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Friday, February 10, 2012

Espiritismo Cruzado

Espiritismo Cruzado
Our seer altar to propitiate spirit guides passing through Espiritismo Cruzado

One of the highest glowing aspects of the Santeria chance is the way in which we work with spirits of the dead. Normally verbal communication, the Lucumi/Lukum'i way of honoring the dead takes place pronounce the put on of safe to eat foods, prayers, libations and drumbeat ceremonies to the spirits of natives by blood or spiritual family unit. These natives are called Egun, and the funds of clannish be stuck on is the op'a ik'u (staff of the dead). On all sides the op'a ik'u eb'os and charitable trust of diet, candles and libations are departed for the natives.


Being the be stuck on of egun has interminably been alive and well with the Lucumi/Lukumi clique, hand over is not a very strong practice for working with guiding spirits - Ar'a Or'un (spirits not of clannish family unit - spirit guides). From this time began the introduction of Kardecian Spiritism (Espiritismo) here Santeria Lucumi/Lukumi. Inside the ritual mechanism of Kardecian Spiritism, participants are called mediums and work toward growth of psychic abilities, perception of spirits, words with spirits, and show of their messages either passing through channeling or passing through aspect goods. Kardecian Spiritism spaces a heavy substance on the use of Catholic prayers concerning the spiritual hoard (misa espiritual) or seance as a way of creating a divine maternal phantom being the mediums make themselves open and preoccupied to the spirits.

Unbending Kardecian Spiritism became very blue-collar in the mid to too late 1800s as the author Allan Kardec began publishing his books on spiritism. His letter was by yourself aimed as a way of cultivating spiritual impression within the choose members of club, but the choose purely eventful in spiritist common people and spiritual seances as a parlor game for interruption. Sadly, his letter of spiritual explanation and growth of mediumship was lost on the choose classes. His work, yet, was embraced by the slaves, the scarce and the working class.


Espiritismo grew tremendously blue-collar in Cuba concerning the Ten Being War, 1868-1878, (which behind inspired here the Cuban Free will War). Popular the Ten Being War, Cuban belligerent leaders cast-off misas espirituales to direct with the spirits of numb host in order to reveal opponent group movements and to heading whether sugar lineage members had died in feat. At the awfully time, Cuban belligerent leaders were as well melodious the examination of Paleros (priests of the Congo-Cuban religion Palo Monte) for magical charms to protect their troops, success their opponent and to profit principal on the feat flex. By melodious apiece Espiritistas and Paleros, a impatient liquid of spiritism evolved in Cuba as a result: Espiritismo Cruzado.

Espiritismo Cruzado absolutely means "crossed" or "hybridized" Spiritism. Espiritismo Cruzado moribund utilizes the traditional prayers and ritual mechanism of Kardecian Spiritism, but it as well incorporates numberless elements from Bant'u (Congo) devout practice by the use of spirit dolls to submit spirit guides, the smoking of cigars, drinking of rum and other spirits, the use of herbs to cleanse clique, the use of perfumes and other potions to cleanse or bless natives roughly, and the channeling and African-style personal effects of mediums by spirits by Congo slaves, over and done priests in either Palo or Santeria, or even goods by the spirits of the dead worked within the ritual context of Palo (Nfumbes). Espiritismo Cruzado is astoundingly African in key in and traditional Kardecian Spiritists wouldn't even have a high regard for its practices.


A provide b'oveda with specs of water and a crucifix

The funds of devout be stuck on in Espiritismo Cruzado is the b'oveda. The boveda is an altar commonly prepared on a body or a deposit, hidden in a white cloth, upon which 7 or 9 specs of water abide been located. Regularly hand over is a central point greater period that represents the medium's middle spirit minder. In very to these specs of water it is brassy to find a crucifix, a rosary, vegetation, images or statues of saints, or dolls depicting male or female slaves, gypsies, indians, nuns, or other spirits. Numerous espiritistas incentive as well power charitable trust to their spirits on the body like peas in a pod cigars, perfumes, fans, handkerchiefs or other items. Mediums incentive glean at the b'oveda more often than not like a week to announce catholic prayers, saint prayers, prayers asking for examination and protection, and prayers for the growth of their mediumship skills.

THE Confidence (ARA OR^eN)

The kinds of spirits smoothly contacted within Espiritismo Cruzado are a liquid of the provide guide spirits contacted passing through arranged Kardecian Spiritism (Gypsies, Pirates, Indians, Asian masters, above what is usual spirits like peas in a pod saints) with the kinds of spirits worked passing through Congolese spiritual work with the numb (congo slave men, madama type spirits, or dark spirits needing examination or seeking work). These are commonly not natives of blood nor of initiatory family unit (Egun), these are spirits of the dead or the population of heaven called Ara Or'un (sometimes inadvertently called Ara On'u). These spirits exploration to work with clique as guides, guardians or agents for magical spells. It is as well brassy for practitioners of Espiritismo Cruzado to work with the Seven African Powers - which are not orishas, but are actually seven another spirits party to that delegation medium; one from each of the seven tribes of clique brought to Cuba in the slave replace.

In the same way as spirits storeroom their mediums, they move here their mediums in a very African sort of goods. These are astronomical by the gyratory, jumping or trouncing about of the medium as the spirit enters that person's largeness. Subsequently to cut a long story short possessing the largeness of the medium they often grouping drinks, vapors cigars or sale acknowledge clothing that they hope against hope to wear. A number of spirits compromise spiritual cleansing or spells for natives roughly to perform in order to better their lives. From time to time the spirits themselves incentive petition goods of a medium and fervently cleanse unlike let your hair down by departure herbs finished the largeness, whisking perfume-laden cloths crossways a person's nimbus, or by gyratory the let your hair down receipt the cleansing (to pull their malady off of them). These are very African experiences of goods in aspect similarity to the types of goods you incentive see in a Kardecian Spiritist throng where mediums more often than not stay on seated, shake a bit, and desire out in order to tell wisdom to natives roughly for a simultaneous of time.


Being highest Santeros are as well Espiritistas who practice Espiritismo Cruzado it is cumbersome to allocate that Espiritismo is a unfamiliar impact here Lucumi/Lukum'i practice. It is not likely practice within Santeria and highest immensely, it is not a requirement to practice Santeria, except 99% of Santeria practitioners do reckon in Espiritismo. A number of houses (spiritual lineages) make the calamity of saying that it is a requirement for clique to do spiritual common people next to becoming a priest in Santeria - this is not true. It is not looked-for, but it is a good idea just in container any issues throw within that person's spiritual patio formerly to initiation. Espiritismo Cruzado is not a clip part of Santeria but it does do a lot of good. It helps aleyos greet goods and it gives them a spiritual practice to begin cultivating formerly to any initiations, for example character can work with spirits of the dead (initiation is not looked-for to do it). In modern mature, optional extra and optional extra Santeria lineages are moving given away from the practice of Espiritismo Cruzado as they at ease a optional extra Lucum'i/African way of be stuck on. This is a new-found part of the pack of the Catholic syncretized elements of Santeria making their way progressively out of the practice of Santeria.