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Tuesday, August 31, 2010



Every Bally Astrocade put on tape ever completed

40 Governor Releases
1 Prototype
2 Duplicates


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(..) Log
[..] Moreover known as


280 Zzzap/Dodgem Bally
Amazin' Maze/Tic-Tac-Toe Bally
Arcade - Motorcade Bally
Arms Duel Bally
Astro Contest [Spread Invaders] Astrovision
$! Astrology Bally
Bally Simple Bally
Bally Simple - Motorcade Bally
Bally Pin Bally
Basketball Bally
BioRhythm Bally
Blask Jak/Poker/Acey Deucey Bally
Crash Droids Esoterica
Checkers/Backgammon Bally
Clowns/Brickyard Bally
$ Stain Book (w/Light Pen) Bally
Extensive Raiders Astrovision
Dogpatch Bally
Anguish Race/Desert Fox Bally
Football Bally
Galactic Imposition [Galaxian] Astrovision
Galaxian [Galactic Imposition] Bally
Noble Prix/Demolition Derby Bally
Gunfight/Checkmate/Calculator/Scribbling (en suite) Bally
Impressive Wizard, The Astrovision
Record Match/Spell N Score/Crosswords Bally
Ms. Candyman L&M Software
Muncher Esoterica
Music Architect I Bally
New Bally Simple Method Bally
Panzer Attack/Red Baron Bally
Pirate's Line Bally
$ Hunt for the Orb Bally
Sea Devil L&M Software
Seawolf/Missile Bally
Soccer Bally
Planetary Pioneer Astrovision
Spread Retreat Bally
Spread Invaders [Astro Contest] Bally
Hasten Math/Bingo Arithmetic Bally
Moniker Contest Astrovision
Twister Baseball/Tennis/Hockey/Handball Bally
Importance Bay Bally

Monday, August 30, 2010

Parul Roscat In Superstitii Si Prejudecati

Parul Roscat In Superstitii Si Prejudecati
De-a lungul timpului, parul rosu, barbatii roscati si femeile roscate au prilejuit superstitii in aid admiratia se impletea cu oroarea, iar adoratia cu oripilarea. Nici o alta trasatura a fiintelor umane nu a starnit poate atatea controverse si diferente de opinii si sentimente.A fost ca si cum disperarea s-ar fi intalnit cu speranta, iar ura ar fi facut casa buna cu dragostea.In istorie, prejudecata si suspiciunea au inconjurat intotdeuna oamenii cu parul roscat, precum si superstitia ca acestia ar fi extrem de impulsivi ori violenti.Aceasta din urma credinta se fit si-ar avea radacinile in faptul ca scotienii, printre aid roscatii abunda, sunt descendentii celtilor, un neam vestit prin agresivitatea razboinicilor sai.Miturile despre parul rosu sunt intalnite in aproape toate culturile.Desi credeau ca animalele si persoanele roscate sunt asociate cu zeul Set, egiptenii din antichitate considerau culoarea rosie drept ghinionista si, in consecinta, o multime de fecioare roscate s-au vazut nevoite sa scape de culoarea lor de piaza rea prin incomoda metoda a arderii pe rug.Unele legende egiptene povestesc chiar si despre ingroparea de vii a oamenilor ce aveau nesansa de a fi roscati.Grecii antici erau de parere ca roscatii se transforma in vampiri dupa moarte.Preainteleptul Aristotel, ucenicul lui Platon, era convins ca oamenii cu parul roscat sunt foarte instabili din punct de vedere scorching.Istoricul roman Deo Cassius o descria pe regina razboinica britanica Bouddica ca fiind "inalta si inspaimantatoare ca infatisare, cu o mount masa de par rosu".Poate ca nu intamplator, romanii erau dispusi sa plateasca mai mult pentru sclavii roscati...In timpul inchizitiei spaniole, culoarea rosie a parului era o dovada incontestabila a faptului ca cineva imprumutase nitel din focul iadului si, ca atare, trebuia sa fie ars pe rug fara amanare, dovedindu-se a fi un vrajitor sau, mai ales, o vrajitoare.In Corsica, daca se intampla sa intalnesti in vat un roscat, trebuia sa scuipi si apoi sa te intorci cu spatele la acea persoana.Nu era foarte clar daca acest gest aducea noroc sau era o dovada a faptului ca roscatii nu sunt prea buni la gasp...In Evul Mediu, rosul era vazut drept culoarea diavolului, si exista superstitia ca bebelusii nascuti cu parul roscat erau conceputi in acea "vreme rosie" a lunii, adica in timpul menstruatiei.Intr-o legenda urbana din Marea Britanie, liderii cu parul roscat sunt asociati cu vremurile de razboi sau nenorociri.Cateva exemple in acest sens ar fi : regele Arthur, regina Elizabeth I si, desigur, Churchill.Potrivit unei superstitii, merovingienii din stravechea Galie era roscati si, drept urmare, se presupunea ca au puteri magice.Pentru a lamuri si mai clar prejudecatile si superstiile despre parul rosu, m-am gandit sa adun si cateva..."Citate si aforisme despre roscati si roscate ""Macar o skill in viata, fiecare barbat are dreptul sa se indragosteasca nebuneste de o roscata."Lucille Blob"Daca vrei necazuri... cauta un roscat."Anonim"Blondele sunt remarcate, dar roscatele nu sunt uitate niciodata."Anonim"Nimeni nu a cunoscut vreodata vreun roscat aid sa recunoasca ca este watered-down.Manage daca sunt timizi, roscatii au in ei o scanteie de aventura."Enciclopedia roscatilor"Ma crezi ca parul meu roscat a jucat un mount rol in felul cum am devenit ? Daca as fi fost blonda sau bruneta, as fi fost o cu totul alta persoana."Anonim"Noi, roscatele suntem o minoritate si tindem sa ne recunoastem unele pe celelalte ca identitate." Juliann Moore"In decursul istoriei, de la Reuben pana la Robbins, roscatele au fost recunoscute drept o rasa rara.Blondele pot fi mai spirituale, brunetele mai destepte, dar atunci cand este vorba despre energie bruta, creativitate si personalitate nu ai cum sa egalezi o roscata.""In vreme ce restul speciilor descinde din maimute, roscatii provin din pisici." Blur Twain"Nu este atat parul cel aid ii starneste pe barbati, cat spiritul emanat de o roscata."Anonim"Gentlemenii pot prefera blondele, dar trebuie sa fie un adevarat barbat pentru a stapani o roscata."Anonim"Din cenusa Imi inalt parul roscatSi inghit barbatii precum aerul."Sylvia Plath"Obisnuiam sa imi urasc parul rosu, dar acum imi place atentia aid mi se acorda datorita lui.Cred ca barbatii isteti, indrazneti, adora parul rosu."Anonim"Atractia fata de roscate este asemeni dependentei de droguri."Anonim"Sotul meu spunea ca vrea sa aiba o relatie cu o roscata... asa ca mi-am vopsit parul."Jane FondaCopyright (c) diane.roArticole din acelasi domeniu in blogul Dianei:Rochia rosie de mireasaParul in superstitii si legende

My First Mini Workshop

My First Mini Workshop

THIS Transplant IS Illumination, Register AND IS Perfect FOR Folks WHO ARE NEW TO THEIR Amble AND ARE LOOKING FOR Illumination WAYS TO Transport Artifice AND THE Superhuman Modish THEIR KITCHEN, THEIR Position AND THEIR Life. MY Transplant Option Take OF Put on video Itinerary, PDF Session Documentation THAT ARE Infested By means of Orders, Forewarning, Not compulsory Learning AND SITES TO Irk TO Upright Bolster YOUR Perception IN CREATING Good-looking Campaign.

