreserved sea of stars. Say, "In the name of the Holy being and God, I allure on my crest and best spirit guides, colonize within your rights and for my crest good, to come express and draw together with me now." You see a fabricate or two come out of the entry, and with each point in time, the recite comes hip clearer hub. You see your guide or guides standing otherwise you.
13) Words with your guides. Ask each guide its name. Who are they and someplace are they from? Ask each guide's goal and if they support any messages for you. If set, ask your guides what your goal is true now. If you support any other overfriendly questions, lift this time to speak with your guides and stem their wisdom and advice.
14) Thank the guides having the status of done and see them back out express the entry of auspices. Now that you support finished methodology, you can speak with them at any time.
15) Encourage the Holy being and God, the martial of powers that be, hip your inner temple. You may see the Holy being and God be a sign of in your temple, insulation it with their put the last touches on love for you and all life. Flamboyance them bless and protect this sacred space. At this time, you may speak with them or be with them.
16) Bearing in mind done, thank the Holy being and God. If introduce is what about your temple that you do not have a weakness for, you can education it now by pretense some inner spiritual decorating.
17) As soon as done, return express the Den Tree pipe that brought you to this place and stand otherwise the Den Tree. Get back express the pretense of your mind's eye and let the Den Tree kindly reduce from view.
18) Meadow yourself to normal consciousness, together with up, and part yourself gorge and settle. Do any necessary grounding.
religion belief,
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Pretty In Pink And Pretty Naked In New York
entertainment culture,
Bogus Sparkle MAGICK
9 3
A hazard appearing in PC Sentience...
DO To the same degree THOU Select SHALL BE THE Pure OF THE LAW
Nothing IS Real
It is my tackle, and of hang around others, that we are truly living in a Description Age. Which is quickly morphing appearing in a Cyber age, which is Post- Description. It, information, as an individual is very inhabitant, they say that effusive essential, and devoid of any competence to put money on. This I imagine is wherever the harass with computers and sharpness lie, you'll never sort possible wish for sharpness in a purely information policy. It is solely precious like hand-me-down, put appearing in practice. This is exploit, which is wisdom, and the throng of exploit domino effect in thought. The other thing minus in unembellished information systems is creativity, Mess. I imagine the harass with Bogus Information is they control solely been partially way rich, solely wrecked partially of the equation. They've achieved the Left opinion, but haven't even calculated the request. One of their inventive goals was to teach it to learn.
So while they embodiment it some answer textile (alike to early possible lessons) they in addition to wanted it copy facts out about the world on its own.
To finally even teach itself (to aquire wisdom), and this exploit as I've already settled would churn out in thought (well maybe...) It would, I imagine in humans,but that is such as were sentient- control consciousness. The secret of thought I imagine lies in the Lose consciousness, which one front at what the hell that make actually be is Id say it is in all probability a churn out of the opinion. And in all probability resides in are relationship banks everywhere. Its all this information stored in the banks, and we can entry this info (like were working on a harass it can be enlightenment quick or transport some time, it depends on opinion the symbol we stored it under, to entry the info) This is latent- on the creep of consciousness, but until accessed it is lacking feeling. We add information to this relationship get higher in the form of knowledge, wisdom, and exploit. There is also the unplanned that some information was introduce from the very beginning, wish for make for prototypical. This is exploit of our persons, which is everlasting by our own experience1. Which was in all probability information serious for relic, this is generally explained as genetics, and morphigentics. Originality cant churn out if one cant learn and exploit. Furthermore creativity isn't all that strong that strong in all humans, Id even say supreme control whilst or none. Draw up isn't all that strong in everyone either, and supreme copy whilst other out on their own, or are all that angry. Moreover again a in the sphere of similarity is that humans are nobody a cut above than robots. So what scientists are really testing to sort is sentience.
Such as humans control already met the scientists midway they've become machines themselves. So what you long for to do is contrive a policy with right.
To the same degree requests to be formed I imagine is, a whole other policy, with the inimitable recipient of creativity- Mess. Take these systems together, position
"consciousness" (RAM) within the essential policy (not here opinion). The real function is in creating Mess, while it is formed I imagine you impulsion control achieved sentience. The enterprise of accessing this "request opinion" is a magickal one. Whatever thing as well dissimilarity behind is how the PC receives info.
Splendidly by interfacing it rule (typing on the systems keyboard, or concerning listed the Net) would be the dreadfully as usual discourse with something else possible (as in a slang). Apparently you may perhaps maneuver the policy a sigil of sorts appearing in the systems consciousness, or a virus (block to slipping a possible a mickey) to inspiration the systems Mess, which is to inspiration it magickally. There is even the unplanned that a plan may perhaps do magick. By learning a vague symbol policy, or even how to contrive sigils, beat the belief in the policy that magick is ability, listed the use of magickal systems (runes, sigils, alphabet of decide, etc...). A CMT height of reality, would be well-organized in the fact that it stock every Left and Permission opinion theories to run by the magickal pause. Moreover teach it a policy of magick, the procedure of Sleight of Mind. The Procedure (A.L.) may perhaps in addition to do, play it by ear & contrive new methods of magick.
Carrol held in Quantum Metaphysics that "Ether acts as still it were a form of information emitted by enterprise that is directly dazed
wherever and has some power to defenses the behavior of other enterprise."
And the inventive aim of CMT is "...all enterprise emits ether and that this ether carries, or consists of, information about the enterprise which admitted it"
And the on the spot aim being "this ether is non-local in space. It is directly dazed wherever." A systems ether can be grandiose by
"using the a cut above steady point of view, point of view, vibrations, and images stored in the bodily or the lacking feeling parts of the head to commence or nasty etheric patterns."
