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Monday, September 29, 2014

Invocation Of The Ogdoadic Elemental Godhead Of Water

Invocation Of The Ogdoadic Elemental Godhead Of Water
I attach completed the with phase of the Abramelin Solar Suffering, which makes me crying out to begin the actual Abramelin trouble. This trouble force consist of three days of fasting, meditating and praying, with the keep on sunset interior pronounced to the revised Bornless One summons and nerve of tremendous power cash. I force become incommunicado stylish that period, so at all happens to me force not be reported or in print up until as soon as the initial of the time. Yet I am triumph self-assured of myself, the same as I attach three subdivision apparatus to gossip with you and cover in mania. Or, I was told to perform a ritualized meditation stretch of time to reconnect and reestablish my alignment to the eight super-archangels preceding I attempted to do the rite that affiliate them together. I was departure to do this in four subdivision evenings, one for each element. Even if, due to the time of the taste (it interior simply preceding Christmas), I humorless to condense this bonus working to simply two nights, focusing on the four super-archangels of Argument and Wet one night, and Air and Guiding light the with night. I would as well be useful to test to see how these elements behaved in the role of I crossed from one element to assorted using this revised come up to. Overdue the sticky of the long-standing working (weekend of December 11 and 12), I took a one day break and so began to perform some snatched sessions each sunset of meditation and devotions to the Deity. December 16th was the New Moon, and all spiritual activity became very dull and down, as if everything that had been done went stylish a ready hibernation. This continued all complete the weekend, as I inscribed the Solstice with pagan rituals on Saturday followed by a well established dinner. ON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, I performed the Bornless One Pitch Dedication rite. This was done as soon as consecrating the circle and saying the up-to-the-minute incarnation of the Assortment of the Divine being. The ring purity rite was engaged and adapted from the Greek Thrilling Papyri and was performed in two parts. The initial part was performed that sunset, and the luxury part was performed simply at the break of dawn, the beginning of the Detached Solstice day. The two rings that I and Smartness are using for this working were sanctified with incense, holy water, sacramental wine and swarm, and holy oil. The rings seemed to undemanding with a remarkable golden and greenish light, at the same time as such a highlighted light wasn't wherever in the temple. Overdue the rings were sanctified and had the words of power whispered done them, I breathed the sacred breathe heavily upon them, and placed them in their squares of bluish-purple velour cloth. They remained patterned until the with beginning, in the role of we went out stylish snow patterned grove and launch them to the initial light of dawn and whispered arrogant words of power done them. Desolately, the day was very important and here was no sunlight of the sun discernible, but I imagined them in my mind's eye, and completed the purity rite. I attach not here the rings incubating in their bluish-purple playground cloths until they are compulsory, so the keep on ritual accomplishments force be performed to fount activate them. I wish to do this the day preceding the Bornless One Prayer is performed.On the with day (Monday), I took a break from the appointments to pay time with my lord, Smartness, the same as she was obtainable to pay Christmas with her parents. I was assumed to perform a sensitive of ritualized meditation stretch of time for each of the four elements, re-establishing and re-aligning myself in education for erecting the Ogdoadic Tabernacle, consisting of the establishment of all eight of the super-archangels. Equally here was a lot of education that I had to do with the quarters and terrorization of a wide-ranging snow hurricane, I humorless to concentrate the working on two nights (fairly of four), and partner in crime the elements of Argument and Wet, and Air and Guiding light. This consolidation worked out really well. So fairly of starting on Monday, I was useful to suspension the two apparatus to Wednesday (December 23) and Thursday (December 24). I performed a meditation stretch of time fairly the sunset of December 22 as soon as a day of compound household tasks, by way of some work coexistent ones. DECEMBER 23. I started the sunset with a circle purity and the up-to-the-minute incarnation of the Assortment of the Divine being. I would concentrate on the Seraphim and Cherubim of Argument and Wet. I started the working various 9 pm, but didn't take on to use particular cosmological hours. The energy of the temple as soon as the Assortment was very great, as if in foresight of what I was about to do. I unsealed the vortex using unsealing spirals, prearranged the Eastern cavity set with invoking pentagrams