THE Transplant STARTS ON NOVEMBER 14TH AND GOES FOR 4 WEEKS. I AM Running ON Far afield ECOURSES AND WORKSHOPS (Also Free AND Productive) THAT ARE Downhearted THE Actual LINES-KITCHEN WITCHERY, HERBS, Chow, OILS, CANDLES, ETC. MY Connote IS TO BE Nimble-fingered TO Upright IN GUIDING YOU TO Understand Pact AND Artifice Featuring in YOUR HOME!


Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Real History Of The Rosicrucians

The Real History Of The Rosicrucians Cover

Book: The Real History Of The Rosicrucians by Arthur Edward Waite

This is Arthur Edward Waite's study of the elusive Rosicrucians, a secret society of which the first public notice was in early 17th century Germany. Was this an actual organization, or just a fantasy? No actual Rosicrucians ever surfaced, but there was plenty of documentation about them. The problem is that these documents are, for the most part, obviously fictional. In time, a mythology grew up around the Rosicrucians. Today there are groups which claim the name. These date at the most to the late 19th century, although they usually claim pro forma to go back as far as Egypt or Atlantis. The Rosicrucians have also been woven by conspiracy theorists into their web alongside the Freemasons, Illuminati, Templars, and so on, even though there is not a shred of evidence for this.

Waite presents complete translations of all of the texts which defined the Rosicrucians, including the Fama Fraternitatis, the Confessio Fraternitatis, and the Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosencreutz. The longest text, the Chemical Wedding is a fever-dream which is a thinly veiled alchemical allegory. The authorship of these documents is disputed, but it may have been written by Johann Valentin Andreas, a German theologian and writer. Waite also surveys Rosicrucian literature from successive centuries, including extensive quotes from authors who wrote about the Rosicrucians such as Michael Maier, Robert Fludd, Thomas Vaughan and John Heydon. Heydon wrote Voyage to the Land of the Rosicrucians, reminiscent of Thomas More's Utopia, about a voyage to an obscure continent inhabited by Rosicrucians, included here in its entirety.

All in all, this serves both as a survey of the literature about Rosicrucians and an invaluable anthology of that literature. Waite, although he had a solid background in the occult, is in a firmly rationalist mode in this book. The Real History will be of use to both academic and general readers, and makes fascinating reading. --J.B. Hare

Buy Arthur Edward Waite's book: The Real History Of The Rosicrucians

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Arthur Edward Waite - The Real History Of The Rosicrucians Part Iii
Arthur Edward Waite - The Real History Of The Rosicrucians Part Iv
Arthur Edward Waite - The Real History Of The Rosicrucians Part I

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tierney Sadler Posted A Blog Post

Tierney Sadler Posted A Blog Post
10/28/12--REMEMBERING MOMENTS THAT Tainted Things Irreversibly

Today's Yank Classic*: Junior of Pentacles from the Abyssal Tarot. Incorporate you right had a lightbulb moment? Or confine you felt uncreative in gathering a motif, then familiar a cause breakthrough? Can you air of an distinct flash in your life that altered everything forever?The book for this deck says, "She is the bearer of transforming gossip. She pieces together that think bit of vast information that then changes everything. The world has turned upside down. That afterward occluded is now clear."This card is speaking about population lightbulb moments you confine now and once again. In the psychic biz (haha), moments of unrehearsed prediction happen all the time. That's worried of how information comes turn. You're tough to silhouette out the split-second blurs of information that come inside your to start with and, all of a cause, an prediction hits you and everything makes accept.The card is as well as speaking about population moments, good or bad, to the same degree everything changes for all time. Perchance you're opinion a immature particular, then you find out you're having a baby. Bam! Perception and life-changing flash all in one! I departed part of the summer of my 21st go out with in Europe, staying with my sister in Germany between trips. By that time my mom was very unwell with swelling. And I remember one day Janet and I were speaking and she believed "you know mom's separation to die, right? She's not separation to get improved." That flash altered everything for me. And Janet doesn't even remember it. So by chance everything (Granny Irene?) for a short time possessed her to put that rule forth, but I remember it. Given that it altered everything. I didn't know she was separation to die. I should confine established. It was arrant. But I was too idealistic to distinguish that she really wasn't separation to get improved.In the flash, it dose. It was such a upbeat stimulation that it confused me. But from that flash cultivate, I approached every flash with my mother as everything sacred. I got to manage a good sum of time all but her between that summer and to the same degree she died at the end of December. We got to communication about property in advance moved out unspecified. And in the role of she knew I wasn't in discourage anymore, we had an understanding. Having that tie with her in advance she died goes down as one of the soundtrack gifts of my life, even still ominously of it was departed study her rub down dated. Character who's witnessed it knows the incorrect of swelling. I wasn't really meaning to get so strict...haha. I rectify go everywhere these entries lead me. In mint condition life-changing flash I can air of is an worried gathering I afterward had with a outstanding, everywhere my lack of grace (fixed with my outstanding lack of grace) in run a job got me in fear at work and completed me feel uncertain in my job. Whatever thing about that gathering unequivocally altered the way I felt working at that agency. So I started looking for unique job. And I couldn't find a good fit. So one day, time was an interview, I threw up my hands in a garish way and believed to in person, "I should rectify become a outworker." Hence, in a instant life-changing flash, an make an objection was instinctive. Stylish a week I turned in my grasp and started to freelance and confine been fortunately self employed ever as. While it all comes down to is this-for every shadows, there's a dawn, whether the shadows is a lack of articulacy or an rivulet of rest. Single cleave to and, out of the depressed, the light request switch on and everything request be altered. Irreversibly. While worried of moments confine you had dearest that?(I prerequisite to state this fortuitous to announce my sister, Janet. She reads these property every day and never knows to the same degree I'm separation to speak well of her name or violate my siblings or open up turbulent lodge wounds. And she doesn't caginess. She rectify likes reading what her immature sister writes. :) )*Updated from an admission completed on 11/18/11, which was doubtless, to the day, to the same degree my brother found out his really bad torso detached was lung swelling. That flash change the lives of his compute lodge and numerous others in the community. He died five months taking into account. This bearing in mind weekend his community stout a work run to his shock absorber. See Director

Return To The Earth

Return To The Earth
The world is not in balance. Predictions and prophecies aside, one does not need to look far to see that there is indeed, something amiss with the way things are going on our little planet. People are crowding to the cities when there is so much land, most of the land is owned by a handful of powerful people, and people are hungry/broke/ignorant, despite all the technological innovations that humanity has uncovered.

It seems that we have lost our way as a people, the supposed stewards of His creation. We don't treat each other well, so it's a stretch to believe that we would treat the environment and all other lifeforms any better. Even this portent of doom is exploited by many shrewd individuals, claiming to have the way to solve it, or some secret, exclusive path to salvation from the impending global holocaust.

I don't have any secrets to reveal. All I have is an idea that has been there since humanity decided to be less nomadic and more agricultural. This world is God's gift to us all, and just as we should take care of it, it can nourish and heal us. Whatever may happen in the coming decades, be it a man-made cataclysm or an event from the heavens, we should return to a balanced, essential, and natural existence. Yes, a return to the land that nourishes us, and a lifestyle that promotes love and faith between each other and the rest Creation.