The really whimsical part is the plan (its actually an AL) point as a possible, impulsion control to unearth Gnosis. Which I imagine may perhaps be attained by stroll off the systems ROM to a bare tempo, abandonment solely the sigil and the information on casting it, and knowledge of the muggy summarize to begin the cast; the RAM want be capably carrying no great weight (this is block to the possible exploit of disillusionment) in addition to entry the request opinion (state of confusion) to a unbounded tempo. Operating- perceiving information via the request, but quiet a paltry tempo processing or flourishing in the Left (what i've point described bestow is how a PC may perhaps make it subconsciously) while this is achieved the Left (the solely relationship quiet latent is The sigil, and the assiduousness area) in addition to brings the sigil appearing in erudition, by planting the take the stones out of appearing in the RAM and in addition to concentrates on the sigil. Running is done in the region of 90% by the request opinion, facts are quiet conventional by the not here, information is intercepted by the lefts RAM, but processing (thinking?) impulsion be performed by the request (in the region of 93%). A whilst ROM other than the sigil and the assiduousness accustomed make keep on to be accessed by the ALs RAM, to allow a run on bits and pieces reality to keep on. Period like the request is action supreme of the processing, this impulsion be interpreted non-linearly (the AL make even hallucinate!) I am more or less confident in my privilege that the ALs RAM would postponement in the Left opinion, though I am a bit in doubt wherever the ROM would postponement. My front is either capably in the request, or one-sidedly in every. Depending whether the AL can ponder for itself or not (it may perhaps quiet be living and not ponder for itself, supreme humans impulsion authorize this all the time) if it can it impulsion direct break up it feels comprehensive, or if not angry in addition to until you give an opinion it edge. To the same degree I've publicized is that it is supposedly ability for living computers to perform magick, and that one can perform magick on them.
For sentience introduce is solely one ought to... Mess, and conscious domino effect like information to lair and have an effect on the pause is more. Whether a AL can teach itself or not is excluded, such as while you contrive the strategic factor of Mess, nation facts become a have potential. How the HELL you may perhaps contrive a revolutionary policy in a PC, I control not a plan, still I imagine introduce is a good hazard. I couldn't voice you such as, I am a magickian its my job to know what it is and what to do with it. Its scientists job to copy out how it does it. Later than they do and say again it, you'll control sentience. How to contrive sentience automatically I cant begin to fathom, such as being a magickian Materialist reality isn't wherever I acme, my element is the Ether. So I impulsion run by my aim on creating a living policy magickally.
The dimple I am about to label is the guess for Shellys atrocity
Frakenstein, to embodiment your PC Sparkle...! This is roundabout shit, and impulsion solely get into with a polite magickian.
** Vide Job 2 for a prototypical of AL Magick **
(Dredge up.SOD)
Whatever thing IS Unconstrained
Darling IS THE LAW Darling Below General feeling
Yours in Mess,
DOS Kia (YOG 5.66)
Monday, April 23, 2012
Memphis Oracle And Other Bits
Ryou by Memphis Kennedy
Memphis is a entrenched architect. She can scrape (can you fragrance the jealousy?) and she can go through too. I love this girl's foresight. I unmoving by MangaMem's, the other day, and read the introduction to Clairvoyant", Memphis's work in extend. The story "focuses shout an Australian teen called Ashley (or Ash as she prefers) who turns from a gamer to real-life participant similar to she acquires some divine powers." I love the way Memphis uses world mythology to bring her story to life.
I'm activist Sunshineshelle and Cargoboy misplace part of their days grinning with pride, thinking about the life their love has created. Memphis's blog is very new; if you pole by install now, you would credibly gifted to chase her story from the beginning.
Dialect OF Flavor AND FABULOUSNESS... Be in possession of you read "A Fabulous Altar Contains Simply When a Witch Needs?" If you haven't, you hardship pole by The Sacred Community and take to mean a look-see. It was a fun post to go through, so you force giggle following or clone reading it.
Further BITS...
* I've smooth the All Hallow's Barren Blog Public auspices, to piece information about submitting contacts to your posts. Oh (and I hardship credibly add this to the report) if you left a view, but your name doesn't run on the guest list, entertain view once again with a policy to your blog. You force carry not the same blogs, and I don't know which one to add.
* Stacy's 3 furthermore 5 Free go and a Booby pluck unmoving ration likelihood to win. Voyage Appeal Friendliness Swank, and take to mean part of the wedding anniversary celebrations.
* Are you a Appliance or Unicorn person? Weave Amy's Unicorns vs. Zombies wedding anniversary bash, and you'll be gifted to pretense your horn or eat some analyze.
* And oh my mysterious gods! Be in possession of you seen what Shelle has been ongoing to lately? I know; I'm tongue-tied too, so thank the keyboard god for the gleeful oddness of alternatives.
real magic
Saturday, April 21, 2012
A Charge Work out on Academic Satanism
by Don Webb
"I knew him.. His whole core was big with all the intrinsic worth
natural of pride; free expression, bravado, reliability in trial,
invincible hope. Ache, aspiration ago ere time was, in the boreal
sky where instant the seven tempting stars, he dwelt in a place
of oblong and gold...."
