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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Travelling In Time And Space Astral Projection

Travelling In Time And Space Astral Projection
astral projection forum

Our reality is generally created by thought projection, which is consciousness, into the physical plane. A human being does not comprise of simply a single body. Rather, there are 5 subtle bodies of energy. Among these bodies is the astral body.

It is this particular body that is closest to the physical body of a person in vibration. It is sometimes called the 'wish body' since it goes to the spot the specific subconsciously desires or needs to go. The astral body will typically detach itself from the human constitution during sleep although it is possible for this to take place when a person is mindful and awake fully. The connection of the astral body to the physical body is with a silver cord or an astral cord which is capable of stretching as far as the edge of the Universe. This explains the reality that whereas some people astral project to spots as near as the ceiling, others do so to as far as other planets all around the Cosmos. Some people could see the astral or silver cord throughout the process.

Astral projection must not be something you are frightened of because it happens in many cases normally. Induced projection is tried from curiosity sometimes. Otherwise, it could be essential or because of some spiritual practice. This indicates that it is done or happens for the simple reasons to understand the future, to recover the unwell, to contact the various other astral beings, to give the physical body the rest it needs as well as to gather information in the spirit world.

Astral projection, lucid dreaming and usual dreaming are actually intertwined. Even if you get enough vibrations to leave your body during astral projection, you will end up dreaming as quickly as possible in case you are not familiar with what you are doing. That is why most individuals criticize their failure to astral project on dreams. Nonetheless, the failure is constantly due to the simple reason that they quit their control of the conscious to the unconscious forgetting that in order to astral project; they should manage the consciousness mind so that it is kept awake throughout the procedure. The subconscious mind has its own plan along with communication system. It can never be made use of in astral travel therefore. The consciousness is worried primarily with the present time and location. conversely, the sub conscious is responsible for processing life occasions so that the past and future events could be brought into awareness. The astral is the flexible place that enables form to follow thought. Nevertheless, the astral body does not just follow the conscious thoughts but also the subconscious thoughts.

Out-of-body experience

There is so much you could do while visiting the astral plane in the form as an astral body. There are so many areas or places to visit. Supposing you decide to stay on the prime material plane, you have the ability to fly around your home. You can view your loved ones or even fly down the street. Conversely, you can transfer to a higher astral plane. This is where the angels and spirits live and you can make your tour terrific by chatting with the spirits and angels.

It is additionally possible to move through time. You will be passive in the exercise therefore ignore going back in time to eliminate your worst enemies. In addition, you could go to other astral pals that you will have known as long as they too go astral at the time that you have.

It is indeed possible to organize a time to meet up and choose a meeting spot with your pal on the prime material plane. If you go to other dimensions which are not compatible with your energy or frequency field, you will lose your sight.

Even though it is likely that your hearing will be enhanced, you will really have put yourself at threat of being drained or attacked. It is necessary to just explore the locations with experienced spirit guides.

Although it could be induced, astral projection is a natural event that makes it possible for an individual to knowingly separate his soul or astral body from the corporeal or physical body. When this takes place, the consciousness of the person goes with the astral body. The result of astral projection is similar to that of an OBE. For instance, when somebody's soul leaves the physical body suddenly without the intent of the conscious mind, like for example with injury or surgery, the person is stated to have had an out of body experience. An astral projection is a similar occurrence just that whereas the out of body experience takes a shorter time, an astral projection takes as long as the person wishes to. Throughout astral projection, the physical body continues to be behind in a kind of stasis. The corporeal body is still alive and is functioning as normal even when the astral body is gone. The 2 bodies are connected by a silver cord that when cut, the specific succumbs to death. It is believed that this is what takes place in death. When the silver cord is cut, there is no connection between the soul and the body anymore and the conscious mind leaves the body behind with an empty shell of organs, flesh and blood. This is exactly what is buried or cremated.