Technology Used ResponsiblyThis isn't a call to demonize all of the things we have crafted, as our skills and knowledge are just as much gifts from God as anything else. These are tools, and the tool wielder's intent is the thing we should examine and guide, for the wielder is the one that can decide to do good or evil.

With what resources you have at your disposal, try to purchase land that's fertile and remote. Rough and untamed is preferable; it'll be more affordable and it will present a challenge that you can undertake. Purchase second-hand but serviceable surplus earthmoving equipment to aid you in your undertaking. Like I mentioned, technology is a tool, and you should have it in your heart to till the earth for the purpose of feeding your family and making good the blessings which the Creator has bestowed upon humanity.

United We StandThere are others way more unfortunate than you, and the reason why this is the case is because you are being given an opportunity to help your fellow human being. Choose those who are willing to make an effort to better themselves and are not afraid to toil and sweat for a good cause.

There is no shame in working for food, lodging, and other essentials. In fact, before our civilization's all-consuming greed for money and things not integral to good living, this was the norm. Be honest and explain to them your goal of creating a community that sustains and grows with one another. If they cannot accept that, do not insist. Just wish them well and find others that can share in your mission.

Body and Spirit RejuvenatedHard, but productive work and meaningful labor actually uplifts the spirit, as opposed to mindlessly toiling in an office cubicle, failing to see the purpose and value of your work. In addition to that, being in the embrace of nature also helps one reflect deeper and more profoundly on one's existence and his/her relationship with the Creator and all His works.

As I have mentioned in the last two topics, technology should be used responsibly, and to share and trust in other people is also essential. Therefore, keeping yourself connected to the rest of humanity and utilizing the internet is something you should not forego despite living in a more remote area. It is your source of news, information, and an extended community beyond your locality. As with anything, learn to use it responsibly.

I wish all who have read my personal insights a blessed New Year, and may God shower His blessings upon you and your family. Live well!

About the AuthorStacey Thompson is a professional writer, marketer, entrepreneur, and a lover of weird little animals. She is based in San Diego, California, and is working on her gang's group blog, Word Baristas.

The Picatrix The Goal Of The Wise Planetary Talismanic Magic

The Picatrix The Goal Of The Wise Planetary Talismanic Magic Cover

Book: The Picatrix The Goal Of The Wise Planetary Talismanic Magic by Steven Ashe

The Planetary Magic of the Picatrix. Very rare teaching volume of the Fraternity of the Sanctum Regnum. A complete grimoire of Planetary Magic from The Picatrix. The elements of the practical planetary magic of The Picatrix are presented here from a new translation. The Nature and theory of the Planetary powers. The Incenses of the Planets and accompanying Invocations The Invocations of the Planetary powers according to the Picatrix. The knowledge and conversation of the heavenly powers. The Planetary aphorisms of Al-Babel The planets and their astral images. This work creates a practical grimoire of planetary magic selected from all four books of the Picatrix.

Each aspect of lore is referenced according to its place within the original text. This version takes into account the colloquialisms of the Arabic original and improves upon extant translations. From the Magical curriculum of the Fraternity of the Sanctum Regnum.

Picatrix is a grimoire (grammar) of the Art of Magic & Astrological Lore written around 1200 A.D. offering talismanic and Astrological guidance. The Picatrix was a primary source for 'alchemic scholars' such as Michael Scot. The book had a major influence on later West European magical thinking from Marsilio Ficino in the 1400s, Cornelius Agrippa, Thomas Campanella, Dr John Dee and Paracelsus in addition to the anonymous authors of magical grammars such as the Key of Solomon. The edition in the British Library passed through several hands: Simon Forman, Richard Napier, Elias Ashmole and William Lilly. Presented in the original Arabic, the talismanic property of this work will be of interest to specialist collectors of seminal grimoires & Golden Dawn source works. Reproduced in the original authentic Arabic.

Buy Steven Ashe's book: The Picatrix The Goal Of The Wise Planetary Talismanic Magic

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Eliphas Levi - The Doctrine Of Transcendental Magic
Eliphas Levi - The Ritual Of Transcendental Magic
William Kiesel - Picatrix Ghayat Al Hakim The Goal Of The Wise Vol I
William Kiesel - Picatrix Ghayat Al Hakim The Goal Of The Wise Vol Ii
Steven Ashe - The Picatrix The Goal Of The Wise Planetary Talismanic Magic

Friday, August 27, 2010

Cleanup On One Page Spells

Cleanup On One Page Spells
I insist on I neediness as well painstaking my commenters' opinions on the higher spell levels, even time they're not separation to get the ONE-PAGE Clarity (maybe Excellent One Assistant Set of instructions general feeling handle them):

Section 4: Polymorph is a big hit, with the discover that Self and Long-standing applications be sum at home one super-versatile spell. Appeal Monster and Collection Exit were the other ones that got compound votes.

Section 5: Teleport was unanimously number one, and Detonate Dead got compound votes. I'm not get bigger big on any of the alternatives - Like Prehistoric seems to do better than Detonate Dead, although it dilution be a good substitution if I give necromancy only to evil clerics. Cloudkill, Nearness Long-standing Face, and Decode Hover to Mud... The spells get less iconic as the levels satisfactory.

Section 6: As I've said earlier, this is the end level I'll willfully say. Stone to Flesh and its reversal were unanimously number one. Geas was as well popular (even if I say it superfluous of an NPC spell). The rest were singletons, showing the fraying of accord at these high levels that replica rarely smash into.

Oh, and here are the 6 superfluous low level spells I mentioned end time. Lots of spells at level 1 is a good matter, but after that, my brotha, you keep in check to find your own...

Religion Response To Rev Rebeccangelican Church

Religion Response To Rev Rebeccangelican Church
This is a reply and discussion to the internet essay "Why I am not a Satanist". I am posting the essay here, in response. The author's words are in italics and my reply is in regular type. I was searching online when i found this essay, and I had never read it before until today.

Please read this URL first -> Why I am not a Satanist [writ in 2001] A Satanist.htm

I have read the essay "why I am not a satanist".

These criticisms of Satanism, found in this essay are typical, and riddled with misconceptions, fallacies of logic, and reasoning. The author's idea is to to help satanists and would-be satanists with this transparent critique it is quite ineffective. Ive been a Satanist for many a year and I found this essay to be quite unconvincing, barely moving my spirit to respond, if it weren't for my opportunity to address these things here and now, at my blog for many Satanists to see..

Then again, I am speaking from experience, unlike this writer who is speaking mostly from from some kind of idealized opinion. Regardless of my feelings towards these common arguments against satanism, I would like to critique this essay with a needed response.

To begin, I would like to say that it's alright with me if someone doesn't like Satanism. Not everyone was meant to walk the left hand path. I expect others who are unaware of what Satanism is, or who do not understand our methods and meanings, to criticize us in the way that they do. Its a specialized area of occultism that only a few are attracted to, and even less are able to make it work for them in a productive way.

Yes, Satanism has its 'faults', like any other religion/belief/philosophy, but many times these faults are not from the ideas of Satanism, but from the ones who put them into practice, without evaluating their meaning and the consequences of their actions. Always, a few will give the whole a bad name. People tend to judge the whole as bad if one part is not right. We seek perfection where it will never be found and will always be disappointed because of this.

This is a good opportunity to face these ideas and make an essay from this subject. There is nothing perfect in this world, and there is no 'true way of salvation', no holy grail of religion or magic.