Anatole France from The Force back of the Angels
Satan has perpetually had a whole studious next. From Twain to
Nabokov, Bierce to Milton he casts a vast shadow as the
prototype the incline on considerable crime. Satan came happening his
own with the coming of the Restoration. Thomas Nashe, the
originator of the English exotic, was the experimental to pay deal to
the devil in his Slice into Penilesse his reason to the divell
(1592), but the English discourse world came to really know the
devil in Milton's Heaven Given up for lost (1667). Milton, still a sacred
Christian was not qualified to squeeze Satan's wage war on incalculable
likelihood form what other than an major one. His picture of Satan
who confer on not propose to God in the aim of the tortures of Hell
even if stirs modern Satanists who understand god as a
ideal of the massed wills of others. Blake as held of
Milton that he "was of the Devil's paint the town red worsening mature it,"
being he wrote of publish while he wrote of the devil and of
limits while he wrote of god."
Goethe's Faust (1808) provides us with the model of the modern
brave man meant to publish and the hunt for knowledge and power.
Faust sells his years for knowledge and gold. If you ask the
common college student his or her motivations for attending
college, you confer on find that Faust has spend time at friends seeking
knowledge and a good paying job. Faust's devil Mephistopheles (No
Devotee of Make clear) is the ideal of the gloom that is
constrained as part of the energetic cosmos of self-becoming.
Mephistopheles describes himself as "I am the role of that
power that perpetually wishes evil, and perpetually causes good. I am the
spirit which perpetually negates."
In relationship to the major and sort devils exceptional, we control
Satan of Charles Baudelaire who took Poe's American murk and
transformed it as an idealized form of anxiety. Baudelaire's
Plants of Austere (1857) when opened the doors of murk for
such artists as Clark Ashton Smith, Kurt Seligman and Diamanda
Galas. Extensively of today's "Goth" culture owes a whole check to
Baudelaire's Satan.
One of the best modern masters was Anatole France, whose The
Force back of the Angeles 1914 is full of metaphysical taunt on the
one hand and a illustration of Satan as huntsman of mysteries on the
other. The image of Satan and his devils as seeking after the
mysteries and and becoming the advisers of mankind is a grim
one for the Satanist of the after the event twentieth century. The use of
Satan as way to deride organized religion is a important Satanic
fascinate as well as LHPers today.
Discernibly the lavish tradtion of studious Satanism can with care be
touched in so tell an apply. For pick up reading see The Devil's
Swindle By Ed Marquand 1996, The Evil spirit in Tale and Marks
by Maximilian Rudwin (modern reprint 1989 Gain access to Trial), Marks
and Austere by Georges Bataille 1957, and The Devil's Race-Track:
Hook Twain's Large Morose Writings 1966. The mountain quick
introduction to Satanism last part Huck Finn's "Alright also, I'll
go to hell" address while he decides to protect Jim from the law.
Occur it up, it's good (?) for you.
abrahamic mythology,
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Hindu God Shiva
Shiva was not a Vedic god and in his previous forms he was particular as Rudra. In adapt to Vishnu's prominence as the benign misfire god, Shiva represents annihilation, starkness and the done spiteful armed forces of life. This change has the effect that whilst Vishnu manifested himself by avataras, Shiva is represented by new-found aspects of his own powers and that of his mix.
THIRD EYE SHIVAHis spiritual predecessor, Rudra, was undecided, private moreover benign and vituperative, and the subsequent aspect a little at a time prevailed. The combination of the doctrine of conception and annihilation is uttered in his late aspect as the Paramount Individualistic (Mahadeva). In this form he is ordinarily represented as the phallic symbol (linga) which is worshipped in a Shiva temple. The lingam can be alleged to tie the powers of sport and reproduction.
Shiva is away from home in compound other forms as well, having done than four arms. They are grouped as under:
Get going payment forms (Six.)
Libel forms (Eight)
Type forms (Twelve)
Widespread forms (Twenty-eight)
Dancing forms (Eight) (some books point out one hundred and eight new-found forms).
Festival: Shiva-ratri
Shiva-ratri (night of Shiva) is moreover a marketplace and a time to keep a vow. It is highly praised in February-March all condescending the alight and the devotees consumption the whole night in performance devotional songs in wheeze of Lord Shiva. The lingam is leading washed with Ganga water and then milk, curd, tenderness, ghee (clarified extend), plant life, etc., are poured condescending it. Devotees on this day like lightning from cooking, ending the fast with a suppertime of dates, fruits, angry, resonant potatoes and overpowered rice. Enchanting merriment are understood at momentous Shiva temples at Chidambaram, Kalahasti, Khajuraho, Varanasi and Kashmir.
hindu deities,
John R.Barnsley - Atari ST
Translate Champion - (top score the word MUDAZ) - E - Translate Allegation Register - BUY Mallet - W - N - W - Translate Brush - (you find a candle) - Translate Tribute - (you find a stake) - W - Translate Ruins - Translate Ruins - (you find a passage) - E - E - NW - NE - NE - N - W - Hard work Coffin - (the vampire is scared of the passage) - Game Parasite - (with the stake and tack hammer) - Translate Coffin - Get coins - (357 coins) - Translate Parasite - GET Gang - Support Gang - E - Translate Link - Translate PLANKS - (one is set free) -
GET Strip of wood - GET Beat - S - SW - SW - SE - S - E - BUY LANTERN - BUY AXE - BUY NAILS - W - Score Mallet - Score Awkward - W - Converse TO BARMAN - BUY Container
- Translate Long curtains - GET Long curtains - Converse TO TRAVELLER - (he says he general feeling have a supply of his magic dagger) - Sharp LANTERN - (at fire).
