In fact initiates in at least some forms of Freemasonry are still required to take the "Oath of Nimrod" even today. The Spring 2006 issue of Freemasonry Today (a Masonic publication) tells us that the Oath of Nimrod is part of the initiation process for the "indentured apprentice".....
The candidate is led into the Lodge by the Deacons, and after prayer, is investigated prior to taking the initiatory oath called the ‘Oath of Nimrod’. Nimrod, of course, the grandson of Noah, is mentioned in the ‘Old Charges’ as a teacher of the masonic craft and the architect of many great cities in Mesopotamia. The working tools are explained, the Ancient Charges (c.1663) and modes of recognition are communicated, and a pale blue cord is placed around his neck. The ceremony of closing the Assemblage is completed with prayer and a ‘seven-fold salute’ to The Most High.
In his book entitled "The Arcana Of Freemasonry", Freemason scholar Albert Churchwood traces the origins and development of Freemasonry from ancient Egypt to the present day. In the book Churchwood actually includes the text of the "Oath of Nimrod" which new initiates must take.....
Oath of Nimrod
Apprentice Degree (1st).
I, _______, do in the presence of El Shaddai and of this Worshipful Assembly of Free Masons, Rough Masons, Wallers, Slaters, Paviors, Plaisterers and Bricklayers, promise and declare that I will not at any time hereafter, by any act or circumstance whatsoever, directly or indirectly, write, print, cut, mark, publish, discover, reveal, or make known, any part or parts of the Trade secrets, privileges, or counsells of the Worshipful Fraternity or Fellowship of Free Masonry, which I may have known at any time, or at any time hereafter shall be made known unto me.
The penalty for breaking this great oath shall be the loss of my life.
That I shall be branded with the mark of the Traitor and slain according to ancient custom by being throtalled, that my body shall be buried in the rough sands of the sea a cable’s length from the shore where the tide regularly ebbs and flows twice in the twenty-four hours, so that my soul shall have no rest by night or by day–
(Candidate Signs the O.B.)
While some Freemason apologists attempt to play down the influence of Nimrod on modern Masonry, the truth is that it is still very much there. In fact, another Masonic website that we discovered is very open about Nimrod's influence.....
"The universal sentiment of the Freemasons of the present day is to confer upon Solomon, the King of Israel, the honor of being their first Grand Master. But the legend of the Craft had long before, though there was a tradition of the Temple in existence, given, at least by suggestion, that title to Nimrod, the King of Babylonia and Assyria. It had credited the first organization of the fraternity of craftsmen to him, in saying that he gave a charge to the workmen whom he sent to assist the King of Nineveh in building his cities.
That is to say, he framed for them a Constitution, and, in the words of the legend, this was the first time that ever Masons had any charge of his science. It was the first time that the Craft was organized into a fraternity working under a Constitution of body of laws. As Nimrod was the autocratic maker of these laws, it necessarily resulted that their first legislator, creating laws with his unlimited and absolute governing power, was also their first Grand Master."
The truth is that Freemasonry has always very closely identified itself with the first great post-flood rebel against God. Nimrod was a tyrant and a purveyor of false religion. Elements of the religious system which Nimrod helped establish can be found in virtually every major world religion. Some of our most cherished "holiday traditions" can be directly traced back to ancient Babylon and to Nimrod. Once you learn to identify the elements of the ancient Babylonian mystery religion, you quickly recognize that they are virtually everywhere in the modern world.
From the very moment that initiates take the "Oath of Nimrod", Masons are plunged into a very powerful dark world based on the ancient Babylonian mystery religion. The truth is that Freemasonry does not have anything to do with the God of the Bible.
Instead, it has everything to do with the "New World Order" that Nimrod originally wanted and that Lucifer is still attempting to bring into existence today. Labels: New World Order
Your bases belong to us..
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