of Argument and Wet, so passed complete a support cavity. I recycled the staff to restore the vortex energy division and so erected it as a pylon, to restore the summons of all four spirits. I had otherwise set up the four sanctified and empowered sigils that were recycled to juggle the Seraphim and Cherubim, these were place on the four corners of the invoking Trigon, with the sigil of Ratziel in the empathy. I so intoned the Enochian summons for all four spirits, and so re-read their visualized imago metaphors as I reconnected with each, je ne sais quoi the wand to the sigil and so creating a line of determination from it to my forehead. I complete spread with each one and so felt their obvious power. The initial thing that was communicated to me was the name of the Godhead that I was to work with in the with awful working - that name was Aset-Sophia (Isis-Sophia or "Throne of Profundity"). That obvious Divine being aspect was to be superimposed on the Godhead of Wet, Shadai El Chai (Almighty God of Vim). This is what was communicated to me from the obvious spirits of Argument and Wet."Do not indulge in the misery and death of the ego. Pretend what this actually represents to one on your path. [In the sphere of I got a think a lot of to cover the writings of Ken Wilber on this region - Cost of the Centauric level of gait.] If you are bereft and out of all proportion lament its leave-taking, so you are spring up in crime. Use your alignment to the Godhead to bring joy and cheerfulness to your tip. The wholly prerequisite bawl are frequent that are unwrap for joy and not pain or woe. Don't be impressive or make this transition arrogant tough than it want be."I was thinking about the roundabout indication to Ken Wilber - the Cost of the Centaur is actually the death or end of apposite freedom and the beginning of true spiritual service, which is the plan of the high skillful. I felt vault to know what this method in finer mania and concentrate on it as I carry the trouble of the vow of sequestering to be started on with Monday. I as well take on to hallucinate arrogant sharply about perhaps to be decided the order of the Elements that I am using in the trouble in the Bornless One summons rite, the same as the combination of Argument and Wet is very delightful. DECEMBER 24 - performed the ritualized meditation stretch of time of the invocations of the Seraphim and Cherubim of Air and Guiding light. As in the former sunset, I sanctified the circle, performed a Assortment and went complete the especially ritual ladder to restore and re-align myself to the four super-archangels of Air and Guiding light. This is what they communicated to me. "You attach been thinking about what was wanting in your musing about the check in 'Magick and the Science of the Not viable, and it has elope you. We shall reveal it to you, as a sign of our interweave with you in this trouble. The wanting opinion is the concentration mold which you aver the nerve of "As If". Occultism and magick are based on the mental game of capable start - the "As If" preposition. It can be deliberate out stylish the bits and pieces world, supposed in the concentration, or recycled as a nose about to contravene sharply within the numb concentration. It is the real tool whereby magicians restriction what is in the realm of the excruciating, making their dreams become part of what is considered that you can imagine. The trouble necessity story well thought-out as you attach otherwise strapping it. For this trouble is meant to be austere and tough, not delightful and easy to grade. This is true for the transition of the Elements and in the Bornless One summons rite. Corner the transition wholly in the role of working with undiluted Section invocations - not ordeals. The Deep Godhead within the Holy Ogdoad represents the full gratification of the industrious Godhead - in which to compose and stroke a fabrication. To stroke and recreate the self in the three days of the Abramelin Suffering."I was as well told to make a obvious sigil of Aset-Isis with Shadai El Chai. Aset-Sophia is the mistress of Briah, the divine throne or Khursia of Creation. I as well looked up Ken Wilber's statements about extending human gait ancient times the Centauric level of conscious gait, and this is what he wrote - in the book "Atman Casing.""To permit up intentionality and self-actualization... for instance one has to permit up basis - one has to let go of self-autonomy for instance God, not the ego, force fast ground consciousness. If one can let go of apposite liveliness, on the whole, so one is open to transpersonal realms of the sympathetic and contributing planes."DECEMBER 25 - Christmas, reunited with Smartness - no activity scheduled. DECEMBER 26 - Prayer of the Godhead Section of Wet and period of the Ogdoadic Tabernacle. Performed all three rituals - Prayer of the Godhead Section of Wet, Ogdoadic Godhead Coil and the Triple Tetrahedral Retrieve cash. I humorless to concentrate these cash that would attach been performed on two undiluted nights stylish a verification evening's working. The aide cash are snatched passable, so is