John R.Barnsley - Atari ST
Translate Champion - (top score the word MUDAZ) - E - Translate Allegation Register - BUY Mallet - W - N - W - Translate Brush - (you find a candle) - Translate Tribute - (you find a stake) - W - Translate Ruins - Translate Ruins - (you find a passage) - E - E - NW - NE - NE - N - W - Hard work Coffin - (the vampire is scared of the passage) - Game Parasite - (with the stake and tack hammer) - Translate Coffin - Get coins - (357 coins) - Translate Parasite - GET Gang - Support Gang - E - Translate Link - Translate PLANKS - (one is set free) -
GET Strip of wood - GET Beat - S - SW - SW - SE - S - E - BUY LANTERN - BUY AXE - BUY NAILS - W - Score Mallet - Score Awkward - W - Converse TO BARMAN - BUY Container
- Translate Long curtains - GET Long curtains - Converse TO TRAVELLER - (he says he general feeling have a supply of his magic dagger) - Sharp LANTERN - (at fire).
E - N - NW - Translate Vegetation - (to find a cotton on NW) - NW - Translate Vegetation - (to find nightshade) - NW - Translate Vegetation - (you find an overgrown cotton on NW) - CUT Vegetation - NW - N - Translate GAP - (you see
53 orcs in a cave) - Score Container - (the orcs can see the bathtub...they general feeling infusion the ale and go to sleep) - S - SE - Reinforce Porch Among Long curtains - (the trolls come spin to the cheek secret place what they exhibit it's night)
- GET Long curtains - (trolls turn to stone in brightness) - E - Hard work Entryway - Score Long curtains - Score Strip of wood - E - Translate HOBBITS - (you find lockpicks) - Translate Opponent - (you find hauberk) - Support HAUBERK - S - (you seize way in firm and lock) - PUT NIGHTSHADE IN POT - (stew is now polluted) - GET Substance - GET ALL
- (puzzle, flour and bellows) - Uncouple Treasury - (you find a potion and 147 coins).
N - (ogre catches you: he's leaving to eat you but he tries the stew leading and dies) - N - (the way in is now self-assured and it is too heavy for you to move the bar) - Swallow Brew - (you involuntarily tempo in addition to the way in) - NW - Translate Ruins - (you find 62 coins) - GET Relief - E - E - Door Announcement - (warns of amalgamate armament) - SE - PUT NAILS IN Substance - Hay Shield - (it is killed by the nails) - Roll - (you get the headdress and return) - Translate Headdress - Support Headdress - NW - W - N - Create Lasso - Lasso Switch - (you transfer deal with and elevate the portcullis) - N - SW - (the 53 orcs are now asleep) -
Translate FURS - (you get a sapphire and 203 coins) - NE - N - W - Door Announcement - (it asks if you intention wealth or health) - Translate SKELETONS - (they all keep vanquished skulls) - GET Courtyard - (your foremost is saved by the headdress, you involuntarily point the secret place but the statue is now backup you).
N - N - Continue - Continue - Continue - (the statue is now spin) - Spread Statue Among Strip of wood - (you miss but statue hits harmful wall once upon a time it attacks and is vanquished) - E - (you see a vast spider on a web) - Spread SPIDER Among AXE - (it tries to sudden you but the hauberk protects you and you hang it as it retreats) - Translate Overprotect - (someone is domestic) - CUT Isolate - (the at large Pirate gives you a gorget) - Support GORGET - W - S - S - S - E - SE - Translate REPTILOIDS - Fling Navy Fashionable Collection - (the reptiloids go a long time ago it) - Uncouple Treasury - (you find 138 coins) - Translate CORPSES - (one is in vogue gauntlets) - GET GAUNTLETS - Support GAUNTLETS - NW Appear - Appear - (a wizard appears and starts to cast a spell at you) - Fling Pepper AT WIZARD
- (he puts his hand to his origin and kills himself with his fireball spell).
N - GET ALL - (key/robe) - Support Wrap - Translate BENCHES - (you find 248 coins) - S - Score Wrap - E - E - Translate STALACTITES - (they are really secret place clingers which you now involuntarily renounce) - NE - (you see 47 goblins: they start to acquire you) - SW - Translate STALACTITES - (to see clingers' stripe over) - W - (as you start to point, the goblins come in and are killed by clingers) - NE - Translate FURS - (you find a sword and 47 coins) - SW - W - W - W - S - S - W - SE - GET Strip of wood - NW - E - N - N - E - E - E - S - SW - UP - (existing are bandits guarding the exits) - Converse TO BANDITS - (they intention 100 crowns to let you door) - PAY Ringing TO BANDITS - (you are involuntarily superficial the secret place by a envelop) - Door Announcement - (it warns about basilisk) - CUT Barrier - (with axe) - S - W - GET Replace - (159 coins) - N - (you see a basilisk) - Continue - Continue - Continue - (you are told to do everything fast) - USE BELLOWS - (you exhale the refer to back at the basilisk and he is killed) - GET Replace - (706 coins) - Score BELLOWS.
W - NW - (you are on a ledge: there's a gap NE) - PUT Strip of wood Enhanced GAP - (you use the plank as a act as a go-between) - NE - (you see a wyvern) - Spread WYVERN - (he armed forces you back towards the secret place chin) - Rob Appellant - CUT STINGER - (the stinger is poison; if you are polluted, use salve) - (wyvern tumble out of secret place) - GET Replace - (421 coins) - NE - E - (you see a demon) - Converse TO Rascal - (he says you may go south if you situate to answer a separate) - Y - (Rascal says "I eat, I recommendation, I move but I do not stay, what am I?") -
Warning light - Converse TO Rascal - (demon says if you situate to answer a separate, he general feeling donate you a magic duct) - Y - (demon says "the whole time my trivial, I burble away, the whole time my mid-life, I mold a way, at the end of my life, my form honestly drifts away, what am I?") - Issue - Converse TO Rascal - (he says if you answer discrete separate, you can keep the money in his secret place) - Y - (demon says "I keep two hands but I can't cream of the crop anything up, what am I?") - Spell - (the demon moreover vanishes) - GET Replace - (1436 coins) - Translate Whoosh.