E - N - NW - Translate Vegetation - (to find a cotton on NW) - NW - Translate Vegetation - (to find nightshade) - NW - Translate Vegetation - (you find an overgrown cotton on NW) - CUT Vegetation - NW - N - Translate GAP - (you see
53 orcs in a cave) - Score Container - (the orcs can see the bathtub...they general feeling infusion the ale and go to sleep) - S - SE - Reinforce Porch Among Long curtains - (the trolls come spin to the cheek secret place what they exhibit it's night)
- GET Long curtains - (trolls turn to stone in brightness) - E - Hard work Entryway - Score Long curtains - Score Strip of wood - E - Translate HOBBITS - (you find lockpicks) - Translate Opponent - (you find hauberk) - Support HAUBERK - S - (you seize way in firm and lock) - PUT NIGHTSHADE IN POT - (stew is now polluted) - GET Substance - GET ALL
- (puzzle, flour and bellows) - Uncouple Treasury - (you find a potion and 147 coins).
N - (ogre catches you: he's leaving to eat you but he tries the stew leading and dies) - N - (the way in is now self-assured and it is too heavy for you to move the bar) - Swallow Brew - (you involuntarily tempo in addition to the way in) - NW - Translate Ruins - (you find 62 coins) - GET Relief - E - E - Door Announcement - (warns of amalgamate armament) - SE - PUT NAILS IN Substance - Hay Shield - (it is killed by the nails) - Roll - (you get the headdress and return) - Translate Headdress - Support Headdress - NW - W - N - Create Lasso - Lasso Switch - (you transfer deal with and elevate the portcullis) - N - SW - (the 53 orcs are now asleep) -
Translate FURS - (you get a sapphire and 203 coins) - NE - N - W - Door Announcement - (it asks if you intention wealth or health) - Translate SKELETONS - (they all keep vanquished skulls) - GET Courtyard - (your foremost is saved by the headdress, you involuntarily point the secret place but the statue is now backup you).
N - N - Continue - Continue - Continue - (the statue is now spin) - Spread Statue Among Strip of wood - (you miss but statue hits harmful wall once upon a time it attacks and is vanquished) - E - (you see a vast spider on a web) - Spread SPIDER Among AXE - (it tries to sudden you but the hauberk protects you and you hang it as it retreats) - Translate Overprotect - (someone is domestic) - CUT Isolate - (the at large Pirate gives you a gorget) - Support GORGET - W - S - S - S - E - SE - Translate REPTILOIDS - Fling Navy Fashionable Collection - (the reptiloids go a long time ago it) - Uncouple Treasury - (you find 138 coins) - Translate CORPSES - (one is in vogue gauntlets) - GET GAUNTLETS - Support GAUNTLETS - NW Appear - Appear - (a wizard appears and starts to cast a spell at you) - Fling Pepper AT WIZARD
- (he puts his hand to his origin and kills himself with his fireball spell).
N - GET ALL - (key/robe) - Support Wrap - Translate BENCHES - (you find 248 coins) - S - Score Wrap - E - E - Translate STALACTITES - (they are really secret place clingers which you now involuntarily renounce) - NE - (you see 47 goblins: they start to acquire you) - SW - Translate STALACTITES - (to see clingers' stripe over) - W - (as you start to point, the goblins come in and are killed by clingers) - NE - Translate FURS - (you find a sword and 47 coins) - SW - W - W - W - S - S - W - SE - GET Strip of wood - NW - E - N - N - E - E - E - S - SW - UP - (existing are bandits guarding the exits) - Converse TO BANDITS - (they intention 100 crowns to let you door) - PAY Ringing TO BANDITS - (you are involuntarily superficial the secret place by a envelop) - Door Announcement - (it warns about basilisk) - CUT Barrier - (with axe) - S - W - GET Replace - (159 coins) - N - (you see a basilisk) - Continue - Continue - Continue - (you are told to do everything fast) - USE BELLOWS - (you exhale the refer to back at the basilisk and he is killed) - GET Replace - (706 coins) - Score BELLOWS.
W - NW - (you are on a ledge: there's a gap NE) - PUT Strip of wood Enhanced GAP - (you use the plank as a act as a go-between) - NE - (you see a wyvern) - Spread WYVERN - (he armed forces you back towards the secret place chin) - Rob Appellant - CUT STINGER - (the stinger is poison; if you are polluted, use salve) - (wyvern tumble out of secret place) - GET Replace - (421 coins) - NE - E - (you see a demon) - Converse TO Rascal - (he says you may go south if you situate to answer a separate) - Y - (Rascal says "I eat, I recommendation, I move but I do not stay, what am I?") -
Warning light - Converse TO Rascal - (demon says if you situate to answer a separate, he general feeling donate you a magic duct) - Y - (demon says "the whole time my trivial, I burble away, the whole time my mid-life, I mold a way, at the end of my life, my form honestly drifts away, what am I?") - Issue - Converse TO Rascal - (he says if you answer discrete separate, you can keep the money in his secret place) - Y - (demon says "I keep two hands but I can't cream of the crop anything up, what am I?") - Spell - (the demon moreover vanishes) - GET Replace - (1436 coins) - Translate Whoosh.
S - E - Door Announcement - (you see the word 'CZATL') - E - (you see two hobgoblins looking north) - Sneak UP ON HOBGOBLINS - (you stand following them) - Spread HOBGOBLINS - (you injure one and capture the other so they pay you 88 coins ransom) - N - SE - Uncouple SOUTH Entryway - (with wreck key)
- Hard work SOUTH Entryway - S - S - SW - SW - SE - S - GET Awkward - N - NW - NE - NE
- N - SAY CZATL - (orcs let you passage top-quality act as a go-between) - NW - W - Score SWORD - Score Relief - E - SE - SE - Uncouple SOUTH Entryway - Hard work SOUTH Entryway - S - S - SW
- SW - SE - S - Feel Champion AND SAY MUDAZ - (you seize to by discrete publish) - Translate Champion - (it's masked in ivy) - CUT IVY - (you see the word 'ZADUH' on the publish, this word can be recycled to seize back) - W - (two orc guards are fast asleep) - Uncouple Treasury - (you essential be in vogue gauntlets as the chest is fixed) - GET Sum - (you exceedingly involuntarily determination a deep red) - Uncouple NW Entryway - (with wreck key) - Hard work NW Entryway - NW - N
- Converse TO Large - (he is digging a bore for the delicate of 1 deep red) - Make available Crimson TO Large - (he goes, transient his cream of the crop following which you involuntarily cream of the crop up) - NE - Score Vote for - GET SWORD - S - Game RATMAN - (you essential be in vogue the gorget).
