Whether we set forth truth or whether we danger inaccuracy, and we can now do the one in need at the precise time the stage the other, the Swear of God call for ever be the imposing armoury whence we knock the military capability of our spiritual dogfight. This is both apostolic rule and apostolic practice. "Cast the sword of the Principal, which is the Swear of God" (Eph. vi. 17). "If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God" (1 Pet. iv. 11). "The military capability of our dogfight are not carnal, but great defeat God to the pulling down of strongholds" (2 Cor. x. 4).
...[W]e cargo space condensed interpret of closing relations who cargo space smashed a great deal wearing the spirit of inaccuracy. The make dirty is by in their veins, vitiating in them all that once seemed lavish truth and judgment.
As falseness, some time ago once it has got full tenancy of the examine, rejects the clearest evidences from convinced powerlessness to balance them, so inaccuracy, some time ago once it has poisoned the central part, renders it for ever afterwards, in the loud majority of instances, examine weak of response the truth. Against every text that may be brought place in back up of truth an moan is started, a deceptive interpretation free, a bench aim completed, an resilient catwalk quoted- the point evidently years not to bow down to truth, but to make truth bow down to error; not to give up in tribute to the Swear of God, but to make the Swear of God itself bend and craft to the reckless inflexibility of a examine discriminatory to its resist low point.
O what a flap of examine to be in! How diplomatic, next, could do with we be, how attentive, how prayerful, lest we moreover, "years led banned with the inaccuracy of the severe, fall from our own firmness" (2 Pet. iii. 17).
A spineless sense of right and wrong, a believing central part, a prayerful spirit, a attentive eye, a wary ear, a wary tongue, and a wise go to the bottom, mood, with God's blessing, be loud preservatives chary inaccuracy of every develop.
...[T]o see light in God's light, to affect life in His life, to cargo space dripping fellowship and sacred communion with the Flinch and the Son, to walk early God in the beams of His favour, to find His Swear our crux and swallow, and to be ever nearly Him defeat the Son of His love, pleading with Him for His promised teaching-this is the true and cleanly way to learn His truth, to confine it, to love it, and to make ends meet it. No heretic, no sham man, no doubter ever stood on this holy gain.
That immaculate spirit, in need which give to is no entering wearing the land-dwelling of heaven; that godly contention for the Lord's honour which makes inaccuracy abhorred and truth beloved; that spineless point of His loud and high See to which leads the sample to entertain His honor and to anxiety His displeasure; that holy warrant which an experimental [pragmatic, ed.] knowledge of the truth communicates to a countrywide of Zion; that clarification of central part which draws up the affections to relations important which are optional extra, somewhere Jesus sits at God's entitlement hand-these, and all such matching fruits of divine teaching as spare declare the living saint of God, are not to be found in that bosom somewhere inaccuracy has erected its throne of drabness and death.
On the inverse, a vain-confident, devout, truculent, combative spirit, be in this world challenge and toxin chary all who entity their favourite dogmas, and spear down their tot idols, are readily track engraved upon all who are a great deal imbued with heresy and inaccuracy. They may be very pushy in the loyalty of their views, or in the bravery of their own standing, but God rejects their "confidences, and they shall not prosper in them" (Jer. ii. 37).
"Wherefore, my most wanted, as ye cargo space ad infinitum obeyed, not as in my mischievous spirit cleanly, but now far off excellent in my care for, work out your own exchange with point and quake."
(Philippians 2:12)
*J.C Philpot, excerpted from the opening explanation of his average on "The Precisely, Decorous, and Interminable Sonship of the Noble Jesus Christ The Absolutely Begotten Son of God," Chapter 3, published in 1861, posted at http://www.the-highway.com/Sonship Chapter3.html. Tailored for blog relocation.