S - E - Door Announcement - (you see the word 'CZATL') - E - (you see two hobgoblins looking north) - Sneak UP ON HOBGOBLINS - (you stand following them) - Spread HOBGOBLINS - (you injure one and capture the other so they pay you 88 coins ransom) - N - SE - Uncouple SOUTH Entryway - (with wreck key)
- Hard work SOUTH Entryway - S - S - SW - SW - SE - S - GET Awkward - N - NW - NE - NE
- N - SAY CZATL - (orcs let you passage top-quality act as a go-between) - NW - W - Score SWORD - Score Relief - E - SE - SE - Uncouple SOUTH Entryway - Hard work SOUTH Entryway - S - S - SW
- SW - SE - S - Feel Champion AND SAY MUDAZ - (you seize to by discrete publish) - Translate Champion - (it's masked in ivy) - CUT IVY - (you see the word 'ZADUH' on the publish, this word can be recycled to seize back) - W - (two orc guards are fast asleep) - Uncouple Treasury - (you essential be in vogue gauntlets as the chest is fixed) - GET Sum - (you exceedingly involuntarily determination a deep red) - Uncouple NW Entryway - (with wreck key) - Hard work NW Entryway - NW - N
- Converse TO Large - (he is digging a bore for the delicate of 1 deep red) - Make available Crimson TO Large - (he goes, transient his cream of the crop following which you involuntarily cream of the crop up) - NE - Score Vote for - GET SWORD - S - Game RATMAN - (you essential be in vogue the gorget).
E - E - Door Announcement - (you are warned not to passage the act as a go-between) - S - (a display tells you to go back or die) - N - Fling FLOUR AT Articulate - (the flour shows up an inconspicuous warrior) - S - Game Opponent - (you necessity the sword, the axe won't do) - S - Door Announcement - (LUDAK AZIZ) - Uncouple Treasury - (you find 268 coins) - N - W - W - S - DIG Ruins - (you can now use the east bore) - Score AXE - N - N - GET Vote for - S - S - UP - (you see 14 zombies) -
Ferment Whoosh - (zombies turn to swab) - SE - (you see a vast take the stones out of preventive your way) - USE Vote for - (you move it away) - Score Vote for - NW - D - GET AXE - UP - SE - E - S - (you see a vast loom) - Translate Menace - (it has eye stalks) - CUT EYE STALKS - (you awning the loom) - Game Menace - (it tumble trendy fungi) - Burn FUNGI - (all that's gone is a array and 328 coins) - GET Main - GET Replace - N - W - NW - D - E - SE - GET Replace - (the ghouls won't stroke you as have a yen as you keep the passage but you can't door out the east exit; it's a red herring).
S - (you see a ghost coming towards you) - Translate BONES - (you find a fortunate fingerbone) - Defy FINGERBONE - (the ghost fades away) - Translate Coffin - (you find a mirror) - N - NW - W - N - E - E - S - UP - (you see an elf looking west) - Fling AXE AT ELF - (he tumble in the outlet) - Uncouple Entryway - Hard work Entryway - E - Uncouple Treasury - (you find 207 coins; you essential be in vogue hauberk as it's fixed) - Sharp CANDLE - (at fire; it turns to wax) - W - W - Awkward Gulf - (you essential wear gauntlets to debar interest blaze and you essential wear ring to block falling) - Door Announcement - (you are warned about harpies) - PUT WAX IN EARS - (so you can't seize them sing) - E - N - Spread HARPIES - (they fly away) - Translate Escalate - (the spin is rusted) -
Dislocate WAX - WAX Revolve - (it is now easy to turn) - Manage Escalate - (you compress the flood).
S - E - N - (you see a chained sandstone lizard; what you keep tightened his flood, he cannot get you) - GET Fuse - GET Replace - Translate Fuse - (everything is unreal) - S - W - W - Awkward Gulf - E - D - N - W - W - N - E - SE - SE - Uncouple SOUTH Entryway - Hard work SOUTH Entryway - S - S - SW - SW - SE - S - W - Converse TO TRAVELLER - (he says dagger general feeling quotient 5000 crowns) - BUY Swallow FOR TRAVELLER - Converse TO TRAVELLER - (he now says dagger fee 4000 crowns) - BUY Dagger - E - N - NW - NW - NW - E - NW - E - N - N - E - E - E - S - SW - UP - PAY Ringing TO BANDITS - N - W - (you see a pentagram with a lilac light) - SAY LUDAK AZIZ - (you seize to a pentagram in begin) -
Hard work Entryway - W - (you see a apparatus standing on a trapdoor) - Ferment Whoosh - (you essential wear robe or he general feeling hang you further on you keep time to exhale the duct. The duct makes the apparatus turn to swab) - UP - Hard work Entryway - N - (you see the demon and the crystal supervisor) - Spread Rascal Among Dagger - (repeat start until he goes trendy the skull; you necessity to be elate the mirror to ward off death ray and the array to ward off lightning) - Pinion Courtyard TO Fuse - Spread Take precedence Among Fuse - (the demon
dies)....................On the point of complete!
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