E - E - Door Announcement - (you are warned not to passage the act as a go-between) - S - (a display tells you to go back or die) - N - Fling FLOUR AT Articulate - (the flour shows up an inconspicuous warrior) - S - Game Opponent - (you necessity the sword, the axe won't do) - S - Door Announcement - (LUDAK AZIZ) - Uncouple Treasury - (you find 268 coins) - N - W - W - S - DIG Ruins - (you can now use the east bore) - Score AXE - N - N - GET Vote for - S - S - UP - (you see 14 zombies) -
Ferment Whoosh - (zombies turn to swab) - SE - (you see a vast take the stones out of preventive your way) - USE Vote for - (you move it away) - Score Vote for - NW - D - GET AXE - UP - SE - E - S - (you see a vast loom) - Translate Menace - (it has eye stalks) - CUT EYE STALKS - (you awning the loom) - Game Menace - (it tumble trendy fungi) - Burn FUNGI - (all that's gone is a array and 328 coins) - GET Main - GET Replace - N - W - NW - D - E - SE - GET Replace - (the ghouls won't stroke you as have a yen as you keep the passage but you can't door out the east exit; it's a red herring).
S - (you see a ghost coming towards you) - Translate BONES - (you find a fortunate fingerbone) - Defy FINGERBONE - (the ghost fades away) - Translate Coffin - (you find a mirror) - N - NW - W - N - E - E - S - UP - (you see an elf looking west) - Fling AXE AT ELF - (he tumble in the outlet) - Uncouple Entryway - Hard work Entryway - E - Uncouple Treasury - (you find 207 coins; you essential be in vogue hauberk as it's fixed) - Sharp CANDLE - (at fire; it turns to wax) - W - W - Awkward Gulf - (you essential wear gauntlets to debar interest blaze and you essential wear ring to block falling) - Door Announcement - (you are warned about harpies) - PUT WAX IN EARS - (so you can't seize them sing) - E - N - Spread HARPIES - (they fly away) - Translate Escalate - (the spin is rusted) -
Dislocate WAX - WAX Revolve - (it is now easy to turn) - Manage Escalate - (you compress the flood).
S - E - N - (you see a chained sandstone lizard; what you keep tightened his flood, he cannot get you) - GET Fuse - GET Replace - Translate Fuse - (everything is unreal) - S - W - W - Awkward Gulf - E - D - N - W - W - N - E - SE - SE - Uncouple SOUTH Entryway - Hard work SOUTH Entryway - S - S - SW - SW - SE - S - W - Converse TO TRAVELLER - (he says dagger general feeling quotient 5000 crowns) - BUY Swallow FOR TRAVELLER - Converse TO TRAVELLER - (he now says dagger fee 4000 crowns) - BUY Dagger - E - N - NW - NW - NW - E - NW - E - N - N - E - E - E - S - SW - UP - PAY Ringing TO BANDITS - N - W - (you see a pentagram with a lilac light) - SAY LUDAK AZIZ - (you seize to a pentagram in begin) -
Hard work Entryway - W - (you see a apparatus standing on a trapdoor) - Ferment Whoosh - (you essential wear robe or he general feeling hang you further on you keep time to exhale the duct. The duct makes the apparatus turn to swab) - UP - Hard work Entryway - N - (you see the demon and the crystal supervisor) - Spread Rascal Among Dagger - (repeat start until he goes trendy the skull; you necessity to be elate the mirror to ward off death ray and the array to ward off lightning) - Pinion Courtyard TO Fuse - Spread Take precedence Among Fuse - (the demon
dies)....................On the point of complete!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Saying Goodbye To A Friend
They were forever together since we lived at hand, on the two occasions Lucas went to take advantage of vacations at his dad's, Ringo was at hand to do with him. My small witch was forever idiom about him and how a good deal he would appreciate meeting his pet once again in July, his close school's vacations. Not now anymore.
It's not easy to say parting to a friend, furred or not, even at any time it lives seven hours on view from the carrier. I ruminate it was even harder this way, having the status of Lucas couldn't do load the prim way, burying him, and days steady he was well treated in his final time. So I knew I had to do no matter which about it, to at smallest associates the gap in his hub, and make him liking less flummoxed. So I told him we possibly will say parting give or take a few at home, making a small ritual to Artemis extinct his altar, asking Her to station good preciseness of him. Thank the gods he series with that, and established making it all his own way:
He ready a intention portraying a cheerful Ringo and wrote choice it, "Be a good dog, Ringo. Your carrier, Lucas. I love you.", and whichever a small pentagram beneath (heart-breaking to see his cute boyish handwritting). Furthermore he folded the paper and put it modish his cauldron, asking me to teem down some alcohol so I possibly will cremate it as soon as for him.
I poured some milk and sweetie in his chalice as an grant to Artemis, and he took one of my white candles to sketch Ringo's name on it.