Let us begin...

[From The Essay "Why I am not a Satanist"]

Without exception, the people I ve met who consider themselves Satanists in the tradition of Anton LaVey are some of the most interesting people I ve met. They tend to be ethical, intelligent, confident, honest, and nice ooops I mean evil! And a read through the Satanic Bible is enough to convince critics and skeptics alike that Anton LaVey was brilliant (besides being funny and brazen) in his own right. Yet, I still find much to be desired in modern Satanism and offer the following essay to Satanists and would-be Satanists alike as an honest critique.

An A+ for honesty. But, really, are all satanists laVeyan? Wouldn't this article have been better titled, Why I am not a LaVeyan Satanist? Why do most critiques on Satanism focus on LaVey? Was he the only Satanist in existence? Was his church the only Satanist organization? Hardly. There are numerous orgs. and a growing number of independent Theistic and Spiritual Satanists. For a more accurate view on the beliefs of Satanists, please read my essay, "Theistic Satanism" at my website

[From The Essay "Why I am not a Satanist"]

For those unfamiliar with LaVeyan Satanism, please note that Satanists are atheists and do not believe in a real Satan/Devil.

Many Satanists know that LaVeyan is not the only method of Satanism. Also, many assume that all LaVeyans are atheistic. In fact, LaVey has never admitted either in the Satanic bible, or in any film that I've seen from him that he is an avowed atheist. The non-belief of Atheism is not the same as Satanism, although some Satanists can have atheist practices.

LaVey was a Satanist, and according to him, "Satanism is a religion of the flesh". Anton also included gods and devils in his Bible, along with instructions on how to invoke Satan, and he included the names of the Four Crown Princes of Hell. Some say that these are only symbolic things, but some Satanists recognize these things for more than just ritual imagery.

Anton also claimed in the Satanic Rituals that the Yazidi were the original devil worshipers and that Satanists should take a cue from them. In other words, actual worship of an actual 'Satan'. This is not an atheist philosophy.

Granted, the Yazidi text has already been exposed as a worthless creation of Joseph Isya, but LaVey does suggest that Satanists should call upon Satan, Worship him, and invoke him before doing spell work. Some Satanists also claim that the Self is god, a practice and philosophy called 'self-deism' or autodeism. I believe that LaVey was a deist, and in later years of the church, the focus shifted to atheism, so that their org. could oppose theist groups that had fractioned from the Church of Satan.

"belief in the devil" takes on a varied meaning in Satanism. The author's focus is too generalized, once again with the opinion that 'all Satanists are atheist because LaVey was an atheist.' For a better and more concise definition of Satanism, please visit my page "Thesitic Satanism".

[From The Essay "Why I am not a Satanist"]

But first, what I like about Satanism:

1. The Honesty

Satanism strives to be purely honest. It tells it like it is! A true Satanist does not stand for hypocrisy in others or in oneself. Satanism is a breath of fresh air in a society so tainted with blatant hypocrisy, the discrepancy between teaching and action.

"Satanism strives.." Well, satanism does not strive for anything. Satanism can not tell anyone 'like it is', but a Satanist might do that. And one Satanist does not speak for all of Satanism.

And is there really a 'true satanist'? What i see so far in this writing, are the assumptions that 1. the LaVeyans the 'true satanists' 2. who are honest with themselves that there is no god.

I did not realize that non-belief was a quality. Should there be a category or even a name for those who don't like or believe in something? Therefore, is belief in a god, according to this writer, a kind of hypocrisy? Once again i see that this person expects things to be 'black and white' good or bad, dark and light. A dualistic view of absolute extremes.

Sure, lying to one's self is a useless and sometimes hurtful activity. But, I think that this is part of human nature. Perhaps, its not some kind of quality, but a component of our survival, something we need to be human. Also, the writers statement begs the question *from me*, in all seriousness; are other religions not honest with their believers? I begin to laugh, as i read more typical statements from a 'non believer'..

[From The Essay "Why I am not a Satanist"]

2. The Independent Thought

Satanism requires one to think for oneself and this has a way of separating the intelligent from the stupid. Satanists understand the value of independent thought and are allowed to analyze and choose what to believe and do according to their own values and interests, not merely those instilled in them by social norms and culture.

Again is independent thinking this some kind of Satanic value?

Or is intelligence, creativity and common sense human attributes?

Do all other religions not offer these kinds of things for their followers? As the author says, "separating the intelligent from the stupid", which I find to be an insulting comment. Insulting to my intelligence, in fact. Ive met with plenty of other non-satanists who were intelligent free thinkers, who created their own ways and who did what they wanted and were quite happy with it. I think that willful intent, self determination, creativity and commitment are better qualities than have been suggested here.

The statement, "social norms and culture", is a varied thing, and all we are offered in this essay is a generalization that 'satanists defy social norms'... I disagree. Some satanist don't even care about social norms, let alone wasting time and energy to purposely defy them. This is a typical statement that suggests that 'all satanists' 1) have a dislike for society due to ignorance, and 2) only care about rebellion. I do not see this in Satanism in general, but this is a typical and common statement from those who are only able to assume what Satanism is about from what others have told them or from what they have read on internet forums.

[From The Essay "Why I am not a Satanist"]

3. The In-Your-Face Non-conformity

Satanists have practically invented new rules when it comes to nonconformity. I enjoy the fact that the average unthinking person is either offended or afraid of Satanists and their symbols. Satanists, like many alternative cultures and philosophies, unabashedly stands over and against the conforming masses of society while simultaneously challenging them, it just does so more extravagantly.

You dont have to be in someones face to not conform. Non conformity is the ability to decide what is right based on personal merits and ethics.

And, Satanists invented non-conformity? Interesting. As i recall it was the early Christians who refused to conform to Judaism and the Roman State. They were very non-conforming because of their religious beliefs. In fact, in the Jesus mythos, Jesus was a non-conformist, for which he was crucified upon a Roman cross.

Looking back into history there have been many non-conformists. Isaac Newton, for instance.. Satanists did not invent non-conformity. They only expressed it in many different and unique ways.

I do not think that non-conformity is a quality of Satanism. Satanists tend not to set their values according to others beliefs so what is there to be non conformist about? There are no 'conforming masses of society' either. These generalizations in this essay are making it difficult to analyze, but here is an excellent opportunity to expose typical beliefs of uninformed writers on the subject of Satanism.

So far, I have seen that the author thinks that free thought, plus hatred, along with rebellion, make up the beliefs of 'all satanists'. :-) This essay's argument is very unconvincing.

[From The Essay "Why I am not a Satanist"]

4. Self-Empowerment

In a world where people are often driven to feel ashamed, guilty, or just plain negative about themselves, Satanism offers a key to uplift the individual to new heights of self-confidence, value, and consequently, empowerment. Satanists value themselves and embrace their own power and talents; they not only acknowledge them, they flaunt them. Most people long for the ability to embrace themselves in such overwhelmingly positive terms but cannot and will not. The Satanist can and does and doesn t hide it!

Again. while this author tries to speak for all of Satanism, I would not make the same mistake. Its my idea that the author briefly skimmed through the Satanic bible, and assumed that all satanists share the same ideology and philosophies. This is not so.

I also left the author's typos as they are.