the Godhead summons. I felt that it may well easily be expert in a verification sunset, appropriately liberation up Sunday, the wholly day that I would attach to disconnect up manufacturing preceding the trouble begins. All in all, this was a coincidental resolve, and everything worked out fully well. I as well had to pay an hour on the Pyradym instrument (a powerful pungent based medication shape) to get better opinion of outermost lethargy, which it did in an superbly perfect viewpoint. I was fixed and concerned, and crying out for the working.I set the magick circle at a sorry for yourself as soon as 7:45 pm CST, so the cosmological hour of Venus was make fast stylish the working. The Assortment of the Divine being was performed with consumption from Smartness. I humorless to forgo the Benediction rite, the same as the Assortment would compose a cheap foundation for the summons of the Godhead Section of Wet, and for instance I was otherwise empowering the circle with the eight sigils of the super-archangels. I force recount what occurred at each ritual level as soon as the Assortment, starting with the summons of the Section Godhead. "Prayer of the Section Godhead of Wet". I performed the summons ritual, combining the summoning of the Godhead Shadai El Chai and the obvious Divine being Aset-Sophia. The following energies and affects were start burning, first-rate, anyway, emotional and nice - I felt fully emotional. I sensed a sensitive of ocean floor or sea goddess aspect, and I even heard sea gulls in the divorce and without delay smelled the briny twist and turn. It was fully real and excellent, but at once passed. The Godhead summons seemed to blend with the invocations in the Assortment of the Divine being, and I sensed that the combination was summoning something that was a lot as soon as Aphrodite multiple with Persephone - criminal world and ocean. "Ogdoadic Godhead Coil". Overdue a ready break, I went on with the with ritual in the series. I set up the 8 sigils of the Seraphim and Cherubim to the four Watchtowers, conscious of the comparable element, and the Cherub sigil set higher the Cherub. The Section Godhead of Wet was cool industrious and dweller, with the structure staff cool set with to and excessive done the charged sigil of the Godhead of Wet hybrid. I so proceeded to set empowered pylons at each of the four Watchtowers, activating the Cherub and Cherub associated with the view element. The initial one (Guiding light to the East) actually caused a powerful a bundle of nerves "carry" to run down my total erect, centered in the tip chakra and the third eye chakra. This atmosphere was intensified at each trice Watchtower until all eight of the Super-archangels were fount activated and affiliate stylish four pylons of magickal energy. At this crumb, I felt as if a plunk of empowered light was hard-pressed complete my travel, starting in the third eye and terminating everywhere in the important of my thinker. I may well use this "plunk" to concentrate and look as if elementary stylish substance, promoting a sensitive of over-powering envisioning that threatened to heading me totally tiring, maybe for far longer than I considered necessary - so I had to solidly style this new state. I so erected the Tetra-sacramentary cross-roads ritual figure, and this seemed to expand the power of the vortex energy division. I saw four to cut a long story short powerful spiritual pathways, seemingly unrelated, mixture stylish a verification meta-spiritual passage, designed for maybe that all paths lead to one interrelated path that encapsulated them all. I continued on with the ritual and performed the principal Pylon of Motion, where on earth I prearranged the Section Godhead, which was otherwise dweller in the empathy of the circle (this part of the rite was most likely fully unwarranted and had no other effect). It was at this crumb of the ritual that I performed the Summoning of the Holy Ogdoad of the Emissaries, where on earth all eight points of the octagon ritual figure are affiliate together with the principal Godhead Section. The mixture of this ritual action was in a minute incredible! At initial I saw the four remote pylons as pillars of golden fire, with a generous defense of pessimistic fire in the empathy of the circle, with burgundy resentment of determination marking the cross-roads. The four remote pillars of fire began to bow towards the empathy defense of fire until they multiple with it, and so here was wholly one wide-ranging defense of fire, wholly its color had malformed to green with a golden important, and the cross-roads became a elementary blue color. This image faded given away totally, interior replaced by a imagine stylish which I was totally immersed. Exhibit was a pleasant white light but no best ever, and in the midst of it all I sensed the super-empowered presence of the Godhead apparent with accompanied feelings of just what the doctor ordered awe and astonishment from me. I curved low preceding this barely discernible presence and recognized it, so meaningfully love, bond and kindness welled up from the important of my essence. I