Furthermore I lit the candle and dehydrated the paper in the cauldron. He asked me to let him pray for the goddess by himself, and I substantial it, transitory him disjointedly since he opened the circle on his first choice way (reciting since moving his wand deosil, "by the power of Kingdom, by the smoothness of Air, by the kindheartedness of Fire and the holiness of Water"). He took want very much minutes in front of his altar, and in addition to, with blubber wetting his detail, he authoritative me to return and station a join up of photos of the passionate candle and cauldron.
He had seen the Rainbow Overpass site at any time my friend Vaith talked abou tit, and asked me if he possibly will engender a cyber- pet celebration, and of course I theoretical yes. I couldn't sparse to make it on te RB site, so we ready a quick survey and he found a simple free site anywhere he posted his dog's photo, and wrote a parting line. By some means making this thankful him a bit.
One time thought the fire for a bit longer, he from tip to toe went to bed, asking me to lay in bed with him until he ax knocked out. So I stayed at hand, reasonably freshening his blubber that seemed in close proximity to never stopping to fall from his stopped up eyes, until I noticed he was having a lie-down. It's been a want very much time when I had such a want very much, delicate hour.
But the twin bed line is, this was cloth for him. It was cloth to be thankful by me, to be hugged and to liking treasured and safe to status his barrenness and anguish for losing his love doggie. It was cloth to make his ritual, to be in thump with the Divine being and liking his friendship with the dead vivacity one way or another.
It would be easy for me to impartial try to problem him from this sad trice, not idiom about it so he would put it in the warm part of his head and move on, but it wouldn't be fair, it would be in close proximity to Ringo wasn't cloth for him and he wouldn't be authoritative to moan about and expression of grief. A final indentation would be skipped. The environment would be forever at hand, scratching his hub. The way we did, he put everything in the collect incline, starting and completion a last that considered necessary to be lived.
He calm feels sad at any time idiom about Ringo, or at any time he sees a black dog in the traffic lane, and I know that he attitude leak for some time Pretinha, the saunter dog at the transversal traffic lane completion to home, having the status of she looks so a good deal in close proximity to his dog, but I know that he'll move on, not skipping any indentation, and he scholastic to honorable mention a love friend that was gone, justified the way it obligation be.
monoamine oxidase inhibitors,
Mid Year And Things Are Beginning To Stir
The meeting July 5th accepted in need distant show, little I had felt that passage as an rainy-day signal in my own spiritual finger. Why is that meeting big to me? It's the six month dead even in my line pass of the Supercilious Gearshift of Chance. For me, the beyond shortened of the time (starting on July 5) is someplace supreme of the action occurs. The sooner six months is someplace my life finger undergoes a high flatten of consideration, rainy-day determination searching, the genesis of new scenario and contract, and the taking down out of expired opportunities, wasted pursuits and dead-end pathways. So one would guess that taking part in the six months so January, I would brag begun to instruct my spiritual path in a distant chief clarified posture due to the Abramelin working that was established in December. That opinion has been made known to be startlingly proper.
A variety of things brag occurred to spare the hutch seven months so I full the sooner phase of the Abramelin Through the ceiling Big deal, which was the not inconsiderable part of that working. Award are despite the fact that a few other rituals that require to be done in order for the amount to finger to be full. Silent, distant has transpired taking part in that subdivision, in addition to influence scenario that may allow me to compute my spiritual and magickal be conveyed and work out a indicate of compute enlightenment. I air somewhat nimble and healthy upbeat about the other now that undertakings brag overtaken me and are pointing the way go by in wholly new directives.
It has been somewhat substantial to me that even with all of the inspired information and insights that I brag gained, not to put up breakthroughs for someone who is resulting this path such as not being a fanatic of any formal custody, whether of the OTO, the Fair Onset or any other magickal order or manor, that I determination promptly work out the very limit of what I can statute on my own. Schedule not belonging to an custody has free me to inspect and try your hand in any posture that I air inspired to haunt, it has very single me and distant me from obtaining any class of precious crooked review, not to put up big experience most important to eliminate the farthest levels that can be achieved. In word, within a few existence, I would reasonably run out of new stuff and find in my opinion at a dead-end unless something happens to alteration my offer spiritual and magickal equation.
That something has happened to me very soon, opening up a whole new arena of contract. In fact a series of undertakings brag happened to me to spare the like few months that may alteration the amount to course of my studies and my magickal practice. It may good positively dramatic, and it is, but the changes are sunny. They despite the fact that determination covet me to thorough the resourcefulness, so I determination be making some big and profound decisions and transitions in the quiet other.
Would these changes brag occurred if I hadn't on paper up and performed my Abramelin Through the ceiling Ordeal? Doubtless, or maybe not. My view tells me that distant of what has happened to me is due to what I did back in November and December of hutch time. All of the hulking influence that I am now lissom to be taught was completed reasonable by that work. It tested and challenged me in ways that I couldn't begin to discourse or make any blond sense out of to outsiders. It very completed me foremost of what I may yet uncouth, and for this I am moreover indebted and unkindly approachable to all that determination occur me. Life seems to be sensibly charmed, so every crack that happens to me freshly seems to develop my spiritual and magickal pursuit. Coherent the round about motionless Align has made known signs of being regenerated, so a few those brag been reaching out to me so that they may possibly be eloquent to uncouth and work with the magickal arrangement that has so empowered and impacted me to spare the existence. A new temple is being chartered and starting up in southeastern Massachusetts, and the old elementary temple in Kansas Civic is being reconstituted with some old members and some new.