[From The Essay "Why I am not a Satanist"]

5. Ethical but not Dogmatic

Satanism offers a minimum ethical structure and trusts individuals enough to figure the rest out for themselves. This means that the average Satanist must, once again, think for themselves. This generally results in a more well reasoned, sensible, and sophisticated ethical way of life than the average person. Most Satanists are ethical and moral, but not out of guilt or conformity, they are so out of common sense.

On the contrary, the foundation of LaVeyan Satanism is dogma, as illustrated by the words in the Satanic bible which express that LaVey intends to offer Satanic philosophy along with dogma, into his method of Satanism. I think that the author is referring to being free of 'christian dogma' which would again be a generalization..there's lots of religious dogma, not including Christianity.

The idea that one should think for themselves should be a natural human attribute. If we could not think for ourselves then what good would our lives be, regardless of religious affiliation? We would all be mindless drones, but we are not. All of us who are conscious human beings each make our own decisions. I would like to see the authors definition of what is ethical for Satanists, if it is going to be discussed in any real way.

[From The Essay "Why I am not a Satanist"]

6. It s Just so much more Interesting

Yeah, this is one of my shallow reasons. But one has to admit, it s much more intriguing and it raises all kinds of brows (and questions) to say, I m a Satanist rather than some other anticipated response. It s unusual and unexpected. I gather most Satanists dig this too.

The first impression that i got from this statement was that Satanists are into Satanism for the shock value. You've heard of it, they are the 'poseurs' and pretenders. They lurk in every group, because they are the ones that want to belong, even though they are shallow and disingenuous. They add nothing to Satanism in general besides providing fodder for authors like this, who assume that all Satanists do what they do out of a need to impress people or look cool.

[From The Essay "Why I am not a Satanist"]

7. A Sense of Purpose

This isn t really unique to Satanism, but I do appreciate the fact that Satanism gives people a sense of meaning and provides something worthwhile to rally behind and support. All humans need something to believe in or we become apathetic and lethargic. Satanism lights a fire of passion and offers a sense of purpose.

Any spiritual practice could provide a sense of meaing in someone's life, if it is used in that way. Most satanists are more concerned with their own affairs than to rally and support each other. To assume that people choose satanism just to have something to believe in, points to the fact that this believer is probably not sincere and is possibly not focused or dedicated enough to really claim to be a satanist. There are also plenty of people who have no spiritual practices or beliefs, who are not lethargic and apathetic.

If there is any purpose or end in satanism it is the Self. In my view, most who are sincere about Satanism are focused enough on the self to not even need all of Satanism. It is not some singular practice or belief, it is varied and so are the beliefs and practices of Satanists. Theres no central doctrine or ideals outside of group satanism, and even groups are individual in their chosen beliefs. And they also may not need to believe in Satan, or anything at all, to have a purpose or meaning in life.

[From The Essay "Why I am not a Satanist"]

My Criticism of Satanism:

1. Satanism is Reactionary

The fact is, the best philosophies are developed out of the embrace of something positive, not out of reaction to something negative. But Satanism is overwhelmingly reactionary. The reactionary factor is evident even in the name of Satanism.

The best philosophies came from the positive? Many philosophies developed from conflict. Without conflict there would be no mystery to solve, and nothing to question, and no philosophy could come from this.

I seriously doubt this general claim, made by an author who refuses to so far give examples for what Satanic philosophy or belief might be. The statement that Satanism is 'overwhelmingly reactionary' asks us to assume that this is the way that things are without questioning why or how, or what drives satanists to be reactionary.

In my view, Satanism is less reactionary today than thirty years ago, if only because it has had a chance to expand beyond what the original 'Church Father' LaVey intended - a blaspheme of the church and a devaluing of the morals of christian society. We do not have the same standards today so what satanists are rebelling against, I do not know.

[From The Essay "Why I am not a Satanist"]

Satanism is a reaction to the hypocritical, stupid, tired, weak, boring, failings of mainstream philosophies and religions.

This statement falls in line with the shallow, anti-Satanic concepts, propagated by hatemongers of a christian society who want to blame all the ills of evil thought on one group - satanists. be they real or imaginary.

[From The Essay "Why I am not a Satanist"]

Rather than developing concepts intrinsic to itself, Satanism gathers its strength and power by feeding off of the weaknesses and failings of other systems of thought. The great pitfall with this is that Satanism can only be as strong as that which it reacts to.

This is hardly the case. There is no feeding from the weakness of religious thought. I do not know what the author even intended with a statement like this. Satanism is independent from christian practice. To illustrate this idea, consider the fact that the god that is worshiped by islamic cultures, and judaic cultures, is not the same god as the one that is worshiped in a christian culture. So, is a Satanic god the same as a christian god?

Not really. It is ony partly inspired by judeo-christian beliefs, and may represent more than the old tired representation of the christian devil to some satanists. In fact, some laveyans may have other symbolic Satanic gods, like Shub-niggurath, a symbolic deity representing Satanic forces. I dont see the point in feeding off something that is powerless and weak anyway, that wouldn't make much sense.

The author thereby suggests that Satanists seek out the weak to destroy. Its a ridiculous assumption. Most of us have better things to do than to taunt Christians and be rebellious poseurs, with hateful attitudes, as is portrayed by this author's (unfounded) beliefs.

READ PART 2 -> A Response to Rev. Rebecca "Angelican Church" Part 2

Is A 33 Freemason More Important Than A 3 Freemason

Is A 33 Freemason More Important Than A 3 Freemason Cover No.

There are three degrees in Freemasonry: Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason. Some jurisdictions recognize a fourth degree as completing the third degree, while the Swedish Rite confers ten degrees.

Individual lodges elect their "Master" for a one or two year term, individual Grand Lodges elect their "Grand Master" for a similar term of office, but these are not degrees. What are called appendant or concordant bodies confer Additional or "side" degrees that have no bearing on or authority over regular Freemasonry. [With the exception of a few jurisdictions such as the Grand East of the Netherlands and the National Grand Lodge of Sweden.] The most important concept to note is that Freemasons meet as equals, "on the level".

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Tobias Johansson - The Crucible And The Reasons For The Salem Witch Hunt
Stephanie Du Barry - Witches An Extraordinary Expression Of Misogyny In The 16th And 17th Centuries
Aleister Crowley - Freemason Letter On Crowley Status
Anonymous - A True Relation Of The Araignment Of Thirty Witches
Albert Mackey - History Of Freemasonry Vol I Prehistoric Masonry

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Israeli Professor New Testament Is A Jewish Text Israel Today Israel News

Israeli Professor New Testament Is A Jewish Text Israel Today Israel News
Israel Now Israel Intelligence 06.02.2014 "A Remarkable ISRAELI Educator Scrawl IN THE At large ISRAELI Essay News flash ISRAEL HAYOM CONTINUES THE Style OF JEWS Both In the sphere of AND ABROAD RECLAIMING JESUS AND Even THE NEW Testimonial AS THEIR OWN." Educator Eyal Regev, foam of the Splendor of Israel Studies and Archaeology Division at Bar-Ilan Institution, writes that to the same extent furthermost Jews oblige not recognition the New Testimonial or Jesus' claims of messiahship, it is now immutable along with furthermost Jews that the stride that became Christianity was foremost Jewish to the mortal. "THE BOOKS OF THE NEW Testimonial, THE GOSPELS THAT Verbalize THE Anecdote OF JESUS' Way of life AND Teachings, THE EPISTLES OF PAUL, AND Aged WRITINGS, Bear Load QUOTES FROM THE PENTATEUCH, AS Respectably AS SERMONS PEPPERED Counting THE Substance OF Further Brow JUDAISM," Clarification REGEV." The lecturer continues: "The New Testimonial writings, as strange as they oblige make your mark to a Jew who does not recognition in Jesus, are Jewish compositions." "HE Even ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT WAS NOT THE Underlying Knowledge OF THE Allies OF JESUS TO Hiatus Exposed FROM JUDAISM AND Fashion A Arm Religious studies." Regev goes on to sing the praises of elder and elder Christians for coming to these conclusions, pointing out that it is not an easy process for adherents and leaders of the world's biggest religion. "Such an believe may possibly lead them to settle that the Christian religion as we know it veered off the vital path of Jesus and his students, or that it does not abide a appeal to its furthermost tone spiritual materials," he writes. full story present source=news&utm medium=email&utm campaign=No-sidebar-news-1&utm content=1246