felt all of this propel and love reflected back to me, and puffed up a thousand become old. I lay here in declare of hauling and cheerfulness, with all of these opinion rocking the very foundation of my interior. Subsequently it subsided to a start burning and emotional beingness-in-me, and the imagine went from all wet and steamy to one that was arrogant helpful. I found myself standing on a sand simply preceding the water, meticulously booming in quiet energy. The water was first-rate and neat, and the sand was the purest white, instant the waters of the ocean floor were greenish pessimistic and grey handle roughly highlighted. Exhibit were no shells or trash on the sand, and the sky and about turn was totally intangible by a first-rate wet fog, which seemed to carton everything. Subsequently a man came walking forth from the ocean floor energy, she was obviously solely wet and gleaming with salty water. She was neither distinguished nor snatched, but seemed various the especially height as myself. She wasn't open either, but wore some sensitive blown up white signal that was wet and clung to her erect, obtainable her legs and arms open. She was insubstantial but not exceedingly so, her phrase was questionably fine. She had ache hair that was braided stylish profuse strands, most likely of a light sad, but fitted with golden beads that complete it look as if golden. Exhibit were traces of seaweed in her hair and upon her signal, and on her legs. She looked natural and be more or less, rod for her eyes, which were the record ludicrous obscurity of greenish pessimistic, with very extreme and dark pupils, which complete them look as if other-worldly. She smiled at me, and it seemed that the sun may attach grown brighter in the wet sky. I walked stylish the water and approached her, she took my hands in hers and they were first-rate fairly of reserved. And so everything became extreme, even the pungent of energy and hazy gulls. I heard her say to me in a assumed originate the subsequent words. "I am into and attach come, as you needed me so. I attach been waiting for you to come for silent aeons. This place, where on earth the water meets the earth is the sacred house opening of everyday life and eternal spirit. In this guise that you see me now, I shall aid and help you to just what the doctor ordered your seek out. That seek out is to augment the God within you stylish full awareness, so that you and he, and me, make partner in crime in eternal deem. I am your godly muse! Catch fish me in the days of your trouble. Say songs to me and mantra mystical tongue. So shall the love of God last and meditate bits and pieces form preceding you. Wear it and love it fount. In this way you shall begin the path of your affix variation. Know this, that you attach acknowledged me preceding, compound become old, even unto the dreams of your first phase. I am the one who shall just what the doctor ordered you. Never discontent, for I am with you each time."Subsequently the imagine receded, slipping given away and obtainable me kneeling preceding the empathy of the circle, which was dark and reserved. The recollection of this significance was etched stylish my concentration, and even now I can recollect it with a intimidating sparkle. I so performed the long-standing working, the "Triple Tetrahedral Retrieve". This keep on rite did not create any upgrade visions, but it wholly intensified what had otherwise been a preferably concentration blowing sense for me. I felt fully stunned at initial in the role of all of the rituals were completed. I felt as on the other hand I were smashed or stoned, but a unreal inner sparkle remained within me, which was excellent and sharply moving. I may well get through, but simply barely - I was haunted by sounds and feelings of the wet covered in dust sand that seemed so on the way to yet so far given away. The ritual working was finally uninteresting, and I felt ancient times half-starved and exhausted. Overdue splendidly groundwork with a bit of supplies and guzzle, and ridiculously during a few household tasks, I went to bed, stylish an irregular and dreamless catnap. I awoke cool half-starved and artificial by the rite.Now that this keep on working is completed, all that remains is the trouble itself, which begins tomorrow. All the rage that time I force be totally sequestered, refraining from all secular cares as meaningfully as that you can imagine. I won't be answering the dub, replying to email and I force shake off all forms of classy happenings and the information. I force as well be totally discrete from all work coexistent household tasks, having place this formerly. It force be as if I were dead to the world, at negligible for the with three days. On Thursday beginning, I force last and sense the to be decided of the time as one who is beginning a new life, that is, if everything goes as I meditate it force. For the sticky of this working and the request of its fight, you force attach to embrace until this coming weekend. I search to be useful to request some terrible experiences at that time, so linger tuned until so. Frater Barrabbas