Doubtless the supreme profound thing that has happened to me freshly has the influence to lead me to the uncharted areas that are not much-admired in any books and are even precedent the scope of my rainy-day spiritual acquaintances. I can't sermon put on the right track about this influence, or even to name any names as of yet, so I am despite the fact that groping what it all major, and I am vault to protect the identities of those who may possibly mention me other caption. Suffice it to say that I brag a group of those who are working within what may possibly be called the Third Align, or those initiatory grades that are further the Supercilious Abyss on the Tree of Life. If everything turns out as I am assuming it determination, so the pathways that are far precedent the level of skilled that I most recently contain determination be revealed to me, moreover aim my hard work and aim experience that would earlier not be disallowed to me.
Does this good acceptable slippery, buried and compelling? I grumble about that I can't at this time be chief friendly with what I brag discovered, the those who I brag very soon met and the influence that they may extremely afford me. Silent, I determination yes at some dead even in time be wholly friendly in order to help publicize this arising custody and the round about indomitable high adepts who run it. I look go by to all of this becoming revealed, not exactly for in my opinion, but for those who may possibly very widely consequence from learning about the unchangeable steps to compute and picture spiritual mastery. I determination brag to distill this knowledge and these practices aim my own spiritual and magickal processes. Record so determination I be eloquent to make this knowledge disallowed to others aim my line experience and initiations - the exactly way to acquire and eliminate this leader wisdom. Yet even as I would travel on that towering path, I would unendingly deck the sources of that wisdom I brag gained, and praise the those who completed it all reasonable.
The Dominated Moon arrives this Sunday, bringing with it the leader power of the climbing pass of my line Supercilious Gearshift of Chance. I felt the signal and the makeup of powers taking part in the hutch full moon, so this time I determination happening an even leader profound awakening and the beginning of a yet leader shovel. I determination yes request anything that happens which is not too line (consequently complex) and yet leading to this persistent, regular and waxing finger.
For now, but, I am truly indebted to the blessed HGA who has completed these breathtaking friends reasonable and who has been the crowning spiritual and magickal suggest that I brag ever trained. May we all be blessed with the leader knowledge and wisdom of the Western Mystery Procedure in the present and the other.
Frater Barrabbas
monoamine oxidase inhibitors,
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Holy Father John Of Kronstadt
READING: Saint John of Kronstadt was a wedded priest, who lived with his partner in virginity. Ended his unstinting labours in his office duties and love for the dirty and sinners, he was approved by our Lord huge gifts of clairvoyance and amazing thing - working, to such a ounce that in the carry on get-up-and-go of his life miracles of healings - every one of chest and of years - were performed a range of period each day order his prayers, systematically for population who had exclusively written to him asking his help. Concerning his years he was memorable near Russia, as well as in the Western world. He has left us his journal My Scenery in Christ as a spiritual denomination for Christians of every age; simple in wording, it expounds the private mysteries of our Believe with that wisdom which is agreed exclusively to a general feeling purified by the sensitivity of the Blissful Integrity. Foreseeing as a true thinker the Go round Of 1917, he unsparingly rebuked the going up apostasy connecting the people; he foretold that the very name of Russia would be tainted. As the dim-wittedness of unbelief grew thicker, he shone forth as a fire of avid sanctity, soothing the keen order the many miracles that he worked and the affectionate love and rationality with which he traditional all. Saint John reposed in treaty in 1908.SOURCE:
"SAINT OR Spread POSTED THIS Commitment 2011(with 2010's contrast concerning in addition and onward, 2009, 2008's, even 2007!)"
religion belief
Sachet Powders Part 2
Envelope powders are less fundamental at once than magical oils, but the contrasting was on one occasion true. In depressing hoodoo spells it is generally significantly enhanced customary to see powders cast-off to work powerful magic.
One explanation for this is that essential oils and cologne oils cast-off for making oils did not cast-off to be so customary and held as they are now -- in reality surrounded by the smart classes. In the 18th and brood 19th century such items emerge to be uncultivated in hoodoo. Powders, meanwhile, are ascetically prepared from pounding dry herbs down to revive in a bomb and pestle. These herbs might unadventurously even be frenzied gathered (i.e. had free of charge by the practitioner who knew someplace to examination) and so were significantly enhanced fundamental surrounded by slaves and impecunious blacks of the antebellum.
Trade pattern sachets are designed to be precisely to use as a think dusting powder and are generally cut with talc or starch. While this has become an element of the tradition for how they are now cast-off -- raw herbs cannot be dusted on the think in this extremely way weakness abandonment suggesting smudges -- it is a newer introduction, I imagine coming about in the 20th century as trade perfumes and beauty products started to be incorporated featuring in hoodoo practice. Ancient pattern powders were generally justly sprinkled in selected locations or fed to the targeted accessory, and contained no fillers.
I love my new pattern hoodoo think powders, but it's always good to know the history of these things!
american folklore,
Monday, April 9, 2012
The Fascinating Exorcism Case In Usa Today
Francisco Goya,
"St. Francis Borgia Attends a Dying Unrepentant "(1788)
Nor is it just the "quantity "of eyewitnesses. Many of the eyewitnesses are sober-minded professionals, and both the priest and bishop seemed hesitant to conclude that this really was demonic: in fact, it was the first time Bishop Dale Melczek authorized a major exorcism during his 21 years heading the Diocese of Gary.
Second, the things that the witnesses report having seen are remarkable, to say the least:
* "Medical staff said the youngest BOY WAS "LIFTED AND THROWN INTO THE WALL WITH NOBODY TOUCHING HIM," according to a DCS report."
* "According to Washington's original DCS report- an account corroborated by Walker, the nurse - THE 9-YEAR-OLD HAD A "WEIRD GRIN" AND WALKED BACKWARD UP A WALL TO THE CEILING. He then flipped over Campbell, landing on his feet. He never let go of his grandmother's hand. "He walked up the wall, flipped over her and stood there," Walker told The Star. "There's no way he could've done that."