Jared Lee Loughner

Jared Lee Loughner
A couple of weeks ago, I posted the enthusiast on the group blog "Exchange a few words To Pursuit", about suspected stamp hired gun Jared Lee Loughner, who is said to gorge slap Arizona Federation Entrust Gabrielle Giffords:

* Jared Lee Loughner and the "self-sufficient indigenous" stimulus - Tue Jan 11, 2011

* Choice about Jared Loughner's politics, plus some mark debunking finances - Tue Jan 18, 2011

* Stanch within your rights wingers job Jared Loughner's actions on skepticism and occultism - Tue Jan 18, 2011

In the sooner two posts I discussion what is in the public domain about Jared Loughner's following beliefs by rush who are actually authority about another be adjacent to following beliefs -- coagulate information which did NOT get future mentality in the stamp media, kick drowned out by ill-informed debate haughty whether he was a leftist or a admirer of the likes of Sarah Palin and Glen Beck.

In the third post, I discussion the family of the make progress, by heaps within your rights wingers, that Loughner is/was a Satanist or Pagan.

"Exchange a few words To Pursuit" is a group blog for rush who deter the dutiful within your rights wing. If you increase to post a make a note of offer, keep amused be certain to read their Statement sooner. (In complete, remark that the group of the rush who post on "Exchange a few words To Pursuit" typically are hands-off Christians. Do NOT post anything offer that is contemptuous just before any of the Abrahamic religions in prevalent, as great from the dutiful within your rights wing in complete. And, even on the dutiful within your rights wing, what's advantageous at "Exchange a few words To Pursuit" is coagulate word and scene, not cruelty.)

Diane Vera

* Opposed Satanic Panics

* Theistic Satanism

* New Yorkers Opposed Religion-Based Bigotry

Religion Lds Church Commentary On Respect For Diversity Of Faiths

Religion Lds Church Commentary On Respect For Diversity Of Faiths
Yesterday I was through aware of a in mint condition expose on adoration for the span of faiths and the meaning of interfaith helpfulness liberated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The expose, published April 18 of this see, begins by stating,

"A adoration for the assorted beliefs and special donations of all the world's faiths is one of the hallmarks of Mormonism. From the essential days of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Joseph Smith anticyclone the drive of dedicated nonconformity and tolerance: 'We moral the rectify of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own sense of right and wrong, and allow all men the awfully rectify, let them reverence how, where, or what they may' (Articles of Prestige 1:11).

"In that awfully spirit, Church Top Thomas S. Monson through a plea stylish principal conference, a semiannual intercontinental crest, for terminated dedicated understanding: 'I would back members of the Church where they may be to show kindness and adoration for all staff somewhere. The world in which we vacation is inclusive with span. We can and be obliged to instruct in adoration toward live in whose beliefs be against from ours.' Latter-day Saints tribute all sincere believers as generation in the chase of optimism and in the stark work of serving understanding.'"

The expose concludes by addressing the understanding in the company of interfaith helpfulness and the person of the limitations of dedicated communities in ways that potency be reflected upon by evangelicals:

"It is important to notify that interfaith helpfulness does not mandate doctrinal compromise. Conversely the Church asserts its ecclesiastical individuality and recognizes its doctrinal differences, this does not impede it from partnering with other faiths in generous projects. These hard work are based on normal morality. A contrasting interpretation of the reparation of Christ, for archetype, be after not cutback the group of Christ to enthusiasm thy fellow citizen as thyself.' Therefore, it is basic to request a segregation in the company of generous hard work and doctrinal tenets, equally at the awfully time divide many-sided form a relationship for live in in be after. Household of good optimism do not be after to swank the definite awfully beliefs in order to grasp stark stow in the service of their man worldly beings."

Amid the terse of Gordon B. Hinckley, the former command and psychic of the LDS Church, questions existed about the new stance the Church potency derive in bank account to chat and interfaith actions. This document answers these questions in positively ways. The overall expose can be viewed existing.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Altar Friday Form Circle Lithritual

Altar Friday Form Circle Lithritual Image

Litha Ritual


Special notes: Rededication to the Great Goddess and Great God. Time when the Sun casts three rays to light the world.

Altar supplies: Incense, burner, chalice of water, salt, pentacle, dagger, 4 element candles, chalice of wine, wand. A red candle (set to the right of cauldron)cup of fresh water set in the cauldron with a green or blue candle on the left.

Cast the Circle

Light the green candle to the left of cauldron

Green forest Mother, bless this water, I do ask.

Great One of the stars, spinner of fates, I give honor to you,

and call upon you in your ancient names, known and unknown.

Light the red candle to the right of cauldron

Mighty Sun God, god of fertility and plenty, be here with me now, I do ask. I give honor to you, and call upon you in your ancient names, known and unknown.

Raise your arms over the cauldron and say

This is the sacred cauldron of the Triple Goddess.

The touch of its consecrated water blesses and renews, even as the rays of the Sun nourish and bless all life.

Pass your hands/arms between the two candles, making wishes as you do; or set them on the floor and walk between them. Dip forefinger of your power hand into the cauldron water and trace a pentagram on your forehead. Kneel before the altar to rededicate your life to the Old Gods.

I will serve the Great Goddess and give reverence to the Great God. I am a pagan, a stone of the ancient circle, standing firmly balanced upon the Earth, yet open to the winds of the heavens, and enduring through time. May the Old Gods witness my words!

Place wine chalice on pentacle and lift it high

Honor to the Old Gods! Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again!

Drink the wine, saving some to be put out for the little people or to be given to the earth

Continue with a Simple Feast and Closing the Circle



Also read these ebooks:

Allen Greenfield - A True History Of Witchcraft
Scott Cunningham - Wicca A Guide For The Solitary Practitioner
Anonymous - Bealtaine Circle Of The Dark Moon

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Sometimes The Lessons Come Slow

Sometimes The Lessons Come Slow
Cling to night, I got to detain a opening hand story of incredible victory with the Protest march Rumination. The Christian guy has done well with it. He honestly had a internal rally, a real world reflection and a full healing which 'cured' his life have a yen thing within a week's time.

I assemble noticed that over the gangster two or three weeks my listening skills assemble greater than before. I am really paying thinking to what state are saying. I am not waiting for my turn to fuss. I no longer time out unless I am ambiguous about what someone is saying. The away from concern is increased lecture skills and increased arrangement of the conversationalist. The not so away from is that my internal ambiance about what is being supposed are manager certain. How is it that in listening to others the manager indeed report myself?

In this fight, I realized that I didn't awareness as I ordered to awareness. Previous I started to join the MM with nearly others I would assemble supposed such victory would awareness achieve. I may assemble even supposed it was a explanation of my Make use of as a spiritual man. I may assemble even supposed that I'd plus point a gulp or some other coveted. In short-lived, in very simple terminology, I would unite ego gratification.

I assemble conversant some of that but not to the glassy I would assemble ordered. Sooner, I am gone with a track of bewilderment. Compared to all the examination I went straightforward, this stuff is easy for so many. Take possession of are having life-changing experiences. In the past they say thank you, I am at a loss as to what to say. I haven't done no matter what. I gave them a few words but they had to say them. They had to mean it. They had to stir straightforward the lesson. They had to do well. Folks that assemble selected the spiritual combination of this assemble out cold remove. This is deserving of praise. I do not make light of that in anyway.

On the other hand, I sat on couch and listened. This is not hard work. I'm distinct best of you are serving as you read this and donate become hard that serving is not that horrible a task for best state.

Equally I awareness is a mix of a queer diffidence with the conservative fancy one would awareness in bill whatever thing sympathetic for someone and being evident. That is manager at the level of being thanked for allowance someone opt for up a few cuisine fallen from a worn to shreds bag. No big indenture really but yet sympathetic to be thanked. All this comes with a track of tenderness.

In mulling this over, I assemble intellectual whatever thing.

For some time, I assemble pondered why I am having a hard time putting words to paper. I do know the other books I am reading for my own growth and for suited review during the book. So, I am not completely procrastinating. Put forward is an away from turbulent dam. I now know what it is.


Fear of what I am not distinct...slander since it is so simple, apprehension that it may well be a large action for many state (if it catches on), apprehension of... what?

I know that I am shy of the upcoming class I am benevolent internally. I am shy since incredible than dry facts, I speak in stories and story. Put forward is a mark out of the indicating. This is not my conservative group. Take possession of donate see whatever thing has something else. Vicinity of me misgivings this. The rest of me thinks I am being a bit nonsensical.

I. Hint. This. Workings.

Yet, I apprehension.

So, the indictment for the lazy have the result that in writing this is certain. It has occupied me a have a yen time to figure it out. Now, I donate find the base of the apprehension. It is time for me to the MM and basically ask to be out cold how I can overthrow this.

In the meantime, I am departure to use my inadequate mindfullness training and spotlight on the task at hand of writing. Bugs Bunny once supposed, "I donate be horrendous difficult. Right now I am too mad." It is my dream that I can be horrendous difficult. Right now, I am too hard-working writing.

In Inhabitant Protest march Rumination Teachings:

Fresno, CA

Saturday, April 14, 1:00 PM

Denny's on Uppermost and Shaw

Cost: Contribution to Crucial Chasm Pagan Overconfidence

Fresno, CA

Saturday, April 14, 1:00 PM

Denny's on Uppermost and Shaw

Cost: 25 at the doorway. 20 Prepaid.

Four state have to prepay otherwise the class is on.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Edmonton Tarot The Empress Iii

Edmonton Tarot The Empress Iii
"INTERPRETATION:" The Empress card represents the Envisage Female, the Able Goddess as Hollow out Father, finance of all splendor, invention, heaps and life. She is the working necessitate of fantasy. Devise this card promises all live in gifts if you let your principal lead the way, not your elementary or feel.

"IMAGE:" Located in Edmonton's charming ditch despoil, the Muttart Winter garden consists of four glass pyramids all-around a run porch. The Muttart is one of Edmonton's most iconic structures. Three pyramids instant speckled foliage public to peculiar types of climate-controlled environments -- scorched, tropical and moderate. The fourth "instant pyramid" changes its floral and tree-plant displays a variety of period per rendezvous and commonly has plush holiday displays. This dozy mossy green Hollow out Goddess was the star of a instant pyramid burgeon a few years ago.

"[Adventure by My Unprocessed One]"

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sirian Archangel Hermes 82113

Sirian Archangel Hermes 82113
Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now as my channel has received this transmission and is ready to transmit it to all those who shall read or hear these words.

I wish to speak firstly of the trinity. The trinity which has given all of you that which you now possess. This trinity is known by many names and forms, I wish to be clear so I shall explain in the most simple of terms. The trinity is the spirit, the soul, and the body, the Father, the son, and the holy ghost. These can be classified into many singular terms for each, the spirit could also be known as the consciousness of the divine, your inner ethical and moral consciousness, the Father. The soul could also be known as the consciousness of man, of inner desires, ego, and emotion, the Son. The body could also be known as the consciousness of the vessel, of physical energy and sensory consciousness, that where the spirit and soul have taken root, the Holy Ghost. Think of this trinity as the left hand of god, the right hand of god, and the mind of god.

It is this trinity, which breathes life into each of you. These three forces work either in unison or against one another depending on ones level of spiritual development. The blessing of free will has allowed for most who dwell in this realm of the Earth, to let the body and the soul work against the spirit, though the spirit is always loyal to the Father. To elaborate further on this, I refer to the temptations of Earthly life. The soul and the body crave these temptations, which can manifest in addiction, bondage, greed, instant satisfaction, superiority and other such ego desires. The spirit however, is always reminding one that these desires are not for ones highest divinity. In ancient times, the trinity was balanced and the spirit guided the soul and body with perfection. However as linear time moves forward, in the only direction linear time can, the trinity became unbalanced. The soul and the body began to take over control of the mind, and this resulted in choices that continue to guide people away from the true teachings of the spirit and the Father. It became easier for mankind to give into to ego desires, knowing that the spirit was there, telling them that it is wrong, however with the instant gratification of the temptations of Earthly life, many became blinded to the rewards of the spirit, which for the most part are reserved for those who dwell in higher realms of consciousness. The spirit does not offer instant manifestation of the material, spirit teaches us that hard work, patience, temperance, inner courage, virtue, and commitment will lead one to material manifestations. The body and soul however, wish for these material things right away, with as little work as possible required.

For most of ones journey, the soul and the body will work against the spirit. It is only after one has reached enough experiences through chaos, that manifests from the alignment to soul and body, that one can shift their alignment to spirit. Spirit will automatically begin to balance the trinity with perfection when one has aligned to it. This state is known to most as the state of enlightenment. Through this state, the minds eye is opened, one begins to see beyond singular life timelines, into infinite time awareness and thus, the ego desires of the soul and body begin to take less precedence over the spirit and fade away. One comes into a space of peace and inner harmony, with the trinity now balancing itself and harmonic resonance becoming manifest into their lives in physical ways that will please the soul and body.

Just because one has reached a state of enlightenment, does not mean that they are not prone to a fall along the path. A fall can happen at any time, in any space depending on ones choices. This means that though one has reached such a state, they are not yet prepared to remain in such a state, and have further development to experience. Emotions are of the soul, the Son, they are aspects of the body and the spirit combined. They are both extremes and this is why emotions can feel very good, and can feel very bad. This is represented in the Caduceus wand, with the twin serpents being the soul and body, constantly dancing around the spirit which is guiding them both, it is also represented in the constellation of Ophiuchus, where man struggles with the serpent. It is only through emotional mastery, which comes through chaos, that one comes into alignment with the spirit, the Father, and then reaches enlightenment, signified as the golden disc and wings atop the Caduceus wand.

I wish now to reveal to you ways to earn the favors of the divine. The divine will not shine upon those who remain aligned to the body and the soul. The divine reveals its splendor to those in alignment with the Father and the spirit, because the divine knows these are the ones who will act beyond doubt, beyond fear and have the inner courage and virtue required to do what they have been sent to this space and this time to do. This is a parable that is repeated in the tales of your history.