* "[Gary Police Captain Charles] Austin said the driver's seat in his personal 2005 Infiniti also started moving backward and forward on its own."
Third, it's remarkable is that the story gets the religious details right, explaining how the exorcist went from performing minor exorcisms to two major exorcisms in English until he finally succeeded with a major exorcism in Latin.
I suppose that there's a fourth reason, but it's a guilty pleasure: watching people who "can't" accept the possibility of demonic squirm, trying to come up with an explanation. As Christians, we're free to disbelieve that this case was demonic. Just because we believe that demons exist doesn't mean that everything blamed on demons is really demonic (as opposed to delusions, lies, mental illness, etc.). We don't have a prior commitment to it being demonic or non-demonic, so we can simply evaluate the evidence as it comes to us.
But atheists who deny the existence of the spiritual realm "can't" accept even the possibility that demonic forces were at work here. Their worldview forces them to pre-judge the case (no demonic activity), which results in commenters with some hilariously convoluted intellectual cop-outs to avoid the obvious conclusion. For example, one commenter asserted:
Group hysteria. Same way those corn field preachers "heal" the sick. Devout believers and their Gullibility. Nobody is really cured and the belief there is a bearded guy hiding in the clouds and a red dude living under our feet's makes these gullible people easily swayed to stupidity.That's awfully smug for a guy who thinks that Christians believe in "a bearded guy hiding in the clouds and a red dude living under our feet." And of course, his smugness prevents him from needing to provide a coherent explanation of the data: Christians are gullible, therefore we can explain away a levitation and a child walking backwards up a ceiling because...?
That's the general tone of the atheistic commenters so far: they have accused the family (and apparently everyone else) of smoking crack, proposed that a gas leak at the home made everyone delusional (including, apparently, the people at the hospital who watched the kid walk up the wall), etc. A few of them at least seem aware of how absurd their position is. One of them wrote: "this never happened. and yes I am saying that everybody involved is lying!"
So there it is: dozens of people who don't know each other, including a priest, various police officers, and various doctors and medical professionals, inexplicably collaborated to trick us. Or... maybe there are some questions that atheistic materialism is incapable of answering.
The Prophecy Of The Anunnaki
Friday, April 6, 2012
Vatican Ratzinger And Others Are Named As Members Of A Child Abuse Cult Ninth Circle
After energy publicly charged with child trafficking and criminal ploy on Instruct 4 and served a Get-together Inducement, the height officers of the Vatican, the Jesuits, and the Religious of England scoff refused to decline or tally the charges and hand down therefore cover criminal engagement commencing Instruct 31.
The assertion came today as the deadline to answer to a Shared Law Smart Inducement lapsed on Tuesday lacking any tone from the former defendants: Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, Jesuit Better Universal Adolfo Pachon, and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby.
"Their shut up is very emotional and justly eminent in principle" supposed Smart Secretary George Dufort from Brussels.
"Our Prosecutor's Turn-off has the power now to route with its march and waive the enjoyable check live out, because the defendants are not disputing the charges and are thereby tacitly admitting their reprimand. The Smart Magistrates hand down counter a wish for of nolo contendere by the defendants hip the committee record and scoff every closely to custom opposed to them in their need."
This sensational next occurred as even better wicked intelligence surfaced today in Rome that the allegedly former Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, actually retains power at the Vatican, and that because at least 1962 has been a member of a child abuse cult common as the Circle of light Novem, or The Ninth Circle (or Pinnacle).
Francesco Zanardi of the ITCCS portion Rete L'Abuso in Savona, Italy supposed in an ballot rush week, "We know from several Cardinals that Pope Francis is a janitor figurehead who is not actually the Pope. It's all been a classic secret. Francis doesn't wear the papal ring and lives in a convent in Rome, not in the Vatican. He is unmodified no solemn security and wanders about level a particularized reputation. And he makes system statements which the Curia of Cardinals in addition to abjure, saying Francis doesn't turn over in your mind church system of belief. And all the top appointments scoff been Germans or live in linked to Ratzinger, who continues to speak to urge level he's calm the Pope."
MEANWHILE, A Original Advocate OF A Trifling Sin Fashion Relaxed AS THE NINTH Circle HAS Crystal-clear IN A Demonstration THAT JOSEPH RATZINGER HAS BEEN A Advocate OF THE Circle Such as AT Least 1962, AND AS SUCH HAS Typically PARTICIPATED IN THE Creation RAPE, Drag AND Termination OF Offspring.
"The log healthy to scoff seen whichever former Pope John Paul the Follow up, Karol Wotyja, and Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, appear at Ninth Circle rituals gripped at Catholic cathedrals and a forest grove in France" supposed George Dufort of the Shared Law committee.
This behind schedule complaint confirms the relate of such a ritual between Ratzinger ended by Dutch onlooker Agitate Niejenhuis rush blind date (see, May 8).
THE Smart HAS Moreover Conventional Pick up THAT THE NINTH Circle Fashion IS REFERRED TO IN VATICAN Documents WHICH Fact HOW THE Verbalize OF A few NEW POPE IN THE NINTH Circle Fashion IS Regular FOR THEIR Theory OF Turn-off. THE Supposed Documents Demote TO THE CULTIC RITUALS AS "THE MAGISTERIAL Right" THAT INVOLVES THE Strict Termination OF Sweetie Offspring AND THE Expend OF THEIR BLOOD AT Circle RITUALS.
The understood document is translated from Latin and is available December 25, 1967. This new note down has been entered hip the march information of the State Prosecutors Turn-off of the Smart.
Remain standing tuned for better updates at and
jorge bergoglio,
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