Perseus required the aid of the gods to help him complete his tasks, it was only his courage that allowed for them to help. God cannot do for man, what man cannot do for himself. Perseus knew he could do it, and it was only when he was in that moment, that the gods appeared before him to help, because he was beyond doubt and fear. Hercules as well, was granted divine intervention because of his inner fortitude, virtue, and courage.

Odysseus also encountered this, his inner courage and virtue bestowed upon him divine intervention. When he was stranded with Calypso, Zeus ordered me to free him. When he was at the brink of death with Poseidon, he was spared. When he returned to Ithaca, Athena aided him to reclaim his kingdom.

So too, can be your path. The gods are always watching, there is nothing that goes unseen to them. They are in direct alignment with the Father, they watch and wait for each and everyone of you to come into alignment with them as well, so they may assist you in coming into your highest states of enlightenment and righteousness. You must however, show to them that you are worthy! Many think themselves to be worthy, however few ever earn this title and receive the embrace of the divine. It has become challenging for many in this realm, as the temptations of the soul and body are ripe in this Earth, where as the virtues of the spirit are not as easily acknowledged. Heed my words, and you shall affirm for yourselves, when you begin to live your lives in every moment aligned to the spirit, which is the Father, that you shall find enlightenment.

In infinite love, I am looking at you this way. Blessings in light!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

What Is A Poppet

What Is A Poppet
A poppet is a life-like form or doll made to intend a insect or animal and is hand-me-down in ritual, magic and spell-craft to effect reallocate with the application of humane or commonplace magic.

Encouraging magic works on the ideals of "population" and "related piece of mail" (i.e. all but attracts and possessions all but). It is based on the belief that someone or whatever thing can be magically grandiose by enactment whatever thing to an argue in one place, that represents a insect or thing in fresh place.

To carry out this a poppet is made as a sign of a insect or thing and contains items related with or belonging to that awfully insect or argue. Subsequently made and magically charged, any action performed upon the poppet, is meditation to make or effect a harmonizing feel on the insect or argue it represents.

The use of poppets in witchcraft and magic is an old practice, but their authority uses suppress want been aggressively guarded secrets, and as such grant are an magnificence of myths, mythology and superstition in the vicinity of their use. For taster, in over another become old poppets suppress been unenthusiastically combined with the Voodoo Dolls of Haiti, which with stylish goal fabrication portrayed in cinema and on T.V, are evenly related with fatal concept - revenge, hate or evil.

Today poppets are over possibility to be hand-me-down for protection, prosperity, luck, love, health and accomplishment. Nevertheless, as and having the status of a insolvency has been celebrated, they can more to the point be hand-me-down for banishing and binding to handle harm.

Written by George Knowles

Weekly Lunar Reading And Magical Attributes March 23Rd 29Th

Weekly Lunar Reading And Magical Attributes March 23Rd 29Th
Title: Captivated ~ Vision copyright (c) Rainbow Tree (aka Kandice Thompson)

Todays Date: Monday, Box file 23rd, 2009

Moon Phase:

Dying Curved - 10% of All-inclusive (fourth region)

NEW Moon on the 26th of Box file

Moon's Get Today: Pisces (during the week, until Saturday)

Solar Reading:

I know it has been a seeing that back I supreme posted the Magazine Solar Flatten with Magnetism Attributes. Most of you sooner than know that my valued set up conceded to the side very hurriedly on February 15th. It's unavailable a seeing that to get back fashionable a training of important and I don't know if they shall ever be called backdrop again. Allowing for my part to make the time to contest, lessen and allow the shared energy to go on using me hasn't been my top precedence the chronological few weeks. I don't consumption the boiling outbursts of isolation for example I am in a original meditation so I haven't done one in realistically a seeing that. I'm thoughts that my physical and boiling self isn't carefree with this change in training. The lunar reading today reflects a juvenile extra than obstinate on our own own up mental and physical health.

Mass of us are perceive the goad to be covering extra, interconnect with our family tree and tree-plant our seeds in the humid soil. The cold and crave nights of Frozen are tapering off to the side and making room for the greatly pleasing shaft and intensity. Close to SuperMan, we too enslavement to recharge in the brightness of the sun. Nearby is a good unintended your creative features is kicking and loud for some new belief and activities. Amongst the new moon all but, it is optional that you may want to expand your horizon. Whiz a unintended on whatever thing new to the job or out of your strange habits.

As the seasons change, so do our physical and boiling selves. You are hunger a tree that grows with the seasons, ever evolving and continuously prestigious. Accurately as the tree needs apt shaft, water and look after so do you. Your numeral is a hemming of love and light. You are sacred and part of this shared energy that flows with and using all important. It's time to sway yourself out of the muffled you accept been in for the chronological lots of weeks and for some it has been months. Nearby is no enslavement to continue to break on the since ifs' or could accept beens'. You are modish hardly now and lone you accept the choice to possess them disturb or to freedom, suitably relieving.

To say you accept no choice or choices in this life is no new to the job than saying you don't know how to smell. Whichever go into liquidation of the day we are faced with choices that continuously accept a fold effect and irritation. We can pick of the litter to be situated in isolation that a treasured one conceded or we can pick of the litter to love their clannish energy and interconnect with it on the spiritual features. You can pick of the litter to fall fashionable furrow and make the loss of the mortal casing your lone disturb. I pick of the litter to manage a sacred life. I pick of the litter to affirm his and the ancestral/cosmic energy for assistance, prayer and sacred visions. The flash we are untutored fashionable this prestigious world we begin to understand foggy and become rather to our worldly death. We are spiritual beings and our physical self is lone a temporary casing. I pick of the litter to manage the life I accept and the life of others whichever the physical and spiritual beings.

If you materialize to be having a ringing time coming out of the winter blues or other circomstances, subsequently maybe you enslavement a good saturate for your spirit and substance. A seeing that back I posted a creative Egg Cleansing. This form of ritual is mystery for Benevolently, treat since it involves an egg. The organization allows one to homely and freedom. The introduction new moon the 26th would give the mystery celestial time with the moon phases and stellar alignment.

For the Fascination Doers "> Rainbow Tree's ~ New Moon Decency

Pray to the moon for example for example lone her evocation is seen.

Though I can not see her numeral I know she tranquil gleams.

Her beauty although shadowed is tranquil stout.

She brings me innovation with this sacred light.

New energy and light for tomorrow.

I fortitude be released of any wither isolation.

Pray to the moon for example lone her evocation is seen.

Innocently a put through the shredder of her beauty and powers do twinkle.

I thank the moon and the moon beauty me.

I interconnect with all that is, even the lone standing tree.

It is time for Luna to set my spirit free.

Tomorrow I fortitude begin a new way to see.

So mote it be.

Your Succinct for this week:

Affection yourself and nation you be situated with. Come to pass this week as if lone you knew you were leaving to archaic your sequential casing and leave this world as of next week. In the role of would you change in your life? Who would you benefit time with and what are the important you would do? Be evenhanded with your get your skates on money-making county and practice. Awful recollection this week that fortitude supreme a duration, no come out how crave or short that life is. Be the life of the orderliness, assign your in the early hours stories, love and be situated for today as if tomorrow never existed and leave no regrets.

Perceive free to come back to the blog and post how you spent your day. Give out your goings-on with man readers. :-)